Will there be an Israeli Civil War?

  • News
  • Thread starter David Ben-Ariel
  • Start date
  • Tags
Rabin, Peres, Beilin, Shahak, Barak, Dayan, Burg, Livni clan are determined to destroy. e. The islamic "intifada" (cigarette uprising)......is a direct consequence of the Rabin-Peres-Beilin- Dayan-Shahak-Barak-Mordechai-Livnai-Sneh-Burg- Sharon-Meridor-Tamir-Avital-Ramon-"salty 27"- "yesh gvul"-"peace now"-"4 mothers"-Pundak-Avineris- Sarid-Aloni-Ben Ami-Ben Yair-Arbel-
  • #1
David Ben-Ariel
Subj: Re: Declaration of War
Date: 11/20/03 10:22:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: familyp@netvision.net.il
To: Dbenariel@aol.com

The declaration of war was issued by Ben Gurion when the MAPAM-MAPAI Bolchevique cadres decided to create a "new Jew" rather than restoring the TEMPLE, dignity, freedom, normal life, land, to the Nation.
They first cut the "peyot" of immigrants, just as the nazis did months before.
That was the physical signal of things to come.
He intended to be the UNJewish "moshe".
Rabin was given the "Altalena" so he would become the UNJewish
"yoshus ben nun". His group run wild with peresire help and elevated the
plan by making the conspiracy to execute him and setting his tomb as also a replacement to KIng David and Solomon at once.

The condition of complete war was signed in OSLO when the UNJews
signed an alliance with the new Roman Empire inherited by Germany and Gaul in Europe and their field proxies the islamics.
Ben Gurion started the process when he went to Germany and made "peace".
They declared "partnership" with each other. OLSO started then and there. PRECISELY to the day, a GENERATION LATER they went to oslo to launch open war on the Judeo-Christian world.
Islamic troops whom to murder, etc.

Geneva and the onslaught you see today is the continuation...

Shmuel HaLevi
----- Original Message -----
From: Dbenariel@aol.com
To: familyp@netvision.net.il
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: Declaration of War

Upon sorrowful reflection, the Bolshevik-Hellenist government of Israel has done nothing less than reveal, declare and promote their DECLARATION OF WAR against the pioneering Jewish settlements of Israel and their faithful allies worldwide. Truly "they have sown the wind and will reap the whirlwind!"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Rabin myth

Subj: The Rabin myth - Part II
Date: 11/18/03 12:08:43 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: familyp@netvision.net.il
November 18, 2003

A sovereign Jewish State/Federation.

Radio Free Israel.com
Registered Trademark, is days away from
starting operations.
R.F.I.'s Internet Site should be at your service within days.


"So, as you go into battle, remember your ancestors
and remember your descendants."


NOTICE: The first two executions of
Jews have taken place this morning,
November 18, 2003, only three days
after the Peres-Rabin Shabak and
minister Poraz officially informed
that their islamic associates will act
against specific Jews on their behalf.


THE RABIN myth! Part II

Our intent is to disarm the most poisonous myth
fabricated against our Nation.

The general Rabin myth.

What could have been a relatively obscure but
acceptable retirement, has been merchandized
to a grevious extent.
After the open interview of the Shabak qvartet,
the general Rabin execution and who worked
for that effect is not longer in doubt.
The unholy Rabin cult shall be gone before the
next oslo ghastly festival.
And the Rabin execution conspirators caught,
delivered to NEW courts, sentenced and

The Nation must do that because the Rabin
entente post Jewish groups plan to meticulously
DISMANTLING the Land and Jewish Nation.

The Rabin cult saga is part of other pre fabricated
"heroes" manufacturing processes designed to
make up, with a deadly intent, "replacements" for
Adam and Hava, Abraham, Itzhak, Jacob, Sara,
Leah, Rachel, Moshe Rabenu, Yoshua Ben Nun...

General Rabin in many occassions led
renegade elements and in some cases he
did so with his whole family.
All of those were and are part of the
Olso-Taba- The intermediate
plans... all leading to the
ALL secretively, furtively and illegally
made adaptations of FOREIGN "plans".

Rabin and his associates are
they are, simply, by intent or default as far
as the Oslo and other such monstrous plans
are concerned, associates, partners, to
Islamic and EU Jewish Nation's people

Rabin and associates are directly
responsible for the...
"Peace that is war"
against our Nation. They planned and still
develop it with European-Islamic financial
and tactical support.

Many of those co murderers have
done so with intent and forethought.


The Islamic onslaught we observe everywhere
and the activities by their "partners" within the
State of Israel are not happening by mere
coincidence in the order and time coordination
in which they occur.

EVERY step has been planned by the Rabin cult
associates, foreign governments and the post
Jewish generals.

They have received HUGE sums and other
support and they have also stolen large sums
from the Israeli Taxpayer moneys.
They pay with that their mailings, "agreements",
the "birthdays" and in particular the Rabin Ltd.,

Ms. Rabin candidly restated that the oslo
agreements and general Rabin are one.

ONSLAUGHT to occur and for the Tzahal self
defeat that followed to date.
NEVER ALLOW Ms. Rabin and her accomplicies
to forget that her father and associates refused
to pursue, to use Tzahal to assert Jewish National
defense against her father's "partners".

General's Rabin family AND all the remaining oslo
partners must accept that their UNITARIAN
declaration postulates that the following applies.

Oslo is the axis upon which the wheels of the famed "rackevet"
that grinds its deadly tracks on the Land of Israel, turn.
To what have the oslo tracks and "rackevet" led?

The Rabins-peres-beilin-Dayans-Shahaks-Barak-
Tamir-Avital-Ramon-"salty 27"-"yesh gvul"-
"peace now"-"4 mothers"-Pundak-Avineris-Sarid-
Aloni-Ben Ami-Ben Yair-Arbel-Beinish-Guillon-Perry-
Ayalon-Barak2-Sternhall-Oz-mitzanh- and their
lesser associates "led" the whole nation and the
West in general into the catastrophe we witness.

a. Ghastly islamic world wide upheaval...
YES! Two gigantic failures united to form the basis for WW III.
1. President Clinton enourmous Balkan adventures to destroy
Yugoslavia on behalf of Islam and the EU.
2. General Rabin's ghastly plans to destroy Jewish Israel on
behalf of a creature called the "new Jew, islam and the EU.

b. 15000 casualties...
YES! All of the "VICTIMS of PEACE" are victims of the Rabin's

c. World wide anti semitism... Nothing to add on this.

d. HUGE loss of National Heritage...

e. Social desintegration...

f. 40 billion dollars in damages...

g. 9/11... and what followed


We demand that Taxpayers be not longer charged
with the perpetuation of the Rabin myth.

DEMAND that the above parties, be detained and
delivered to NEWLY ELECTED Courts, Courts
that SHALL rely only on JEWISH LAW.

We, in turn, do intend to continue
thus returning our Nation to its
Biblical Grandeur!

Shmuel HaLevi
  • #3
I'm sorry, I didn't read the whole post, but what are you talking about?
  • #4
Originally posted by Jonathan
I'm sorry, I didn't read the whole post, but what are you talking about?
I suggest you read the whole post before you post a reply.
  • #5
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
We, in turn, do intend to continue with RECONSTRUCTION Plans and thus returning our Nation to its Biblical Grandeur!
David, I appreciate your post because it gives us more motives or insights of what happens inside your society and it's various complex internal forces.
A number of people don't understand your post because it's an almost 'inside' propaganda pamphlet. It's interesting. It shows the dichotomy that happens in your interpretation of your religion. The Bible and the Torah are essential reference points in your religion. We - being non-Jewish - respect them as expression of a "believe", not as a 'truth'. (Although for Christians the Bible also includes the New Testament and also represents elements of truth.)

But the Bible is a book written by HUMANS. You can not deny that.
Such books are written by humans for their fellow humans of their own group.
Such human-written books often are based on subjective 'revelations' of the writers.
Such human-written books often refer to a 'preferred relationship' of that group with God.
In your case you became 'the Chosen People' in a book written by your own members.
So it is a 'self-proclaimed' superior relation with God. Today we call that 'marketing'.
Your religion is not the only one that makes such claims. In the human-written Koran it is projected of believers in general, not on the group (race).

When your group want the returning to your Nation in its Biblical Grandeur you must respect however human dignity, human rights, ... and even respect other tendencies or views in your own society. Murdering Rabin was a criminal act and stays a criminal act. If you judge it to be rightful that Rabin was murdered you have a criminal and terrorist mind yourself.
  • #6

Mind you I am a CHRISTIAN-Zionist, not a religious Jew. I posted my Orthodox Jewish friend's email to enlighten folk that there are many other Jews who are not liberal but rather conservative and patriotic.

We believe Rabin was murdered by his own UNJewish clique. They are the UNJews who are selling out Israel, like kapos of compromise, and are inviting disaster upon the whole nation for their selfish purposes. They're nothing but political prostitutes and fascist EU pawns.

Of course the Bible is written by humans - HUMAN INSTRUMENTS - stenographers of the Great Creator God who is able to influence His authors to write and accurately preserve HIS Word - or at least, whether you accept it or not, that's what faithful Jews and biblical Christians understand and believe. IF there's a Creator God, He's more than capable of transmitting His Message and ensuring we receive it just as He intended.

The true terrorists, other than the Nazi-Muslims who revel in their blood orgy, are traitors like Shimon Peres. His name means VULTURE in Hebrew and it's right on target!
  • #7

Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Mind you I am a CHRISTIAN-Zionist, not a religious Jew. I posted my Orthodox Jewish friend's email to enlighten folk that there are many other Jews who are not liberal but rather conservative and patriotic.

We believe Rabin was murdered by his own UNJewish clique. They are the UNJews who are selling out Israel, like kapos of compromise, and are inviting disaster upon the whole nation for their selfish purposes.
Thanks David,

Can you specify your definition of UNJews. To us this is rather unclear. To you there is a lot of historical and religious logic behind that term, but at least myself need more insight to understand your arguments. Thanks.
  • #8
This is certainly a new twist...we normally only see propaganda posts like this from neo-Nazis.
  • #9
pelastration: There is a reason I didn't bother to read the whole post...
  • #10

Originally posted by pelastration
Thanks David,

Can you specify your definition of UNJews. To us this is rather unclear.

A Jew (by birth only) who has sold out to the pagan UN/EU "ideals" of a one world government; who has enslaved himself to his German-Jesuit "superiors" and prostitutes himself in their service. Just like the kapos of compromise during WWII. The treacherous Jews who betrayed their own people. Every ethnic group has their own rot within.
  • #11
Then let the good people of the world be proud to be Unjews, since unjews and unjews only hold any hope for eventual peace, and the sparing of billions of intolerance and bloodshed and slavery. Let me cry out - if these are what jews have been defined to be, then I am proud to be an anti-semite.

(Note of course that the bible talks of the need for an one world government as well. Better burn that too...)
  • #12

Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
A Jew (by birth only) who has sold out to the pagan UN/EU "ideals" of a one world government; who has enslaved himself to his German-Jesuit "superiors" and prostitutes himself in their service. Just like the kapos of compromise during WWII. The treacherous Jews who betrayed their own people. Every ethnic group has their own rot within.
No, this is EXACTLY like the rhetoric of the KKK/neo-Nazi propaganda.
  • #13

Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Mind you I am a CHRISTIAN-Zionist, not a religious Jew.
So, you are not a Jew by birth but you are a Christian-Zionist by religious believe. Correct?

Is this also the line of thinking Biblic preachers like Pat Robertson go?
  • #14
Originally posted by pelastration
David, I appreciate your post because it gives us more motives or insights of what happens inside your society and it's various complex internal forces.
This has nothing to do with what's happening
in the Israeli society ! I don't know where this
dude came from and this is the first time that
I've entered PF and saw this. The above opinions
are the opinions of THE VERY EXTREME right and
shared by no more than a few phousands in Israel,
namely - some of the settlers. This group of people
has engaged in some small yet active hostilities against
Palestinians AND even the IDF. Their activities
have also endangered IDF soldiers, interfered
specificly with political issues by actions on
the ground and included the murder of the Israeli
PM Itzhak Rabin. They are a plaque for the IDF
and for the security budget. They are being
arrested time after time for illegal propoganda.
These people are the second, though much smaller
than the first, greatest obsticle for peace between
Israel and the PA and as far as the MAJORITY of
Israelis are concerned they should be locked up
together with all the Palestinian terrorists and
half of their leadership and someone should throw
away the key.

Zero/Greg I advise you to remove him from PF
without delay, just like a science crackpot or
an actual terrorist coming to preach here would be.

Live long and prosper.
  • #15
Originally posted by drag
This has nothing to do with what's happening
in the Israeli society ! The above opinions
are the opinions of THE VERY EXTREME right and
shared by no more than a few phousands in Israel,
namely - some of the settlers.
Zero/Greg I advise you to remove him from PF
without delay,

THIS HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S HAPPENING IN ISRAELI SOCIETY! Of course they are opinions: in truly democratic free countries opinions are permitted and encouraged. I trust Israel's Secret Police (GSS/Shabak) have patted you on the head for pushing CENSORSHIP and destruction of legal opposition. You're exhibit A of how undemocratic Israel has become under the godless Bolsheviks who look to the fascist EU/UN for instructions. The "Right-wing" in Israel are in their right mind while the Leftists continue to play out in Left field, tearing Israel down with their hateful measures that are the gravest danger to Israeli existence: dismantling the Jewish State for a Chamberlain "peace in our time;" demonizing Jewish PATRIOTS while praising terrorist "peace" partners; etc.

There is growing evidence, believed by increasing number of Israelis and others worldwide, that Mr. Rabin (whom I've met) was MURDERED BY PERES' gang for no longer just following their EU New World orders. Israeli investigative author, Barry Chamish, has written WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN, among other books that PROVES something isn't kosher about what happened to Rabin and was blamed on the "right-wing" to discredit them before seeking to destroy them, making biblical territories JUDENREIN! I encourage free thinking peoples to check out his book and come to their own conclusions. Justice shall prevail, as shall truth, no matter how much the fascist Leftists seek to suppress or destroy evidence or those who would boldly present it.
  • #16
Originally posted by drag
Zero/Greg I advise you to remove him from PF
without delay, just like a science crackpot or
an actual terrorist coming to preach here would be.
Ehh, I think his sort of extremism just adds balance to what we are seeing here.
  • #17
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
THIS HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S HAPPENING IN ISRAELI SOCIETY! Of course they are opinions: in truly democratic free countries opinions are permitted and encouraged. I trust Israel's Secret Police (GSS/Shabak) have patted you on the head for pushing CENSORSHIP and destruction of legal opposition.

Watching Israel's Media: Freedom of speech in the dock

Yisrael Medad and Eli Pollak
Nov. 23, 2003

What role does freedom of speech really play in Israel?

One week after the High Court of Justice allowed the broadcast of the
viciously anti-Israel pseudo-documentary Jenin, Jenin, representatives of the State Prosecutor's office appeared in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court to argue for the harshest sentences possible in the case of the non-licensed Arutz [Channel] 7 radio network.

The prosecution asked for prison sentences for four defendants, including Shulamit Melamed; fines of hundreds of thousands of shekels for Rabbi Ze'ev Melamed, Ya'acov Katz, and Hagai Segal; and smaller fines for French department head David Shapira and broadcaster Gideon Sharon.

The reasoning behind the request for such harsh sentences was that Arutz 7 had broadcast for over 15 years, and the defendants are "leaders" who must serve as an example.

We should recall that not one plane fell from the sky due to Arutz 7's
broadcast signal, nor was it ever proven that the signal interfered with Ben-Gurion Airport, as claimed by the authorities. Arutz 7 has
conscientiously paid royalties to all songwriters, while Israel Radio's local stations have not for the past decade. Among the people who have had regular programs on Arutz 7 are chief rabbis, the Knesset Speaker, cabinet ministers, MKs, leading lawyers, professors, thinkers, and more.

That the attorney-general and state prosecutor ignore almost 150 other
non-licensed stations indicates that a very specific lesson is intended for the religious-nationalist camp. Part of that lesson, it would appear, is that Attorney-General Elyakim Rubinstein is willing to be lenient what it suits him and to behave otherwise when it doesn't. He has consistently declared that the less he involves the application of criminal procedure in matters of political divisiveness the better.

For example, in the matter of the Wakf digs on Temple Mount, he received letters pointing out that the destruction of its archeological treasures was unlawful and violated, at the very least, the Antiquities Law and Law of Planning. His response was to do nothing in public.

In a more recent instance, when it was claimed that Yossi Beilin was in direct violation of Paragraph 97 of the Penal Code in acting to extricate territory from Israel's sovereignty, he again insisted that this was an issue for public debate, not the courtroom.

WHAT MAKES the case of Arutz 7 different? Is the Telegraph Law, which bans non-licensed radio stations, really that crucial to the state's legal fabric?

We should not forget that as per the Oslo Accords, several radio broadcast channels were handed over to the Palestinian Authority. The performance of these stations has been undemocratic if not downright inciting. The IDF has even bombed these stations out of existence or knocked out their antennas. As far as we are aware, Arutz 7 has not been charged with any similar activities. So why all the fuss?

The answer lies in the realization that the media, especially the electronic media which is for the most part free and easily available, is a pillar of society. The ability to affect society, shape its opinions, and provide it with information and the ability to choose these are the real powers of the media.

To our regret, Israeli society is poorly served media-wise. The field is plagued by bias, political interference, journalistic unprofessionalism and a lack of pluralism. Israel does not have even one independent, private news outlet among its broadcast media. Army Radio and the Israel Broadcast Authority are governmental.

The regional radio stations are not permitted to present their own news service. Channel 2 TV's news is run by its news company, which is
government-controlled. Arutz 7 was the only truly private broadcaster of news in this country.

The Telegraph Law is clearly an excuse for silencing an independent news outlet. What is really at issue is freedom of speech in its true sense. Had we been a truly liberal country, we would have found a way for Arutz 7 and its counterparts to continue broadcasting.

The writers are, respectively, board member and chairman of Israel's Media Watch (IMW). info@imw.org.il

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  • #18
I think David Koresh ... er um ben Ariel ... goes a bit beyond what any of our resident left wingers do. I was hoping we'd all ignore him and he'd go away.

[q]Of course the Bible is written by humans - HUMAN INSTRUMENTS - stenographers of the Great Creator God who is able to influence His authors to write and accurately preserve HIS Word - or at least, whether you accept it or not, that's what faithful Jews and biblical Christians understand and believe. IF there's a Creator God, He's more than capable of transmitting His Message and ensuring we receive it just as He intended.

Any argument with him is pointless. He knows the will of God. He knows the truth. All who oppose him are dupes or lying conspirators in service of the bolshevic/fascist UN/EU.

  • #19
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Watching Israel's Media: Freedom of speech in the dock

Yisrael Medad and Eli Pollak
Nov. 23, 2003

What role does freedom of speech really play in Israel?

One week after the High Court of Justice allowed the broadcast of the
viciously anti-Israel pseudo-documentary Jenin, Jenin, representatives of the State Prosecutor's office appeared in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court to argue for the harshest sentences possible in the case of the non-licensed Arutz [Channel] 7 radio network.


The regional radio stations are not permitted to present their own news service. Channel 2 TV's news is run by its news company, which is
government-controlled. Arutz 7 was the only truly private broadcaster of news in this country.

The Telegraph Law is clearly an excuse for silencing an independent news outlet. What is really at issue is freedom of speech in its true sense. Had we been a truly liberal country, we would have found a way for Arutz 7 and its counterparts to continue broadcasting.

Thank you David,

This is interesting and new information.
I appreciate also that you stay in this last post on the level of providing information, instead of going on the real religious way.
  • #20

Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
Of course the Bible is written by humans - HUMAN INSTRUMENTS - stenographers of the Great Creator God who is able to influence His authors to write and accurately preserve HIS Word - or at least, whether you accept it or not, that's what faithful Jews and biblical Christians understand and believe. IF there's a Creator God, He's more than capable of transmitting His Message and ensuring we receive it just as He intended.
Yes I understand but you have to admit that also other religions have their own human 'stenographers' which captured also similar messages. Now the believers of each religion believe that they are the only ones with the 'real and correct' message. Therefor it is in my opinion essential that we are tolerant to each others faith and respect the freedom of religion if we want to live in a peaceful world. Living after the full Ten Commandments or after 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 for non-religious people might be a good step for most of us because it are also moral rules in general.

Especially #6: "You shall not murder" is important.

Humans seem to have the tendency to look for excuses to kill others, but if all would respect also # 7 (You shall not commit adultery), # 8 (You shall not steal), #9__ (You shall hall not give false testimony against your neighbor) and # 10 (You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.) there will not be to much reasons to kill each other.
  • #21
Posted by Ruth Matar on THINK-ISRAEL, November 14, 2003.

Dear Friends,

I do so wish that I didn't feel the need to write this particular letter.

Unfortunately, I must tell you that Israelis still live under the threat of Administrative Detention, a legal instrument left over from British Mandate days.

No doubt, Administrative Detention was and is a reasonable and legitimate legal instrument in times of riots and terrorism. There is no other way to detain, for any length of time, a large number of suspects involved in acts of extreme violence against the State. Following all normal court procedures in such circumstances would paralyze the legal system and help potential killers.

What is Administrative Detention? Individuals may be imprisoned by the State without due process, without being charged, or even without being informed what their crime might be. Such individuals don't have to be brought before a judge, and are often not allowed to have their day in court. They are not entitled to the usual free society rules, which render all suspects innocent until proved otherwise.

The Agency in Israel which uses this tool of Administrative Detention is Israel's General Secret Service, the Shabak (also called the Shin Bet).

Since the rebirth of the State of Israel, the Shabak has used this tool in what many think is a rampant denial of civil rights. I want to mention three well known cases of such abuse of Administrative Detention in the State of Israel.

In 1995 a Kiryat Arba resident, Shmuel Cytryn, who had served in the Golani brigade in the Lebanon war, and had no criminal record whatsoever, was arrested on December 4, 1995, a month AFTER the Rabin assassination, and jailed under an Administrative Detention order.

According to the Jerusalem weekly, "Kol Ha'ir", Cytryn's crime might have been that he irritated the General Security Service by being the first to charge that Avishai Raviv was a Shabak agent and provocateur. This was three months BEFORE Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, and well before Raviv was exposed as an agent for the Shabak, whose particular assignment was to discredit the national religious camp. As an example, Avishai Raviv ran the Eyal organization to which Yigal Amir belonged. Shmuel Cytryn's family believed that the reason that their son and husband was arrested and isolated in jail was that he should not be able to publish details of Avishai Raviv's activities from there.

Because of public outcry by civil libertarians, both in Israel and the United States, Shmuel Cytryn was finally granted a court hearing. "We don't have the slightest idea what the man has been detained for, even in a general sense," Cytryn's lawyer told the court, asking it to examine the classified evidence against Cytryn and to enlighten him.

After doing so, the head of the court, Justice Aharon Barak, said that Cytryn was being held because of "an extremist world view and extreme statements, which, in the estimation of the security services, could lead with relative ease to acts that would endanger the security of the region."

Cytryn's lawyer responded "this is something for which it is forbidden to put someone in Administrative Detention. A man is permitted to have twisted opinions, as long as he does not incite."

After the Justices left the room to examine the classified evidence, Cytryn began screaming at his guards.

"Why are you doing this? Because I said the General Security Service is responsible for Prime Minister Rabin's death? "

At the end of the hearing, Cytryn asked to make a statement to the court, in which he attacked the reliability of the classified evidence, noting that anyone could spread lies and have them entered into the GSS's file on him.

"I don't intend to eat anymore," he said, his voice choking with tears. "I see no reason that I should be in this position. I have a family that has been destroyed? I am not willing to accept any compromise. I am not a terrorist."

Another glaring example of Administrative Detention abuse was the arrest and imprisonment of a prominent and highly respected Rabbi, Yitzhak Ginsburgh, on charges of incitement to violence and endangerment of public safety. The Administrative Detention order was signed by then Minister of Defense, Shimon Peres. Rabbi Ginsburgh was the head of "Od Yosef Chai" Yeshiva in Shchem (Nablus), which was located next to the Jewish Holy site of the Tomb of Yosef, the son of the patriarch Yaakov. Yosef had died in Egypt but requested that the Jews take his bones along to be buried in the Holy Land. (Genesis 50: 24-26)

A Jerusalem Post editorial of March 19, 1996, expressed the belief that the Government was not concerned about incitement, but rather wanted to dismantle Rabbi Ginsburgh's "Od Yosef Chai" Yeshiva, because it felt that this was a politically awkward site and a security burden.

(The sad result of this government attitude was that Joseph's Tomb and the adjacent Yeshiva were shamefully abandoned under a violent attack by the Arabs in the year 2000. Unfortunately, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has not reclaimed this Holy site, which even under the Oslo Accords belongs to the Jews and the State of Israel.)

The latest victim of Administrative Detention abuse is Noam Federman, a 34 year old man with a wife and seven children, the oldest twelve years old, and the youngest one year old. He has literally been whisked away from his family and imprisoned in solitary confinement since September 22 of this year, without being charged. He has been put in a cell block together with Arab terrorist murderers, who continually shout threats against his life.

To protest his incarceration, Noam Federman has started a hunger strike. He has already lost 20 kilos (44 pounds), because he is only consuming liquids. His wife, Elisheva, has asked that these liquids be either milk or juice in order that he have some nourishment, but her request has been denied. She has further requested that a doctor be allowed to examine him. This request has been denied as well by the Shabak. No one is allowed to visit him in prison, not even his wife Elisheva. She has seen him only twice since his imprisonment, once during the Sukkot holiday, and one other time when the court ordered that he be allowed to attend his daughter's Bat Mitzvah celebration for two hours. On both these occasions Noam Federman was in handcuffs and leg-irons, and chained to a Shabak agent, so that he could not have a private conversation with anyone, including his wife.

Noam Federman is a law school graduate, but is forbidden to practice law. Some people believe that the reason for Federman's imprisonment is that he has published a booklet which advises people who are arrested by the Shabak, amongst other authorities, of their legal rights, such as being silent when interrogated.

The cases of Shmuel Cytryn, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh and Noam Federman are a sad commentary on the civil rights of Jewish Israeli citizens.

Convicted Arab terrorist murderers are being released in groups of hundreds, allowing them to immediately organize further attacks and to once again kill Jews. Jewish citizens, on the other hand, are put in Administrative Detention for political reasons by a government fearful of popular protest.

But it is one thing to use emergency wartime regulations to fight the country's enemies and preserve its security interests, and quite another to employ them arbitrarily to intimidate political opponents! A note to civil libertarians: To protest abuses of civil rights only when leftists and Palestinians are affected is to mock justice. To arbitrarily throw Noam Federman in jail is to mock democracy.


Or you may well ask yourself: WHO IS NEXT?

What can you do to help obtain justice for Noam Federman? Telephone, fax or email Prime Minister Sharon at: Tel - 02-6705555, Fax - 02-5664838, Email - webmaster@pmo.gov.il.

Administrative Detention orders must be signed by the Defense Minister. Shaul Mofaz, who is the current Defense Minister, signed Noam Federman's Detention order. Telephone, fax or email Shaul Mofaz at: Tel - 03-6976663, Fax - 03-6976218, Email - sar@mod.gov.il.

(When calling of faxing from abroad dial Israel's country code 972 and then dial the number, eliminating the first zero)

With Blessings and Love for Israel,

Ruth Matar

P.S. In order to better understand the Shabak, I recommend that you read the book "Lies - Israel's Secret Service and the Rabin Assassination" by David Morrison.
  • #22
Originally posted by Njorl
I think David Koresh ... er um ben Ariel ... goes a bit beyond what any of our resident left wingers do. I was hoping we'd all ignore him and he'd go away.
I was mostly being tongue - in - cheek there. I don't expect he'll last too long here.
  • #23
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
THIS HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S HAPPENING IN ISRAELI SOCIETY! Of course they are opinions: in truly democratic free countries opinions are permitted and encouraged. I trust Israel's Secret Police (GSS/Shabak) have patted you on the head for pushing CENSORSHIP and destruction of legal opposition. You're exhibit A of how undemocratic Israel has become under the godless Bolsheviks who look to the fascist EU/UN for instructions. The "Right-wing" in Israel are in their right mind while the Leftists continue to play out in Left field, tearing Israel down with their hateful measures that are the gravest danger to Israeli existence: dismantling the Jewish State for a Chamberlain "peace in our time;" demonizing Jewish PATRIOTS while praising terrorist "peace" partners; etc.
Your "opinions" differ little from those of Al-Qaeda -
almost the same but for different religions. Calling
me a leftist won't help because I, mostly, represent the
center of the Isreali political map. Specificly, my opinions
about the settlers may be a bit of center to the left, but
that is for good and real reasons and data and personal

Democracy stops when one preaches hatred and violence against
another - not due to his actions, but for his racial/national/
religious beliefs. Even if such beliefs are also not acceptable.

However, removing you from this forum is not violence or
hatred, so I hope your messages will stop too, soon.

Peace and long life.
  • #24
Originally posted by drag
Your "opinions" differ little from those of Al-Qaeda -
almost the same but for different religions.
Democracy stops when one preaches hatred and violence against
another - not due to his actions, but for his racial/national/
religious beliefs. However, removing you from this forum is not violence or hatred, so I hope your messages will stop too, soon.

You AGAIN prove how brainwashed you've been by the Bolsheviks who discourage free speech and independent THINKING. So much for your rosh yehudi (Jewish head/brain). IF you fail to differentiate between my biblical beliefs and Al-Qaeda's, perhaps you should stay off the forum and study the Bible and really get to know it and then you will SEE there's not moral equivalency between the two and that it's rather immoral to even suggest the ludicrous notion.

Hatred and violence? I do not espouse either. If you consider SELF-DEFENSE and respecting and exercising NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY in the hostile face of terrorist Muslim's war of attrition hatred and violence - then I stand guilty as charged, without apology. You are exhibit A of the spiritual sickness of Israeli society that apologizes for wanting to LIVE and PROSPER. Something Muslim overlords would NEVER permit, given their first opportunity. I've lived, eaten, slept and socialized with Arabs in Israel and America. My reality-based opinions are based on grassroots experiences. How about you? You're probably one of the Suicide ("Peace") Now freaks, or a liberal kibbutznik living in a sheltered world. Where do you actually live in Israel? (Thankfully not every kibbutznik is a mindless liberal, although most are - and I know having served as a volunteer on 8 kibbutzim throughout Israel, including during Operation Desert Storm when another peaceful Muslim waged war against the world).

FAQ: Will there be an Israeli Civil War?

1. Will the current political tensions in Israel lead to a civil war?

It is impossible to predict the future with certainty, but at this time, there is no evidence to suggest that a civil war will break out in Israel. While there are certainly political divisions and ongoing conflicts in the region, the government and military have shown a strong ability to maintain control and prevent widespread violence.

2. What are the main factors that could potentially lead to a civil war in Israel?

Some potential factors that could contribute to a civil war in Israel include deep political divisions, economic instability, and external influences from neighboring countries. However, it is worth noting that these factors alone do not necessarily guarantee a civil war, and there are many other variables at play.

3. Has Israel ever experienced a civil war in the past?

No, Israel has not experienced a civil war in its history. While there have been conflicts and uprisings within the country, they have not escalated to the level of a full-scale civil war.

4. How likely is it that a civil war will occur in Israel?

As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to predict the future with certainty. However, based on current political and social conditions, it does not appear that a civil war is imminent in Israel. The government and military have shown a strong ability to maintain control and prevent widespread violence.

5. What steps is the Israeli government taking to prevent a civil war?

The Israeli government is constantly monitoring and addressing political tensions and conflicts within the country. They also have a strong military presence and security measures in place to prevent outbreaks of violence. Additionally, the government has implemented various policies and initiatives aimed at promoting unity and cooperation among different groups within Israeli society.

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