What could have happened to Art Bell's wife, Ramona?

  • Thread starter WarrenPlatts
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    Art Bell
In summary, Art Bell announced that he is moving to the Philippines to be with his Filipino wife Airyn Ruiz, but will continue doing Coast programs from that location. Some listeners were shocked by this news and others found it entertaining.
  • #1
This is too soon. I predict he'll be happy he didn't sell his Nevada ranch. Is she even 18?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm moving this over to GD. But no kidding, what a shocker.
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  • #3
What the..?:eek: What's the story?
  • #4
During the first hour, Art shared the story of how he met, fell in love with, and married a very special Filipino woman, Airyn Ruiz. Art also announced that he will be moving to the Philippines on April 29th to be with Airyn, but will continue doing weekend Coast programs from that location.

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  • #5
WarrenPlatts said:
During the first hour, Art shared the story of how he met, fell in love with, and married a very special Filipino woman, Airyn Ruiz. Art also announced that he will be moving to the Philippines on April 29th to be with Airyn, but will continue doing weekend Coast programs from that location.


yeah, I saw that. Skimpy on the details. Did you happen to catch the show?
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  • #6
She looks so young! Maybe he's having a crisis response or something.
  • #7
Who is art bell? :confused:
  • #8
cyrusabdollahi said:
Who is art bell? :confused:
Talk-radio host who abandoned liberal/libertarian political talk to focus on fringe/conspiracy topics. Entertaining, but don't look to gather lots of verifiable, usable facts from any particular show. Not much different from Rush, except that Rush pretends to be mainstream and factual, while being further to the right and even less factual than Pat Robertson (if that is possible). Rush has the "strawman" technique honed to perfection. Nobody is better at it.
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  • #9
cyrusabdollahi said:
Who is art bell? :confused:
Like Turbo stated his main focus is finge topics; UFOs, Bigfoot, Ghosts, Conspiracy Theories, ect. His show is best considered as entertainment but he does occasionally have interesting credible guests on the topics of science and technology.
  • #10
Math Is Hard said:
What the..?:eek: What's the story?

I caught a bit of the beginning. He says that he went on vacation and met her while there. She was about to head off to the middle of nowhere to teach when she met Art and fell in love.

sure sure sure... yadda yadda yadda... :biggrin:
  • #11
Holy bejeezus, didn't his wife die like last week? This guy is getting a little bit eccentric.

I remember MIH or Moonbear or Evo said that girls would line up for him, because of his intelligence, maturity and very sexy voice.
  • #12
Either he:
-felt sorry for her poor family
-accidently knocked her up (she seduced him)
-needs a housecleaner, mating partner, cook combi

or all of the above
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  • #13
I heard him talking about it briefly from last night. He said he is packing up two of the cats and taking them to Manila with him, and Clear Channel is very supportive of him doing the broadcast from the Phillipines.

He said that a lot of people were writing in expressing their shock over this turn of events and he said that it is his nature to do impulsive things like this. This is just too weird, though. It really gives me an uneasy feeling.

I think Pit might be right, as far as him looking for a housekeeper, companion, and cook, but more importantly I think, a nurse. I seem to remember that he gets pretty incapacitated with back problems and he needs someone to look after him during these times. I'm sure his back problems aren't getting any better as he gets older.
  • #14
Mk said:
Holy bejeezus, didn't his wife die like last week? This guy is getting a little bit eccentric.

I remember MIH or Moonbear or Evo said that girls would line up for him, because of his intelligence, maturity and very sexy voice.

I think he's .

Smart people are fun to talk to, but not always fun to "play" with.
  • #15
After reading more about it, it almost sounds like he and his friend had a hard time picking up girls and just flew to the Philipines to "buy" a wife.

I understand life hasn't been easy for him in the past year, but that's no excuse for throwing rational thought out of the door.
  • #16
Mk said:
I remember MIH or Moonbear or Evo said that girls would line up for him, because of his intelligence, maturity and very sexy voice.
It wasn't me. :bugeye:
  • #17
Evo said:
It wasn't me. :bugeye:
Wasn't me, either. And I don't think Moonie would even know who Art Bell is.
  • #18
I know what is causing the confusion. You all were talking about me; right? :shy:
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
I know what is causing the confusion. You all were talking about me; right? :shy:
Yes. :!) :!) :!)
  • #20
I knew it! :biggrin:

Really, I do have a radio voice kind of like Bell's. That was my other most likely career option - voice work of some kind. Even called a horse race [trials] at Hollywood Park once, just for fun. My buddy was the track announcer.

[just imagine, 100,000 watts of Ivan ]
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  • #21
The same one you were offered a job at when you were young and you found that it was the mafia?
  • #22
Mk said:
The same one you were offered a job at when you were young and you found that it was the mafia?

OMG! Did I tell that story?

That's all related, but not that person and a long time ago.

...and that's not quite how it goes but close enough.
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  • #23
Ivan Seeking said:
I knew it! :biggrin:

Really, I do have a radio voice kind of like Bell's. That was my other most likely career option - voice work of some kind. Even called a horse race [trials] at Hollywood Park once, just for fun. My buddy was the track announcer.

[just imagine, 100,000 watts of Ivan ]
hmmm... Maybe YOU should have been the heir to the C2CAM throne, rather than Noory. :approve:
  • #24
Math Is Hard said:
hmmm... Maybe YOU should have been the heir to the C2CAM throne, rather than Noory. :approve:
I'll second that. I think that Ivan could likely do a much better job than Noory. Ivan might bring more skepticism to the show than most of the listeners are likely to appreciate though.
  • #25
:smile: No way, I would bore everyone to death.

...though I could certainly ask better questions than Noory does. :biggrin:
  • #26
Ivan Seeking said:
:smile: No way, I would bore everyone to death.
Art always talked about his projects around the house. I'm sure people would be interested in your's too.:-p
  • #27
And your cats!
  • #28
Frankly, it has often scared me that Bell and I have so much in common. The only reason that I wanted to watch Dead Like Me was because Bell recommended it so highly. I have learned that if he loves it, I probably will too. :redface:

After listening to the show for about a year, I noticed that Giorgio Moroder did the theme song - and of course I am a huge Moroder fan from the re-release of Metropolis, which is about my all time favorite movie. And I love the song that Crystal Gayle did for him. Okay, it's cheesy but I still like it. :biggrin:

If he just wasn't so full of it sometimes...like his amazing antenna mystery nonsense. :rolleyes: Plenty of people know the answer and he won't allow anyone to say it.
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  • #29
Airyn Ruiz & Art Bell

I agree with the reply by Math Is Hard: Art Bell could have been “looking for a housekeeper, companion, and cook, but more importantly I think, a nurse. I seem to remember that he gets pretty incapacitated with back problems and he needs someone to look after him.”

Frankly, I was a little surprised to see that people were going so easy on Art. There is another comment in which Jason Rox points out that “I understand life hasn't been easy for him in the past year, but that's no excuse for throwing rational thought out of the door.” It may appear that Art has thrown rational thought away. But let’s keep things in perspective; Art Bell is a talk show host, nothing more. As such, his guiding moral compass is no higher or better than anyone else’s. If you look at him in this light, he’s done better than most.

It may now appear that Art is groping for a quick and decisive solution to another great challenge in his life while he is able to, by taking what might appear to many to be an irrational risk. But he’s doing this because he’s afraid of what might lie ahead for him if he doesn’t. Art was very comfortable sharing his life with a companion. Since that companion went missing on him, his next logical step was to go find another. There is nothing irrational about it from Art’s perspective. He needs and wants a companion that can assist him at this point in his life. All things being equal, it truly doesn’t matter much who this companion is, as long as she is physically and mentally capable of being there for him, and that she is a rational thinking woman. That is exactly what he chose.

Art may be thinking that if nothing else, his wealth should certainly be enough to purchase Airyn’s loyalty and respect, and that she will be emotionally capable of handling his needs and his desire for happiness and assurance to the end. I’m not saying that Art and Airyn can’t be in love; in fact they had better be in love if there is to be any chance for this relationship to work for them, and to be enjoyable despite whatever challenges lie ahead. The money will mean less and less to them as time marches forward and their realtionship evolves.

It’s a two way street: both expect something substantial out of this relationship. I doubt that Airyn has given much thought to what might truly lie ahead for her during Art’s later years. Right now she’s likely looking more at the prize more than at the price. Art is leaping to several conclusions too, in which he could ultimately prove to be right: that all he’s worked for can now turn around and grant him a happy ending, and that his fan base will continue to support him in whatever decisions he makes for his personal life. There’s no turning back now, but I would guess there are days Art regrets having made his personal life so public. But that's part and parcel of Art's persona, to share his life with his audience. We stick our nose into his life deep enough and we start thinking we have the right to help him make personal decisions, but we have no such right. Our only right is to our opinions. I wish him and Airyn the best.
  • #30
Yeah, me too. I really don't know what's up. Maybe the government is trying to take him again. :eek: And he has to go over to my corner. Don't worry! I'll protect him! Avant garde! Or En guard... or something like that. I never was very good at fencing. Too many sharp objects. Maybe I should go for the dual six-shooters or... YESS dual machine guns! Remember in one of those Arnold Schwazzentniggerh films, he takes down like the whole Mexican army that way?? Awesome!
  • #31
Mk said:
Yeah, me too. I really don't know what's up. Maybe the government is trying to take him again. :eek: And he has to go over to my corner. Don't worry! I'll protect him! Avant garde! Or En guard... or something like that. I never was very good at fencing. Too many sharp objects. Maybe I should go for the dual six-shooters or... YESS dual machine guns! Remember in one of those Arnold Schwazzentniggerh films, he takes down like the whole Mexican army that way?? Awesome!

haha i can picture this all to well
  • #32
Art Bell Child Bride

Why didn't if they are so psychic Ed Dames, Gordon Michael Scallion, Sylvia Browne, or Sean David Morton remote view Art Bell getting married to a child bride? Bell says she's 21 however that's the Phillipines who really knows how old she is. I have troulbe believeing anything Bell says about this.
  • #33
No kidding!

That reminds of the comment made by...crud...who was the black female vocalist who headed the Psychic Network on TV? When asked what had caused the network to go bankrupt, she said something like, ~"we're still not sure. We never saw it coming". :biggrin:
  • #34
Ivan Seeking said:
No kidding!

That reminds of the comment made by...crud...who was the black female vocalist who headed the Psychic Network on TV? When asked what had caused the network to go bankrupt, she said something like, ~"we're still not sure. We never saw it coming". :biggrin:
Was that Dion Warwick's Psychic Friends Network?
  • #35
Math Is Hard said:
Was that Dion Warwick's Psychic Friends Network?

That would be the one! :biggrin:

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