If the world was to end tomorrow, would you want to know now?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: So basically, you are saying that you would like to know the date and time of the world's end so that you can plan accordingly.

Would you want to know?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 88.9%
  • No

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
If the world was to end tomorrow, would you want to know now?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Nah, I wouldn't be worried
  • #3
I voted yes. At least, I could do things that I like for the rest of the time and to prepare myself to witness this unprecedented and unrepeatable event.
  • #4
Now let's be honest, I think the poll should be, if you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, would you go out and... hurt people? Then I'd vote in it...
  • #5
depends on how it would end...actual i would want to knowanyway so i could end my world with asprin the ultimate pain killer...if u catch my drift

and what i would do is tell everyone that it is going to end the pretend to be a profit sent by jesus and Shiva the actual gods of the universe then sit back and insanly laugh to stop the pain
  • #6
Really?? Tomorrow is the big finale? So much to do, so little time...
  • #7
Yea, then I could go tell this girl I like how I feel and it wouldn't really matter!
  • #8
I would consider taking up heroin as it is meant to be the greatest high. Although too destructive to have in real life.
  • #9
god the things you could do. sex,drugs and rock n roll man. please tell me tomorrow really is the end
  • #10
I find the form of this question rather paradoxical. Of course, this isn't the Philosophy Forum, so I wouldn't harp on some small mistakes or anything, but this one really makes the question unanswerable to me. How is it possible for me - at the time when the world was going to end soon - to choose whether I want to know about it or not? That'd be like asking, "if you were about to get wacked on the forehead, would you want to know about it?", why should I even ask if I didn't already suspect it?
  • #11
Originally posted by Mentat
I find the form of this question rather paradoxical. Of course, this isn't the Philosophy Forum, so I wouldn't harp on some small mistakes or anything, but this one really makes the question unanswerable to me. How is it possible for me - at the time when the world was going to end soon - to choose whether I want to know about it or not? That'd be like asking, "if you were about to get wacked on the forehead, would you want to know about it?", why should I even ask if I didn't already suspect it?

Well I think I see your point. How about: If the world was going to end tomorrow would you want to know today? I don't know how I missed that.

I often write these posts in between long work sessions. Sometlimes me thingling gots a loottle cornfosed.
  • #12
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Well I see your point. How about: If the world was going to end tomorrow would you want to know today? I don't know how I missed that.

I often write these posts in between long work sessions. Sometlimes me thingling gots a loottle cornfosed.

LOL! We forgive you.

So, basically, you are asking, "if there were someone capable of telling you whether the world would end tomorrow or not, would you ask her?", right?
  • #13
Originally posted by Mentat
LOL! We forgive you.

So, basically, you are asking, "if there were someone capable of telling you whether the world would end tomorrow or not, would you ask her?", right?

How about this? Assume that I know when the world will end. I am telling you that it could be tomorrow. Do you want to know for sure?
  • #14
Yes then i would sing a merry song and dance a merry dance!
  • #15
just tell me when its going to happen so can start sexing, rock n' rolling, and getting the in.

how many times do i need to ask:wink:
  • #16
Originally posted by drdeath
just tell me when its going to happen so can start sexing, rock n' rolling, and getting the in.

isn't it obvious? It's tomorrow. So go on, you're half a day late already :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • #17
Its a pity today started in different places all around the world!
I guess that means the world gets chomped up, time zone at a time
  • #18
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
How about this? Assume that I know when the world will end. I am telling you that it could be tomorrow. Do you want to know for sure?

Okay then, yes. I don't much care for the idea of the world coming to an end without my having done at least some of the things I've wanted to do.
  • #19
I don't know how many popel i would just sucker punch i mean if math had a higher number than elevendy billion i would do it but it's just not possable to sucker punch that many people

Originally posted by Ace-of-Spades
Its a pity today started in different places all around the world!
I guess that means the world gets chomped up, time zone at a time

oh wow that remids me of a great anecdote (spell check that) new years eve 2000 one of those late show where doign a coverage on a country that already had new years and lava was pouring everywhere and he was at the time zone boarder. on an unrealated note do not reaspond to this so the thread dosent go off topic

FAQ: If the world was to end tomorrow, would you want to know now?

1. What is the likelihood that the world will actually end tomorrow?

As a scientist, I cannot accurately predict the likelihood of the world ending tomorrow. However, based on scientific evidence and knowledge, it is highly unlikely that the world will end tomorrow.

2. How would knowing about the end of the world affect our daily lives?

Knowing that the world will end tomorrow would likely cause chaos and panic among people. It would also change our priorities and outlook on life. We may also see an increase in extreme behaviors and actions.

3. Would knowing the end of the world change anything in terms of preparing for it?

If the end of the world was inevitable, there would likely be no point in trying to prepare for it. However, if there was a chance to prevent it, knowing about it could give us time to take action and potentially save ourselves.

4. What scientific evidence do we have that supports the idea of the world ending?

There is no scientific evidence that supports the idea of the world ending tomorrow. While there are potential scenarios that could lead to the end of the world, such as a catastrophic event or natural disaster, these are highly unlikely to occur on such short notice.

5. How would governments and society as a whole respond to the knowledge of the world ending tomorrow?

Governments and society would likely respond with chaos and panic. There may be attempts to come up with solutions or preparations, but it is unlikely that any significant changes could be made in such a short amount of time.
