- #1
- 73
- 3
Homework Statement
Show that integrated track length in EM-shower is proportional to ##E_0##.
Homework Equations
##E(t)=\frac{E_0}{2^t}##, with radiation length, ##x_0##. Knowledge that shower terminates at ##E_c##.
The Attempt at a Solution
The total track length is naturally the total number of particles in the shower (until terminal ##E_c##) multiplied by the radiation length. Therefore, I have, $$T_{int}=x_0\int_0^{t_{max}}2^t\,dt,$$ where ##t_{max}=\log_2{\frac{E_0}{E_c}}##. Therefore, I have, $$T_{int}=x_0(\frac{2^{t_{max}}}{\ln(2)}-\frac{1}{\ln(2)})=\frac{x_0}{\ln(2)}(\frac{E_0}{E_c}-1).$$
However, this is not exactly proportional to ##E_0##, evidently differing by a constant. Any ideas on where I may be going wrong?