Find Function Satisfying Conditions: x→0

  • Thread starter katkat
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding a function t(x) that satisfies several conditions as x approaches 0, including t(x) approaching infinity, x t(x) approaching 0, x t(x) exp(t(x)) approaching 0, and x t(x)^2 exp(t(x)) approaching infinity. The participants suggest several possible solutions, including t(x) = sqrt(-log x) and t(x) = -log( -x log(x)). They also discuss the need for the function to be continuous and approach the limit from both sides.
  • #1
Does anyone know a function t(x) satisfying the following conditions.

as x -> 0 we have

(1) t(x)-> oo

(2) x t(x) -> 0

(3) x t(x) exp(t(x)) -> 0

(4) x t(x)^2 exp(t(x)) -> oo

I have "two extremes" as

t(x) = sqrt(-log x) satisfies (1-3) but x t(x)^2 exp(t(x)) -> 0

t(x) = -log( -x log(x))

satisfies (1-2) and (4), but x t(x) exp(t(x)) -> c >0

I have been searching desperately.
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  • #2
What level course is this?
  • #3

if your really desperate you should try ploting it through mathematica or some similar program and watch what happens as x goes to infinity it shouldn't be too hard, a few guesses and you should be able to get your solution
  • #4
This is in the reals, right? And am I misreading this:
as x -> 0 we have

(1) t(x)-> oo

(2) x t(x) -> 0

or are (1) and (2) mutually exclusive?
  • #5
rachmaninoff said:
This is in the reals, right? And am I misreading this:

or are (1) and (2) mutually exclusive?
I want to agree with you but first I want to verify that the only functions that tend to infinity as x-> 0 are ones where the denominator has a quicker tendency to infinity than the numerator.
  • #6
rachmaninoff said:
This is in the reals, right? And am I misreading this:

or are (1) and (2) mutually exclusive?

[tex]t(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\vert x \vert}}[/tex]

Am I missing something?
  • #7
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{x}{\sqrt{|x|}} \neq 0 [/tex]
  • #8
edit: I misread the OP, ignore this post.
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  • #9
whozum said:
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{x}{\sqrt{|x|}} \neq 0 [/tex]

It's zero. When x>0 it's sqrt(x). It appears he's only looking at right handed limts (hence his log's), but for this function the two-sided limit is also zero, it's -sqrt(x) for x<0.

These limits are as x->0, none of them exclude any others.

t(x) = -log( -x log(x)) is hopeful. In condition 3, you're looking at [-log(x)-log(-log(x))]/(-log(x)). You'd like to speed up the growth of the denominator without affecting the numerator signifigantly. Try fiddling with the inside log of t(x)
  • #10
I thought of this last night, does it have to be continuous?
And also, for a limit to exist, the function must approach the value from both sides, however since the log function can't take negative values, there is a whole in his domain for t(x) = -log( -x log(x)), correct?
  • #11
The log(x) is what made me think he was considering right hand limits. Finding a function satisfying those limits from the right is enough in any case, just put |x| where you see x and you've got your two sided limits as well. There's nothing about continuity as he's written it, just a limit. In fact the first condition rules on continuity at 0. The t(x) = -log( -x log(x)) will work, with some minor alterations.

FAQ: Find Function Satisfying Conditions: x→0

1. What is the purpose of finding a function satisfying the condition x→0?

The purpose of finding a function satisfying the condition x→0 is to determine the behavior of the function as the input, x, approaches 0. This can help us understand the limits, continuity, and differentiability of the function at that point.

2. How do you find a function satisfying the condition x→0?

To find a function satisfying the condition x→0, we can start by considering what happens to the function as x gets closer and closer to 0. We can then use algebraic manipulation and mathematical techniques such as limits and derivatives to find a function that satisfies this condition.

3. What are the key properties of a function satisfying the condition x→0?

The key properties of a function satisfying the condition x→0 are that the function is continuous, differentiable, and has a limit at x=0. This means that the function has a smooth and continuous graph at x=0 and that the slope of the graph is well-defined at that point.

4. Can a function satisfy the condition x→0 at multiple points?

Yes, a function can satisfy the condition x→0 at multiple points. This means that the function has the same behavior at all those points as the input, x, approaches 0. However, the specific form of the function may be different at each point.

5. How can finding a function satisfying the condition x→0 be useful in real-world applications?

Finding a function satisfying the condition x→0 can be useful in real-world applications such as physics and engineering, where understanding the behavior of a function at a particular point is crucial. This can help in predicting the behavior of a system or optimizing a function for a specific condition.

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