I need advice on upcoming course schedule

In summary, it is recommended to hold off on taking Quantum Mechanics in the same semester as Classical Dynamics, Linear Algebra, and Complex Analysis. It is suggested that it would be better to have a stronger foundation in these subjects before tackling Quantum Mechanics. Familiarity with special functions, such as Hermite, Legendre, and Bessel functions, is also advantageous in solving problems in Quantum Mechanics. It is noted that the individual's background in differential equations and intermediate electromagnetism may also play a role in their preparation for Quantum Mechanics.
  • #1
So I really have a few questions. First, is it wise to take the following classes in the same semester?

Quantum Mechanics I - At the level of Griffiths' Intro to Quantum Mechanics, chapters 1-5ish

Classical Dynamics - At the level of Thorton and Marion, Chapters 1-12, ends with coupled oscillations

Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory - At the level of Andrilli and Hecker. This class is aimed at math
majors with some emphasis on proofs, chapters 1-5.5, ends with isomorphism and diagonalization of linear operators
Complex Analysis - At the level of Marsden and Hoffman, Chapters 1-5, ends with conformal mappings

American Literature - Not very relevant to this discussion

No that it matters, but I'll be taking 15 hours and I'm a math/physics major at UT Austin.

You may have noticed that three of these classes is, some might say, essential to learning quantum mechanics. This leads to my second quesion: Would it be better to hold off quantum mechanics for the spring semester and get Classical, Linear Algebra, and Complex Analysis done first? I feel like I might not appreciate quantum mechanics as much, nor be fully capable of understanding or working out the problems if I don't know some of the math and physics. I hear some speak about hamoltonians showing up in Quantum, and I won't get to know about it until much later in my classical dynamics class. What topics from classical dynamics, complex analysis, and Linear Algebra show up in Quantum? Could it possibly be to my advantage to take all the same time that way I learn it and apply it nearly at the the time, hopefully?

I should perhaps mention that I have elementary knowledge in linear algebra (as far as matrix multiplication) and I only know about complex numbers (no kind of differentiation or integration) with little knowledge of infinite series of complex numbers. Furthermore, the only knowledge I know about classical dynamics is calculus of variations and that's about it other than Newtonian mechanics.

Thank you.
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  • #2
PhysicsKid0123 said:
Would it be better to hold off quantum mechanics for the spring semester and get Classical, Linear Algebra, and Complex Analysis done first? I feel like I might not appreciate quantum mechanics as much, nor be fully capable of understanding or working out the problems if I don't know some of the math and physics.

I would. That way you can concentrate on the physics and not be too distracted by the math. One question what is your background in diff. eq's?
  • #3
gleem said:
I would. That way you can concentrate on the physics and not be too distracted by the math. One question what is your background in diff. eq's?
Yes, I've taken differential equations 1st,2nd ODE's, power solutions, and a little bit of PDEs, particularly the heat equation and Laplace equations
  • #4
Regarding PDE special functions plays a big role in QM so familiarity with these is important. have you had any exposure?
  • #5
gleem said:
Regarding PDE special functions plays a big role in QM so familiarity with these is important. have you had any exposure?
Like which ones are you referring to? I'm familiar with 3-dimensional Dirac delta function or the integral of it,rather. I'm also very familiar with vector calculus. I'm not sure if I remember any other special functions.
  • #6
Hermite, Legendre and Bessel functions which are solutions to particular types of diff eq's.
  • #7
Just to make sure I assume you have had intermediate E/M.
  • #8
gleem said:
Hermite, Legendre and Bessel functions which are solutions to particular types of diff eq's.
No, not hermite, barely touched on Bessel and Legendre functions like once or twice like what seems a long time ago. Yes, I took took E/M at the level of griffiths electrodynamics. I read all of part 1 and the only thing I read from the second was on gauges.
  • #9
Great with Griffiths. Familiarity with special functions is an advantage in solving problems in QM.
  • #10
gleem said:
Great with Griffiths. Familiarity with special functions is an advantage in solving problems in QM.
So just to be clear, after all that I've told you about my math and physics background, you would recommend I hold off Quantum Mechanics?
  • #11
What year are you and what other physics classes have you taken so far?
  • #12
radium said:
What year are you and what other physics classes have you taken so far?
In terms of courses I've taken, I suppose I'll be Junior, or sophomore, or in between? I've taken modern physics, waves and oscillations which touched on optics +lab, freshman mechanics+lab, freshman E/M +lab. Cal I,II,II, Diff Eqs, Electrodynamics I. I spent two years at another university where I only took math and core classes, no physics, before transferring to UT. I've effectively been in school for 4 years now, and I suspect I might take two more if I want to get two degrees. The reason is I might not make it into a good grad school so might as well get two degrees from a good school and join the work force then try grad school after that. Thanks for taking the time to respond btw, I appreciate it.

Edit: reason I'm doing two degrees is because I love those two subjects. I find them aesthetically pleasing to my mind, and not mention I love how complex problems (in any field if I find it interesting) can become more accessible to solve if I know more math.
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  • #13
You don't really need a full blown complex analysis/variables course for introductory QM unless the lecturer is REALLY gung-ho on maths (e.g. from the Russian school). Just being comfortable with complex numbers generally is probably sufficient. Proper linear algebra on the other hand is probably quite useful as prior knowledge however, even if it's not taught explicitly from a formal point of view, the concepts were quite helpful I found.

With regards to Hamiltonians, the advice I've been given, and as I encountered them, was that for lower level QM it's generally fine to treat it as a black box of sorts, and just know the Hamiltonian takes a specific form for whatever problems you get, and then as you go into the higher echelons a better understanding of the fundamental maths is more helpful. Again, it depends somewhat on the rigour and style of the course, whether it's more physical intuition based or mathematically based.
  • #14
Based on the core curriculum I had in undergrad, the logical next step would be to take quantum. I learned most of the relevant math I know from physics classes. I took a graduate mathematical methods of physics course and that gave me the foundation to learn more advanced math for my research.

FAQ: I need advice on upcoming course schedule

What factors should I consider when planning my upcoming course schedule?

When planning your upcoming course schedule, it is important to consider your academic goals, required courses for your degree program, available course offerings, and potential conflicts with other commitments such as work or extracurricular activities.

How many credits should I take each semester?

The number of credits you should take each semester depends on your individual circumstances and academic workload. It is typically recommended to take 12-15 credits per semester for full-time status, but you may need to adjust this based on your personal schedule and academic abilities.

Should I take all of my required courses first or spread them out throughout my college career?

It is generally recommended to spread out your required courses throughout your college career rather than taking them all at once. This allows for a more balanced workload and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. However, if you have several prerequisites for upper-level courses, it may be beneficial to complete those earlier on.

How do I know if a certain course will be too challenging for me?

You can determine if a course will be too challenging for you by researching the course material, reading reviews from previous students, and consulting with your academic advisor. It is important to challenge yourself academically, but also to ensure that you are not taking on too much at once.

Can I change my course schedule after it has been finalized?

Yes, you can typically make changes to your course schedule after it has been finalized. However, this may depend on your institution's policies and deadlines. It is important to communicate with your academic advisor and carefully consider the potential consequences of making changes to your schedule before doing so.

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