? (How to vibrate a metal object with certain frequency)

  • #1
? (How to vibrate a metal object with certain frequency)

Hi there

I was conducting an experiment and I have to vibrate a metal object with certain frequency.

I had to ask can we vibrate a metal object with certain frequency , if yes please suggest me the ways.

Thank you
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  • #2

Here's one way to do it- fix one end of a thin strip of metal (like a coping saw blade) in a vice and give the other end a whack. It will vibrate back and forth and its frequencey will depend on the properties of the metal and the length of the blade exending out of the vice. If you can measure the frequency you can fix the vice so a different length is extending out of the vice (say, half the original length) and do the same. You should find that the frequency is a simple linear function of the length and so it becomes easy to see what length you need to get a specific frequency.