Looking for help regarding decapod microsurgery

  • Thread starter Tex the Knife
  • Start date
In summary, the forceps the scientist is using are not gripping well and may need a different type of forceps. The scientist also suggests using a micromanipulator to help grip the vas deferens.
  • #1
Tex the Knife
I'm doing microsurgery on young, live male decapods (.3g-.5g) and am having trouble finding forceps that will grip and extract the vas deferens through muscle tissue without slipping. The forceps I am now using have a straight tip (.05mm x .2mm) and are the perfect size. While I am comfortable working with a dissection microscope, getting used to forceps this small has been an obstacle. Even with a light touch the vas deferens slips through the tips, and the slightest bump against the carapace bends the tips. It's like trying to pull a thread of oil out of a block of ballistics gelatin. Is there a specific type of forceps I should be using for this kind of work, and if so what? I'm sure a lot of this boils down to a learning curve for technique, so any help on where to find additional resources for this type of work is also greatly appreciated, as would good reference sources for microsurgical techiques.

Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have you searched either Fine Science Tools or WPI for products?

Also, have you considered using a micromanipulator to hold the tool?
  • #3
Andy Resnick said:
Have you searched either Fine Science Tools or WPI for products?

Also, have you considered using a micromanipulator to hold the tool?

Yes, the forceps I am using came from FST. They work great, except for my not being able to grip the internal tissues with them. That's why I think a lot of it comes down to developing a good technique in using them. I've never worked with forceps this small (.05mm x .2mm) before.

The micromanipulator is an excellent idea, but won't allow for the range of motion required to accomplish the task. Because these animals are alive, they move. Sometimes they flip over and other times they move legs, which requires a free-moving tool to get them out of the way. There is also a lot of probing within the wound opening.

I've considered using some kind of micro-suctioning device, but that might be too traumatizing. The other option would be using one of the small-vessel cauterizers on the market to incinerate the tissue. If I could totally destroy a sphere of tissue ~1mm in diameter it would probably work, but I might have the same trauma problem as with suctioning. Plus I could destroy more than 10 pair of forceps for the cost of one cauterizer.

FAQ: Looking for help regarding decapod microsurgery

1. What is decapod microsurgery?

Decapod microsurgery is a surgical technique used to perform delicate operations on small crustaceans, specifically decapods such as crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. It involves using specialized tools and magnification to perform precise incisions and repairs on these tiny animals.

2. Why is decapod microsurgery important?

Decapod microsurgery is important for studying and understanding the anatomy, physiology, and behavior of these small crustaceans. It also allows scientists to perform experiments and procedures on individual animals, which can help in areas such as ecology, physiology, and genetics.

3. What kind of tools are used in decapod microsurgery?

Specialized microsurgical tools such as fine-tipped forceps, microscissors, and microsurgical needles are used in decapod microsurgery. These tools are designed to be precise and delicate, allowing for precise manipulations of the tiny crustaceans.

4. What are some common procedures performed using decapod microsurgery?

Some common procedures performed using decapod microsurgery include dissections, organ removal or transplantation, injection of substances into specific body parts, and tissue repair. These procedures can help scientists understand the functions and interactions of different body parts in decapods.

5. How can I learn more about decapod microsurgery?

There are several resources available for learning more about decapod microsurgery, including books, scientific articles, and workshops or courses offered by universities or research institutions. It is also helpful to connect with other scientists who have experience in this field for guidance and advice.

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