Is it possible if you help me solve this simple problem?

  • Thread starter MathLover8888
  • Start date
In summary: You might learn something from that. I suggest that you try to do your own homework and stop trying to scam people.
  • #1
Total Population in 1994 (1000):

Iowa: 2830
Kansas: 2554
Missouri: 2669
Nebraska: 1623
Oklahoma: 3258

Number of Farms in 1994 (1000):

Iowa: 101
Kansas: 65
Missouri: 105
Nebraska: 55
Oklahoma: 70

Number of acres per farm in 1994:

Iowa: 329
Kansas: 735
Missouri: 287
Nebraska: 856
Oklahoma: 486


47% of the Midwest population lives on farms

a) in 1994, approximately how many people in Iowa lived on farms?

B) in 1994 what was the approximate probability that a resident of nebraska lived on a farm?

c) in 1994, what was the simplified ratio of Nebraskans who lived on a farm to those who did not live on a farm?

*This is a H.W. problem that my cousin is having trouble with... and I have no time to deal with it, if any of you can help him finish it by giving the answers, then I will appreciate it*

I'd really appreciate it if you can help me, thanks in advance... I will truly be in your debt and will do all that I can to repay you all...:smile:
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by MathLover8888
Total Population in 1994 (1000):

Iowa: 2830
Kansas: 2554
Missouri: 2669
Nebraska: 1623
Oklahoma: 3258

Number of Farms in 1994 (1000):

Iowa: 101
Kansas: 65
Missouri: 105
Nebraska: 55
Oklahoma: 70

Number of acres per farm in 1994:

Iowa: 329
Kansas: 735
Missouri: 287
Nebraska: 856
Oklahoma: 486


47% of the Midwest population lives on farms

a) in 1994, approximately how many people in Iowa lived on farms?

B) in 1994 what was the approximate probability that a resident of nebraska lived on a farm?

c) in 1994, what was the simplified ratio of Nebraskans who lived on a farm to those who did not live on a farm?

*This is a H.W. problem that my cousin is having trouble with... and I have no time to deal with it, if any of you can help him finish it by giving the answers, then I will appreciate it*

I'd really appreciate it if you can help me, thanks in advance... I will truly be in your debt and will do all that I can to repay you all...:smile:

lol what grade are you in buddy.

i suppose (1000) means it's based on 1000 scale

(a). (2830/101)*0.47*1000 = 13169.306930693069306930693069307
(b). same as a
(c). same as b

- send a paypal to me @
  • #3
PrudensOptimus: I can understand being annoyed at people who want someone else to do their homework (or their cousin's!) but giving ridiculous answers is not a good response! (Though I did rather like the "paypal" bit.)

MathLover8888: If you really love math, then you should know that you don't learn math by having answers given to you. You are doing yourself (oops, your "cousin") no favor by asking people to give you answers.

(a) asked "How many people in Iowa lived on farms?" There were 2,830,000 people in Iowa in 1994 and, assuming that 47% of them lived on farms, to find the number who lived on farms, simply multiply. Do you have time to do that?

No, (b) is not the same as (a). For one thing, it asks about Nebraska, not Iowa, and, for another, it asks about "probability" not total number. We are told that 47% of the people in the midwest lived on farms and, since we are not given any more specific information about Nebraska, the best we can do is assume the same for Nebraska. If 47 out of every 100 people lived on a farm, and we picked one of them at random what is the probability it would be a person on a farm? The probability is, of course, the number of "successes" divided by the total number. That would be ?

(c) is not the same as (b).
(c) asks for the ratio of people who live on a farm (in Nebraska) to those who don't. You don't actually know either of those numbers but you can find them: Since 47% of the people lived on a farm, what is 47% of the total number of Nebraskans? (Basically the same as (a) but Nebraska instead of Iowa.) Now that you know that, how many Nebraskans do not live on farms? (That's easy). Finally divide. If you are really clever, it might occur to you that you don't really need to worry about the total number of Nebraskans. If 74% lived on farms, what percent did not live on farms? You can find the ratio with those numbers.
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