Induced Magnetic Field: Moving Arbitrary Conductors in Nonuniform Fields

So, in summary, when a conductor moves through a nonuniform magnetic field, the induced electric field in the conductor is equal to the product of the velocity of the conductor and the magnetic field, integrated around the conducting loop. Susceptibility of the conductor is irrelevant in this case.
  • #1
If I have some arbitrary conductor moving through a (nonuniform) magnetic field [itex]\mathbf{B}(\mathbf{r})[/itex], would the induced field in the frame of the conductor be something like:
\mathbf{B}_{IND}(\mathbf{r}) = T \mathbf{B}(\mathbf{r})
where T is some diagonal matrix whose entries are related to the susceptibilities of the conductor?

I'm having trouble finding any reference on this other than a wire moving through a uniform field with some velocity.
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  • #2
vibe3 said:
If I have some arbitrary conductor moving through a (nonuniform) magnetic field B(r)B(r)\mathbf{B}(\mathbf{r}), would the induced field in the frame of the conductor be something like:

The induced field in the conductor is an electric field not a magnetic field. Susceptibility of the conductor is irrelevant.

The voltage or EMF = C E⋅dl where E is the electric field in the conductor and dl is an elemental conductor length.
For a varying magnetic field B(x,y,z) and a conductor C moving with velocity v the
(vxB)⋅dl where the integral is taken around the conducting loop C.

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