- #1
Marcin H
- 306
- 6
Homework Statement
Is there a power factor convention when it comes to the angles of a given current and voltage? In one class I learned that PF = cos(θ_V - θ_I) but in another the professor claims (I still think he is wrong) the convention for that class is PF=cos(θ_I - θ_V).
Here is a example where I run into a problem with this:
Consider a circuit, where a 100-V source, rated at 3,000VA, supplies a single-phase electric motor. An ammeter on the motor load indicates that the current is 20A and lags by (pi/3) radians with respect to the voltage
Find the power factor and draw the power triangle.
Homework Equations
Power triangle
PF= I don't know what "convention" is correct if there even is one
The Attempt at a Solution
depending on the "convention" you use you will get either cos(π/3) or cos(-π/3) for the power factor which both equal 1/2. Now how do you determine whether the angle is positive or negative on your power triangle using this information? Because you will get 2 different answers according to the "different conventions"
What frustrates me the most is that if you use the DEFINITION of complex power, it is obvious that you will have a positive angle on the power triangle. By definition. And for this problem (on a quiz that I got wrong) a positive angle was marked as incorrect.
From the given information we have:
V=100V ∠ 0˚ (we can assume this is reference. We usually assume voltage as reference.)
I=20A ∠ -(π/3)˚ (current lags the voltage by π/3. Voltage is 0˚. This means that the angle on the current is negative.)
The conjugate of "I" will give you a POSITIVE angle for your complex power. Therefore you will have a positive angle (first quadrant) on your power triangle.
I asked the first professor that I agree with and he says that I am right and the other one is wrong. The other one claims it's just a "convention". I don't know what to do here and I am extremely frustrated because you can obviously see by definition that the complex power will have a positive angle.Here is another example from an old exam that does something similar. The power triangle they have or the complex power they found is not correct according to the definition of complex power. My professor (for a power and energy systems class ECE330@UIUC, taught over 40 years, department head, etc.,) said, "This ECE333 notation is contradictory to all legitimate textbooks on electric power and energy systems."
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