Don't Trash Greg's Hard Work: Show Some Humanity

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary, everyone knew a new skin was coming, but no one stopped and thought about Greg's feelings when the new skin came out. They only started trashing his hard work and his work ethic.
  • #1
Everyone knew a new skin was coming, Everyone knew Greg had been working hard on it. When the new skin comes do people say wow, good job Greg. or wow, you must have worked for days. Does anyone even stop and think about his feelings? No just start trashing his hard work.
Would it hurt you to show a little humanity? Before you answer that remember the member photos thread. Do you know how many lies Evo and Moonbear and others had to tell in that thread? As geek after geek after geek threw their goofy looking pictures up. "Ohh you're a hottie." "baby baby, I think adam's apples are so sexy." "My sleepy hollow is getting so hot and wet you Ichabod Crane lookalike" "We should start a PF men calendar"
They did this because they are nice people and are obviously not afraid of going to Hell if it makes you feel good.
I'm sure Greg isn't as fragile as that goofy looking guy with the zits, or the escapee from the Tora Tora Leper colony, (both of whom either had nice eyes or a great smile according to Tsu), but that doesn't mean you should attack him.
I just hope that the next time you ask someone how your butt looks in your new pants they give you the same courtesy you've shown here today.
Physics news on
  • #2
They're just feeling overwhelmed. A new PF skin is a major life change, like getting married or buying a new house or moving to Hawaii. There's even a term psychiatrists use to describe this, but I don't know what that term is.

My advice to those afflicted with this condition (whatever it's called): use the new skin! You will overcome your fear and confusion. In a few hours you'll enjoy the new, same old PF and appreciate that it looks way cooler than that stagnant two-dimensional dauguerrotype that was the "classic" skin.

PF rocks!
  • #3
i'll try the new skin some more. i remember when i saw it a few weeks ago.. glich? i didn't really like it then either. its very much not my style... but i'll see if i adjust. i remember when greg redid the forum before... like, he added a ton of forums and the home page had all this stuff and i was like woah woah woah... and i hated it. it doesn't bother me any more i guess. but i forget how it used to look. i think the fact that i don't have to keep the new skin will somewhat prevent me from getting used to it. but we'll see.
  • #4
Gale said:
i'll try the new skin some more. i remember when i saw it a few weeks ago.. glich? i didn't really like it then either. its very much not my style... but i'll see if i adjust. i remember when greg redid the forum before... like, he added a ton of forums and the home page had all this stuff and i was like woah woah woah... and i hated it. it doesn't bother me any more i guess. but i forget how it used to look. i think the fact that i don't have to keep the new skin will somewhat prevent me from getting used to it. but we'll see.
and even though this skin isn't my cup of tea. I can admire the skill, talent and hard work that went into it.
  • #5
i agree. i didn't say "man, greg sucks, i hate him for changing the skin!" i just didn't like it, switched it back, and was fine. now I'm saying i'll give the new skin a chance... we'll see.
  • #6
It took me by surprise at first, probably because it was unfamiliar and I'm happy with what I know! But I resisted the initial urge to take a step back to the old days, embraced the new technology, and it's growing on me!

Give it 24 more hours and I daresay I'll consider it a vast improvement.
  • #7
it kinda hurts my eyes cause my screen is so bright. i dunno. it is growing on me though. i opened up two pages with each skin and compared... this one has definite asthetic values. but all the really light grays kinda mess with my eyes.
  • #8
brewnog said:
It took me by surprise at first, probably because it was unfamiliar and I'm happy with what I know! But I resisted the initial urge to take a step back to the old days, embraced the new technology, and it's growing on me!
Give it 24 more hours and I daresay I'll consider it a vast improvement.
why? it sucks. Worst update ever. check out my pink ribbon with the old skin background surrounding it.
Just kidding.
thanks for giving it a try. I'm in a better mood already. I was getting so mad that I actually ended up getting a 13% ban meter increase. Ivan turned on me. I tell him how I respect him and he shoves me towards the barren wasteland of Ban.
I'm hoping that Greg will release a blank skin form so people can make their own. I wouldn't mind some wood panelling and lace curtains.
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  • #9
wood panelling would be really nice
  • #10
I know. nice grain, deep rich brown. comfortable, highlighted with a few lace curtains. gives it that homey feeling
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  • #11
I think it looks great. Alot of hard work went into this and It does not burn My eyescronxeh

I like the banner too. It gives PF a very nice look. I never like the 'classic' skin anyway.

Aww..I don't see the groan smiley!
  • #12
Tribdog, sometimes you are just really, really nice and it makes me :cry:

Let's see I need to remove Gale, yomamma, brewnog and rachmaninoff from the ban list. :-p
  • #13
Evo said:
Tribdog, sometimes you are just really, really nice and it makes me :cry:
Let's see I need to remove Gale, yomamma, brewnog and rachmaninoff from the ban list. :-p
I KNOW! so why does Ivan hate me so much? lol jk

sometimes I'm so nice and sometimes I just need some lace curtains
some hot lace curtains on my face.
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  • #14
tribdog said:
When the new skin comes do people say wow, good job Greg. or wow, you must have worked for days.
Try MONTHS! Greg has been working on this a very long time. I actually think it's easier on my eyes with the gray background instead of the bright white background (the font is a bit smaller than it used to started out even smaller...increasing it a pixel or two to match the old size is something that Greg can do if the size is an issue and would make it more readable...that might be what people are perceiving as a difference in contrast).

Seriously, I'm loving all the 3D feel it has now. The old blue skin feels horribly flat in comparison. I also REALLY like the new banner.

One problem I did notice though (thanks Yomamma for pointing it out)...what color do we use for hidden text, like for answers in the brainteasers forum? Has anyone found the right color gray? We might have to get Greg to add a matching text color for that purpose if one doesn't exist.
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  • #15
Moonbear said:
Try MONTHS! Greg has been working on this a very long time. .
Honestly though, Greg's an idiot. Days is plenty of time. lol I make myself laugh sometimes
  • #16
tribdog said:
Honestly though, Greg's an idiot. Days is plenty of time. lol I make myself laugh sometimes
You forget that we also just went through a major upgrade, thanks to Greg, he hasn't just been working on the skin. No lace curtains for you mister. :devil:
  • #17
It was kind of cool but it was to read the font
  • #18
Woah, I just noticed the banner! O.O

I don't see what people don't like about this...

I especially love the top right links which change colors and stuff when you go over them!
  • #19
Evo said:
You forget that we also just went through a major upgrade, thanks to Greg, he hasn't just been working on the skin. No lace curtains for you mister. :devil:

too bad the upgrade didn't fix your offline/online marker.
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  • #20
the banner I'm kinda iffy about. its a bit flashy. but yeah, i really like scrolling over the top right links. cept... that green is kinda... i think orange or something would be better. the lime seems so out of place? but the color change is neat!
  • #21
lime / orange who cares citrus is citrus
  • #22
you're a citrus!
  • #23
I'm "a-PEAL-ling?"
  • #24
moose said:
I especially love the top right links which change colors and stuff when you go over them!
I didn't even notice that before! Cool! I like that. Gale, just park the pointer over them and they turn blue.
  • #25
Gale said:
wood panelling would be really nice
Do you drive a station wagon?

The new skin isn't my cup of tea; seems hard on the eyes. Switched back to old skin and there's no problem. No need to rage against Greg. It's not like he's forcing anybody to use it.
  • #26
And its a smooth flowing blue! But wait, I have no shoes to match that color blue! OMG I'll half to post in black pumps.:rolleyes:
  • #27
I quite like this new look. I agree that it was a little harder on my eyes, but I just turned down my screen brightness and it's fine. There are a couple of things that I'll have to experiment with (or break down and ask someone about). I don't know what it'll be like at home, because this PC and my Mac looked quite different before.
  • #28
Moonbear said:
One problem I did notice though (thanks Yomamma for pointing it out)...what color do we use for hidden text, like for answers in the brainteasers forum? Has anyone found the right color gray? We might have to get Greg to add a matching text color for that purpose if one doesn't exist.

Highlight to read:
If you can't see this, you're missing out on a tautology.

In the 'color' tag, use color=#black.
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  • #29
rachmaninoff said:
If you can't see this, you're missing out on a tautology.

Hehe, Pf is now in stealth mode. Certainly more effective than just putting it in white.
  • #30
rachmaninoff said:
Highlight to read:
If you can't see this, you're missing out on a tautology.

In the 'color' tag, use color=#black.
How'd you figure that out? It's not in the color list. Okay, let me try this: Can you hear me now? Cool! Thanks!
  • #31
If you look under View-->Page source, you can see exactly what colors Greg chose for the new skin.
  • #32
How can anyone not like this skin.
When I first so it I was in awe, no really.
The graphics around the thread, like the blue and the green stuff, and the PF logo at the bottom right, it's the best thread design I've seen in awhile, and definately the best futuristic design.
  • #33
rachmaninoff said:
If you look under View-->Page source, you can see exactly what colors Greg chose for the new skin.
Um...okay, I'll take your word for it. I don't see anything in all that stuff that looks like the color you told us to type, but I don't even know where to look.
  • #34
Moonbear said:
Um...okay, I'll take your word for it. I don't see anything in all that stuff that looks like the color you told us to type, but I don't even know where to look.
you know, I looked at the source code and I found the stylesheet. It opened, I closed it. I tried to access it again, and it says that the page cannot be found. But yeah, if you use photoshop, you can get the color. ooooo:wink:

edit: now that I see it in photoshop, it's #e9e9e9 hmmm...Yeah, that works better
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  • #35
Evo said:
Tribdog, sometimes you are just really, really nice and it makes me :cry:
Let's see I need to remove Gale, yomamma, brewnog and rachmaninoff from the ban list. :-p
what did I do to get one there??

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