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Homework Statement
I need to find the X of two substances using only the data found in lab. Which is: nmixture=1.4156 nbutan-2-one=1.3787
ntoluene=1.4970 For the mixture, I don't know what X (the mole fraction) is. That is what I must find out.
Homework Equations
nmixture= (Xbutan-2-one *nbutan-2-one) + (XToluene *nToluene)
The Attempt at a Solution
What I did here is I said let x be equal to X for the butan-2-one and y be equal to X for the toluene...Then finding two equations to do a substitution...which obviously did not work...I also tried other things that basically ended up worse than this...I'm really stuck and I would need a lead! Thank you in advance for your help :) !