Is Rush Limbaugh really a stoner?

  • Thread starter klusener
  • Start date
In summary: Yes, he really did. He got addicted to a painkiller called oxycontin (street name : oxy), and bought himself giant stashes from peddlers and kept himself high. All through this time, he never stopped putting down weed smokers or calling for tougher drug laws.In summary, this man did drugs, and he is now claiming to be the victim.
  • #1
Did that fat, crazy man really do drugs? i just heard about it, and wow, if i had heard this before i wouldn't have listenined to this maniac's show...

if he really believes in the christian principles that he advocates and propagates, i wish him good luck in hell..
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  • #2
Yes, he really did. He got addicted to a painkiller called oxycontin (street name : oxy), and bought himself giant stashes from peddlers and kept himself high. All through this time, he never stopped putting down weed smokers or calling for tougher drug laws.

Now he claims he's being persecuted. :rolleyes:

When Jerry Garcia died Limbaugh had this to say (approximately) : "I'm grateful he's dead."
  • #3
I'd say if you are just now learning about this you must have been out of the loop for about a year. What? were you stoned?
  • #4
tribdog said:
I'd say if you are just now learning about this you must have been out of the loop for about a year. What? were you stoned?

No, he's just half way around the world from here.

Did you hear about the Chinese road construction super who admitted to taking bribes, filling false expense reports, embezzling funds and building substandard roads ? He was recently sentenced to death.
  • #5
Remind me not to go into Chinese road construction.
  • #6
Ivan, don't go into Chinese road construction.

Was that too soon ?

Actually, I believe he got the death penalty for 119 counts of manslaughter (all the fatal accidents that happened on the roads he built, since he built them, about a year ago) and several more counts of reckless endangerment, or whatever are the equivalents of these charges.
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  • #7
Well there you go. If he would have stuck with politics no one would have ever noticed.
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
Well there you go. If he would have stuck with politics no one would have ever noticed.

Yeah, ifhe had stuck with politics in a communist country, he would have just been dragged into the back alley and shot for no reason...oh wait, i keep forgetting Stalin and Mao are dead. They're coming for me, I'm telling you.
  • #9
Did that fat, crazy man really do drugs?
Fat and/or crazy is beside the point.
…i just heard about it, and wow, if i had heard this before i wouldn't have listenined to this maniac's show...
So you don’t mind listening to maniac broadcasts as a general rule?

…if he really believes in the christian principles that he advocates and propagates, i wish him good luck in hell…
That sounds very Christian of you, but I wouldn’t condemn him to heaven either. Still, to advocate one thing in public while doing something else in private is certainly a sign of a sick-minded individual.
  • #10
BoulderHead said:
That sounds very Christian of you, but I wouldn’t condemn him to heaven either. Still, to advocate one thing in public while doing something else in private is certainly a sign of a sick-minded individual.

lol, that reminds of me a quote that i just read yesterday..

Christians talk of universal brotherhood; but anyone who is not a Christian must go to that place where he will be eternally barbecued.
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  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
Well there you go. If he would have stuck with politics no one would have ever noticed.

Amen Ivan...the problem with many extremists is they start judging others, Howard Stern included (don't let my husband know i said this, he is a big Stern fan).
  • #12
It should be noted that it's fairly easy to become addicted to narcotic painkillers, which are mostly prescribed initially after surgery. It's happened to my ex-wife, my father; heck, it happened to Brett Favre. Not to defend Rush's views on drug users (I think he's dead wrong), but I wouldn't call him a "stoner." There's a huge difference here.
  • #13
It is easy to get addicted to all addictive drugs. :biggrin:

Some scientists are now saying that meth can result in a strong addiction after one use. Cocaine, especially crack was much the same for some people. One mistake made in ones youth or at any time in their life can be the difference between being a "stoner", and not. Rush has learned this but he will certainly forget since hate sells better than truth.
  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
It is easy to get addicted to all addictive drugs. :biggrin:

True, but I'd be a little more sympathetic toward someone who became addicted to a drug they were prescribed to take to relieve post-surgical pain, rather than someone who got hooked just because he wanted to get high.

Either way, I like some of Rush's show, largely because I just get a kick out of exceedingly arrogant people, but he really should tone it down. Ever since the Bush win, he's been acting like he got laid by Farrah Fawcett or something, and he's teasing his classmates that can't get none. A little childish if you ask me.
  • #15
loseyourname said:
True, but I'd be a little more sympathetic toward someone who became addicted to a drug they were prescribed to take to relieve post-surgical pain, rather than someone who got hooked just because he wanted to get high.

Oh, the rest of us are sympathetic, the gripe is that Rush is the one who doesn't distinguish how you got addicted despite his own experience. It's the do as I say not as I do attitude I have the most problem with.
  • #16
loseyourname said:
True, but I'd be a little more sympathetic toward someone who became addicted to a drug they were prescribed to take to relieve post-surgical pain, rather than someone who got hooked just because he wanted to get high.

Either way, I like some of Rush's show, largely because I just get a kick out of exceedingly arrogant people, but he really should tone it down. Ever since the Bush win, he's been acting like he got laid by Farrah Fawcett or something, and he's teasing his classmates that can't get none. A little childish if you ask me.

i am sure his arrogance is more of an act then how he is in normal everyday life. the fact that he scorned others of drug addiction and then is one himself makes him much less respectable as a political commentator. the general population looks to him as a role model of sorts or a voice of their views. the fact that he judges others for something he is a victim to makes him hypocrititical and less credible. coming out and being honest with his listeners is much more respectable and courageous whether you are a loyal fan or not.
  • #17
Rush is a nazi, in that the BIGGER THE LIE
the more he likes it
"being honest with his listeners" is a joke
the man lies like a rug
  • #18
The danger with Rush is that he does not lie per se. He (and the Devil) use very subtle methods. I have detected every single common falacy in use by Rush and the like of him (Cal Thomas, William Saffire, George F. Will, Pat Buchannan, Ollie North, and mister zero integer spin himself, "that guy O'Whassisname"). The favored method of attack is to take a single instance of "liberalism gone wild" and present it out of context, and lead you to the assumption that it represents the mindset of anyone who disagrees with Rush.

Case in point: a couple of years ago, when the teachers of Massachusettes took the same test that the students took before graduation, there were some teachers that got very low scores. But the most quoted part of this news item was the answer to one question by one teacher, something like "Q: What is a verb? A: it has something to do with a sentence."

THis was turned into exhibit A as proof that all teahcers are, essentially, stupid liberals who consume the bulk of our hard-earned money. ad hominem, non-sequitor nonsense!
  • #19
How ironic that you just used exactly the same technique to implicitly smear all conservative commentators.
  • #20
loseyourname said:
How ironic that you just used exactly the same technique to implicitly smear all conservative commentators.
Oof! Good one!

Although I do think that my post was more of an opinion rather than a smear. A few remarks on a forum is certainly a different platform from a nationally distributed colum or program.
  • #21
Well, I don't think it's the same, because in the case of teachers there are millions of them, whereas in the case of national conservative commentators there are only few. A case-by-case attack works in this case; if you can single out even one rotten instance, that does significantly reflect on the people whose member perpretrated it, simply because there are so few people in question.
  • #22
Bartholomew said:
Well, I don't think it's the same, because in the case of teachers there are millions of them, whereas in the case of national conservative commentators there are only few. A case-by-case attack works in this case; if you can single out even one rotten instance, that does significantly reflect on the people whose member perpretrated it, simply because there are so few people in question.

So, if one Nato leader is a jackass, they all are?

People on both sides are full of it. Rush is, and so are all of you pointing at the hypocrisy of 'conservative comentators'. Liberal or conservative, it doesn't matter, they're a jackass. Sharpton, Rush, Kerry, BUsh, they're all jackasses.
  • #23
They're like a bad cold, but I've found the cure;

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  • #24
The budget deficit is higher than Rush Limbaugh in a Mexican pharmacy - Darrell Hammond; SNL :smile:
  • #25
klusener said:
Did that fat, crazy man really do drugs? i just heard about it, and wow, if i had heard this before i wouldn't have listenined to this maniac's show...

if he really believes in the christian principles that he advocates and propagates, i wish him good luck in hell..

Just like all political figures, he has one set of rules for himself, and another set for the rest. Welcome to the world of "The Elites versus the Majority."

FAQ: Is Rush Limbaugh really a stoner?

1. Is there any evidence that Rush Limbaugh is a stoner?

There is no concrete evidence that Rush Limbaugh is a stoner. While there have been some allegations and rumors, there is no solid proof to support this claim.

2. Has Rush Limbaugh ever admitted to using drugs or marijuana?

Rush Limbaugh has acknowledged using prescription painkillers in the past, but he has never admitted to using drugs or marijuana. He has denied any allegations of drug use.

3. Are there any photos or videos of Rush Limbaugh using drugs or marijuana?

There are no known photos or videos of Rush Limbaugh using drugs or marijuana. Any images that may have circulated online are likely doctored or fabricated.

4. Is it possible that Rush Limbaugh is a closet stoner?

It is possible, but there is no evidence to support this claim. Rush Limbaugh has been a vocal opponent of marijuana legalization and has publicly spoken out against drug use.

5. Why do people believe that Rush Limbaugh is a stoner?

Some people believe that Rush Limbaugh is a stoner because of his past addiction to prescription painkillers and his controversial statements on drug laws. However, these beliefs are based on speculation and not concrete evidence.
