Uncovering the Influence of the Pro-Israel Lobby on Mainstream News Coverage

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  • Thread starter Perham
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Bush. However, the difference is that Ahmadenijad is not in a position to start a war, whereas Bush is. As for the religious majority in Iran, they are generally peaceful and good people, but there is a minority who are in positions of influence and power.Actually, I don't see a dark picture of Iran in the US. We see a dark picture of the Iranian government, but not of the people. I see a dark picture of the Bush administration in the US, but not the American people. We have our faults, and we must work to address them.As for solving old problems, that is not always possible, but we must try. We must try to find common ground,
  • #71
Reuters (BAGHDAD) said:
Nine Iranians being held in Iraq would be released soon, the U.S. military said on Tuesday, just days after U.S. officials signaled a possible change in approach by noting positive Iranian developments in Iraq.
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  • #72
Perham said:
aren't all these evidences came from Israeli media?!
The first is from the SFGate.com, the site of the San Francisco based paper San Francisco Chronicle.
The second is an interview on Saudi television of Nasrallah's predecessor.
The third is an interview on Egyptian television of the Lebanese defense minister.
The fourth is an Israeli source, however it presents other sources, such as screen captures showing Iranian made UAVs being paraded by Hizbullah on Lebanese television and then later after being shot down by Israeli jets, and the insignia of the Iranian military industry on weapons captured from Hizbullah.
The fifth is an Israeli newspaper quoting an Iranian one.
The sixth is by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and shows Iranian deliveries of weapons and ammunition to the Palestinians captured by Israel.

Perham said:
you're lucky that we don't have powerful media propaganda like yours here. 'cause what I see here from Israel, is so dark that I can't even think that they are humans doing these to Palestinian people.
That last sentence makes it self-evident that you have been fed much state propaganda. In Israel we don't have children's shows like you have in Iran.

Perham said:
those who want to fight, will fight, and we (normal people) are going to die in fight for more power and money that aren't going to be ours.
Unfortunately, your country uses proxies to fight its wars - how many more Lebanese, Palestinians and Israelis must die for Iran's fundamental regime?

Perham said:
THIS SYSTEM IS OUR ENEMY. the world's leading system should be changed as it's far from being complete. perhaps it's time to experience world war III. can't you see it coming?
What would you change it to?
  • #73
Perham said:
well, if you stop killing Palestinians or Lebanese they won't die for themselves!
First, Palestinians are "dying for themselves": Palestinians are torturing and killing other Palestinians - even http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200706/s1948200.htm. The Lebanese are killing Palestinians too (shelling refugee camps etc.) as well as Red Cross workers.
Second, Israel does not target civilians with intent (and no, this will not turn into a debate about Israel), it is Iran's mercenaries that are bringing the warzone to civilian's homes.

Perham said:
and surely it's not Iran's fault.
I've already proved Iran's destabilizing of this region.

Perham said:
and of course we all know the slaughter of sabra and shatila.
A terrific example - the massacre of Sabra and Shatila was actually carried out by the Lebanese Forces, yet you're certain it was carried out by Israel... Have you ever heard of the Hama massacre?

Perham said:
(although this is not all the facts, but I couldn't find a better source in a internet controlled by israeli money and power)

I didn't meant from israel country, the Israeli media even contains BBC and CNN!
I believe this is a Farsi expression: if four people say you're drunk, go to sleep. EDIT: seems it's of Romanian origin.

Perham said:
I would definitely erase the veto right, as it's making some countries superior to some others. then you would lose a powerful tool to destroy nations.
The veto right makes as much sense as the "one nation, one vote" rule - the consequences of which are felt everywhere there is no veto power - such as the UN human rights council:
UN: Rights Council Fails Victims in Iran, Uzbekistan
UN: Rights Council Remains Timid in Face of Abuses

Perham said:
the country that rose from ashes of anger and hate, can't love the world.
Countries shouldn't love the world, they should seek the best interests of their inhabitants.
The country that leads the world in child executions, can't be allowed to export its fundamental Islamic revolution (and I apologise to all those who don't consider the Shi'a true Muslims). But I'm jumping ahead - just stay out of Lebanon and the territories.
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  • #74
Yonoz, the only destabilizing nation of the world is israel (and its power over US). You live in delusions (which I know you only pretend to miseducate the gentiles). If you ever to decide to grip reality you should read "Zionism the real enemy of the jews" to stop misrepresenting the educated jews of israel. As a jew myself, I urge you to stop your propagandist work here. I have uncovered you already and many ppl here already see through you as I do.

We already got that there is nothing you want more than Iran attacked (by US). You and most importantly (isreali politcs) are manufacturing necessity for such an action, which is obvious going to bring down both of you down. Just postpone your learned hate and wish that one day you don't get taste of your own medicine of how you treat palestinians.
  • #75
Yonoz mentioned before he served with Israeli military intelligence. Enough said..
  • #76
sneez said:
Yonoz, the only destabilizing nation of the world is israel (and its power over US). You live in delusions (which I know you only pretend to miseducate the gentiles). If you ever to decide to grip reality you should read "Zionism the real enemy of the jews" to stop misrepresenting the educated jews of israel. As a jew myself, I urge you to stop your propagandist work here. I have uncovered you already and many ppl here already see through you as I do.
There is nothing to uncover, unlike yourself I am being genuine. "Miseducating the gentiles"? You're either as Jewish as a ham and cheese sandwich, a bigot, or both - in any case you're making a great case for Zionism.
You may want to furnish your library with books by someone who doesn't believe Israeli security services have nothing better to do than to kill Alan Johnston. I'd start with Judenstaat and Altneuland by one Theodor Herzl, though perhaps those uneducated about a state's duties to its citizens should start with the basics - Rousseau's Social Contract and Hobbes' Leviathan.
sneez said:
We already got that there is nothing you want more than Iran attacked (by US). You and most importantly (isreali politcs) are manufacturing necessity for such an action, which is obvious going to bring down both of you down. Just postpone your learned hate and wish that one day you don't get taste of your own medicine of how you treat palestinians.
There is nothing I want more than to feel safe in my own home. Though I see the Iranian leadership's actions as rational to a certain extent, I have personally encountered homicidal and suicidal irrationality on the part of those who seek to destroy me for my mere existence, and I know my history - so I know not to rely on that rationality lasting very long. I know of no way for a country to defend itself against a nuclear first strike other than keep its enemies from acquiring that capabilty. I don't believe the possibility of a nuclear first strike by fundamental Islamists is something that should be left to chance - this needn't be done by force, but seeing the reluctance of certain nations to aid in stopping the Iranian nuclear enrichment programme, it appears we will reach a point where it's the only option on the table. Even if Iran's leadership was to act rationaly and not use nuclear weapons, it's quite clear that it will continue to try to establish itself as a key regional player in the same way itself and its predecessors (Nasser, Hussein) have always done - gathering popular Arab support by confronting Israel. I realize that will be to the delight of people such as yourself and to the indifference of others, and that's why I'm convinced we should not count on anyone but ourselves. It's as obvious as the sun, as we say, that Iran will confront us again whether we like it or not. Might as well make sure they don't have the ability to destroy us with a single warhead.
Oh, and leave the Palestinians out of this, they have enough problems as it is.
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  • #77
Art said:
Yonoz mentioned before he served with Israeli military intelligence. Enough said..
That's right Art. The Israeli government pays me to post on physicsforums.com
  • #78
You may want to furnish your library with books by someone who doesn't believe Israeli security services have nothing better to do than to kill Alan Johnston. I'd start with Judenstaat and Altneuland by one Theodor Herzl, though perhaps those uneducated about a state's duties to its citizens should start with the basics - Rousseau's Social Contract and Hobbes' Leviathan.
Herzl is your hero? I rest my case. We all get Herzl drilled in us at school don't you know? I got the israeli education about the gentiles and the rest don't worry. I am insider, and I will expose the zionists devils like yourself.

here is nothing I want more than to feel safe in my own home. Though I see the Iranian leadership's actions as rational to a certain extent, I have personally encountered homicidal and suicidal irrationality on the part of those who seek to destroy me for my mere existence, and I know my history - so I know not to rely on that rationality lasting very long. I know of no way for a country to defend itself against a nuclear first strike other than keep its enemies from acquiring that capabilty. I don't believe the possibility of a nuclear first strike by fundamental Islamists is something that should be left to chance - this needn't be done by force, but seeing the reluctance of certain nations to aid in stopping the Iranian nuclear enrichment programme, it appears we will reach a point where it's the only option on the table. Even if Iran's leadership was to act rationaly and not use nuclear weapons, it's quite clear that it will continue to try to establish itself as a key regional player in the same way itself and its predecessors (Nasser, Hussein) have always done - gathering popular Arab support by confronting Israel. I realize that will be to the delight of people such as yourself and to the indifference of others, and that's why I'm convinced we should not count on anyone but ourselves. It's as obvious as the sun, as we say, that Iran will confront us again whether we like it or not. Might as well make sure they don't have the ability to destroy us with a single warhead.
Oh, and leave the Palestinians out of this, they have enough problems as it is.

yada yada yada, still the same bull you are pulling. We all know the jewish way, start a fight among other nations and watch and profit. I do not think what you saying is actually what you think. Your view is based on propagandist lies you must have been exposed as israeli IOF. Your concern for humanity is 0 (ie non jews), for idiotic zionistioc ideas you would have world butchered. (Israel is oppressor and as such is the highest must of the oppressed to fight against). NO amount of propaganda and lies will change this.

Might as well make sure they don't have the ability to destroy us with a single warhead.
Look at you..., full of it.

Zionists like you make me what other zionists call sel-hating jew.
  • #79
sneez said:
Zionists like you make me what other zionists call sel-hating jew.
You've made it very clear what you ought to be called.
  • #80
Perham said:
when I see people understanding what you are doing, my hopes rise again.
I don't need to explain more, people understood your goal.

10000 of this kind of man, and the Earth will be destroyed completely!
Maybe you should invite them to Tehran, I know of this conference they'd love to attend.
  • #81
Yonoz said:
That's right Art. The Israeli government pays me to post on physicsforums.com
You surprise me. I thought it was a labour of love.
  • #82
Interpol puts 5 Iranians on wanted list

Associated Press said:
Interpol put an ex-Iranian intelligence chief, a former leader of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, three other Iranians and a Lebanese militant on its most-wanted list Wednesday for a 1994 bombing that killed 85 people at a Jewish center in Argentina.

The international coordinating agency announced the move after delegates at its general assembly sided with Argentine prosecutors and turned back a lobbying blitz by Iranian envoys trying to avoid having their country linked to Argentina's worst terrorist attack.

The dispute was steeped in geopolitical drama at a time of high tension between Iran and the West over Tehran's suspect nuclear program and American claims that Iran is supplying weapons to insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan — claims that the Islamic Republic denies.

While Iranian envoys accused Israel and the United States of trying to use Interpol to taint Iran's image, most delegates agreed the case was purely a police matter. The result was a vote of 76-14 to add the names, with 26 abstentions, delegates said after the closed-door session.
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  • #83
Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons. They took their cue from North Korea. The world will deplore the effort, but not intervene. Once you have nukes and missile technology, you can no longer be ignored or forced to bow to the will of others.
  • #84
Chronos said:
Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons. They took their cue from North Korea. The world will deplore the effort, but not intervene. Once you have nukes and missile technology, you can no longer be ignored or forced to bow to the will of others.
In that case there's a good chance Israel will attempt to halt that development with force.

Pre-WWI Germany was also obsessed with not "bowing to the will of others". Unfortunately, they all miscalculated the effectiveness of new military technology.
  • #85
Perham said:
maybe, why not? maybe they set one Zionist per forum, to destroy discussions between west and east people. not impossible for you with that amount of money.
We ran out of money, having bought the internet, CNN and BBC.
  • #86
Perham said:
so what? we should bow to your will?!
Your regime should stop developing nuclear weapons and stop destabilising Lebanon and the Palestinians.
  • #87
Thankyou, Perham, for making it very clear why your fundamental theocracy should not be allowed to possesses nuclear weapons.
  • #88
Our fundamental difference is that I see you as a human being, while you see me as an agent of some omnipotent hive.
  • #89
Yonoz said:
We ran out of money, having bought the internet, CNN and BBC.

yonoz, i wrote a mini essay previously on a forum about the Israeli lobby's influence on mainstream news coverage. It is not a conspiracy theory, it is a well known fact. If you want i can post it here.

Meanwhile, i suggest that you watch this video, which i can highly recommend to anyone interested in surpession of Israeli actions in the news; http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7985100635045440998

At the latest Doha Debate held at the prestigious Oxford Union in the United Kingdom on May 1st, two-thirds of the student audience approved a motion claiming that Israel's supporters are stifling Western debate about Israel's actions.

The event at the world famous debating society of Oxford University marked the first time the Doha Debates have been held outside Qatar.

The Debate took place amid mounting controversy over the role of the pro-Israel lobby in the United States and accusations that it has suppressed criticism of Israel - a charge that the lobby vigorously denies.

Norman Finkelstein, an American academic and a leading critic of Israeli policies, argued in favour of the motion claiming that the pro-Israel lobby sows confusion to avoid being held to account. The journalist and writer Andrew Cockburn also supported this view, claiming there are "red lines" in discussing Israel that no politician or journalist in the US would dare cross for fear of being demonised or driven out of public life.

If you choose to watch it pay particular attention to what Prof Norman Finkelstein says, who is himdelf jewish, and the son of holocaust survivors. The points he makes are very compelling, and his account of Israel is perfectly factually accurate, whether you like what he says or not, Yonoz. On the other hand the points that Dr Martin Indyk make are often completely meaningless, and Finkelsteins comments show the majority of what he says to be completely wrong.
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