Increasing comforts - > Decreasing Happiness ?

In summary, the topic of increasing comforts and decreasing happiness was discussed in a group discussion led by a value education instructor. The instructor argued that happiness is completely from within and used the example of happiness in deep sleep to support his argument. However, others in the group believed that happiness is a combination of internal and external factors, and that increasing comforts can indeed contribute to happiness. The conversation also touched on the topic of positive emotions and their effect on happiness, and the role of family dynamics in different cultures. Overall, the topic is still open to interpretation and further discussion.
  • #1
Increasing comforts - > Decreasing Happiness ?

My value education sir gave us this topic for group discussion.

He told us that a survey was conducted which showed that Bangladesh was among the happiest rated countries in the world while several developed nations were lower down the rating.
Then he put forth the argument that happiness was completely from within, and he gave us the example of happiness in the state of "deep" sleep ( whatever that means !). In deep sleep, according to him, all external factors are absent and yet we feel happy, and so happiness is not in other objects. He did not give any other instances to substantiate his arguments.

Now, I feel that happiness is both within and without us, and that increasing comforts do indeed increase happiness. In the case of deep sleep, if we are completely happy, then why do we wake up?
Also, I don't think that the comforts we get in life blind us in any way towards real happiness. Simple living is just not going to get us anywhere, let alone happiness.

Any comments on this topic will be appreciated.
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  • #2
Well it's an interesting topic but kind of vague..

If I sit in a wooden chair with no pillow when I'm on the computer, will that make me happier than sitting in cozy big leather chair?

Also about the happiness from within thing.. I think that a person can be both unhappy and happy in ANY situation, depending on how the person views what he is in.
Some people might even be happy under torture if the circumstances are right, while others will be sad they won 320 million dollars.

But like I said it's kind of vague..
  • #3
Happiness is a state of mind. In that sense, it does indeed come from "within"

Best Regards
  • #4
cyberfrenzy said:
In the case of deep sleep, if we are completely happy, then why do we wake up?
Well unless you believe in some religious dogmas it is pretty well clear that we do not exist to be happy but to procreate.
If we were to just sleep as a species then we would not survive for very long wouldn't you agree?

Furthermore I do not think that happiness is not related to external factors. Happiness is clearly a genetically developed quality not some abstract spiritual platonic thing. "The mother and child", "the happy family", "father bringing the daily bread to the family" etc. All factors that conduct or support conditions for procreation or afterbirth care.
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  • #5
I'm sure the "value education sir" was using the "state of deep sleep" as a metaphor so the class could understand his line of reasoning.

i believe he was trying to get you to understand the cliche "I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it."
  • #6
Well, cyberfrenzy is my classmate and since he is out of town, I thought I might as well follow up on this thread.

bchmtnedisto said:
I'm sure the "value education sir" was using the "state of deep sleep" as a metaphor so the class could understand his line of reasoning.
I am pretty sure that he did not use it as a metaphor, and even if this was the case, I cannot make any sense out of it. For me, sleep is just a necessity, and in a sense when this necessity ( just like any other) is fulfilled, I feel happy. However, had I not been tired ( which is due to external factors) I wouldn't have been happy in sleep.

MeJennifer said:
"The mother and child", "the happy family", "father bringing the daily bread to the family" etc. All factors that conduct or support conditions for procreation or afterbirth care.
I agree, but there are also other instances where we feel happy, and which are quite unrelated to procreation or afterbirth care, don't you think so ?

octelcogopod said:
If I sit in a wooden chair with no pillow when I'm on the computer, will that make me happier than sitting in cozy big leather chair?
My lecturer's argument for this is that if you are unaware of big cozy leather sofas (suppose leather wasn't invented at the time :biggrin:), then you would be quite comfortable in your wooden chair.
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  • #7
cyberfrenzy said:
In deep sleep, according to him, all external factors are absent and yet we feel happy, and so happiness is not in other objects.

what do you and your classmate think now that you've had feedback here, and have had time to contemplate?
  • #8
I read the book, The art of happiness from Dalai Lama, probably the best book I ever read, changed my life. He says that for happiness, out life doesn't go how we want to go but we need to be around positive people, positive emotions. We need to focus on cause and effect. Sadness is caused by negative emotions. The more developed contries are, the more divorces they have.(although there are exceptions) Taking bangladesh for example, its divorcing rate is very low so people are happy w/ their family. They don't have as much of family problems as we do. Therefore, they are happier. It has nothing to do w/ comfort. It has to do w/ positive emotions being around us. Even though in America, we have it all, we don't have a good family. Every other kid's parents are getting divored. That is very rare over there.
  • #9
Skhandelwal said:
It has nothing to do w/ comfort. It has to do w/ positive emotions being around us. Even though in America, we have it all, we don't have a good family. Every other kid's parents are getting divored. That is very rare over there.


Skhandelwal said:
Even though in America, we have it all, we don't have a good family. Every other kid's parents are getting divored. That is very rare over there.

hmm, this seems to go against the dalai lama.
i thought we americans "have it all" because we want the happiness that "all" brings.

just kidding. i think your teacher is trying to get you to realize that all is yourself a favor and read ecclesiastes in the bible.
here you have the richest,most educated,most powerful man in the world come to his senses and realize that anything other than acknowledgment in God,and comfort in his own skin and bare necessities is waste,and vanity.

here's a good line from a springstein song "it's a sad man my friend
whose living in his own skin
and can't stand the company."
  • #10
MeJennifer said:
Well unless you believe in some religious dogmas it is pretty well clear that we do not exist to be happy but to procreate.
My god, someone figured out the reason for our existence? Why isn't this world news? :smile:
  • #11
because o'reilly hasn't heard yet?
  • #12
I think the problem lies in being satisfied. Everything is relative, a lot of comforts compared to a 2nd world country or lower is alot. But a lot of comforts for someone in 1st world countries may not be enough.
  • #13
MeJennifer said:
Well unless you believe in some religious dogmas it is pretty well clear that we do not exist to be happy but to procreate.

Also, most people have sex because it feels good, or because they have an emotional craving for babies. For amoebes it might be different, or not, but at least in humans we can see that having pleasant experiences is a major cause of our procreation: people procreate to be happy/have pleasant experiences.

FAQ: Increasing comforts - > Decreasing Happiness ?

What is the relationship between increasing comforts and decreasing happiness?

The relationship between increasing comforts and decreasing happiness is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, having access to basic comforts such as shelter, food, and security can contribute to overall well-being and satisfaction. However, when comforts are pursued at the expense of other important factors such as relationships, personal growth, and meaningful experiences, it can lead to a decrease in overall happiness.

Why do people often pursue increased comforts over other factors that contribute to happiness?

There are a few potential reasons for this. One is the societal pressure to constantly strive for more and better material possessions. Another is the belief that having more comforts will bring more happiness, even though research suggests that there is a limit to how much material possessions can contribute to overall well-being. Additionally, it may be easier and more immediate to obtain comforts than to invest time and effort into developing relationships, personal growth, and other factors that contribute to happiness.

What are some common comforts that people pursue?

Some common comforts that people pursue include material possessions such as a nice home, car, or clothing; convenience and luxury items such as technology, travel, and entertainment; and physical comforts such as comfortable furniture, air conditioning, and gourmet food. These comforts can vary depending on an individual's personal preferences, culture, and socioeconomic status.

How can pursuing increased comforts lead to a decrease in overall happiness?

Pursuing increased comforts can lead to a decrease in overall happiness when it becomes the primary focus and other important factors such as relationships, personal growth, and meaningful experiences are neglected. Additionally, the pursuit of comforts can lead to a constant desire for more and dissatisfaction with what one already has, which can decrease overall happiness. Lastly, the pursuit of comforts can also lead to financial strain and debt, which can negatively impact mental health and well-being.

What are some ways to balance the pursuit of comforts and happiness?

One way to balance the pursuit of comforts and happiness is to prioritize and focus on factors that research has consistently shown to contribute to overall well-being, such as strong relationships, personal growth, and meaningful experiences. This may involve setting limits on the pursuit of material possessions and investing time and effort into these other areas. It can also be helpful to practice gratitude and mindfulness, which can increase appreciation for what one already has and decrease the constant desire for more comforts.

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