Looking for info on UC Santa Cruz Mathematics

In summary: I think they have a really great program and the professors are all very knowledgable. Have you visited the math department at UCSC?
  • #1

I'm currently a 1st year 2nd semester California CC student planning to transfer to UC Santa Cruz for math (specifically Computational Mathematics).

I was wondering if anyone here has any experience of the department or anything that you wanted to share about it.

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  • #2
You sound like in my situation as well, I am a first year second semester Community College student as well. What math course are you in right now? I am currently deciding which UC to transfer to myself. UCSC is high on the list. Their Computational math program is a BA with some interesting major requirements that include 2 courses from other departments (must be approved). The down fall I see with this option and one reason I am hesitant to go to UCSC is because I feel like It will not prepare me for math graduate school as well. Though I am sure you can always take more courses. Have you had the chance to visit UCSC?
  • #3
TheKracken said:
You sound like in my situation as well, I am a first year second semester Community College student as well. What math course are you in right now? I am currently deciding which UC to transfer to myself. UCSC is high on the list. Their Computational math program is a BA with some interesting major requirements that include 2 courses from other departments (must be approved). The down fall I see with this option and one reason I am hesitant to go to UCSC is because I feel like It will not prepare me for math graduate school as well. Though I am sure you can always take more courses. Have you had the chance to visit UCSC?

Finished Calc 2 last semester (was able to skip Calc 1 with Calc AB) and right now I'm taking Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (2 separate courses at my school).

I've had the same thoughts as you about grad school prep. Though from what I've seen in PF, most people say that undergrad is what you make of it and even if you don't go to a top school it shouldn't matter too much. But I'm also interested in what UCSC math majors did after graduation.

I visited a friend that goes to UCSC (he's a CS major though) but I didn't get to go to the math department since I was looking more toward physics at the time.

FAQ: Looking for info on UC Santa Cruz Mathematics

1. What is the UC Santa Cruz Mathematics program known for?

The UC Santa Cruz Mathematics program is known for its strength in both pure and applied mathematics. The department has a diverse faculty with expertise in a wide range of areas, including algebra, analysis, topology, geometry, and mathematical physics.

2. How is the Mathematics program structured at UC Santa Cruz?

The Mathematics program at UC Santa Cruz offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Mathematics, as well as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Mathematics. Both programs provide a strong foundation in core mathematics courses, as well as the opportunity to explore specialized areas through electives and research opportunities.

3. What research opportunities are available for Mathematics students at UC Santa Cruz?

UC Santa Cruz has a strong focus on undergraduate research, and the Mathematics department offers a variety of research opportunities for students. These include independent studies, senior thesis projects, and participation in faculty-led research projects.

4. What career paths can I pursue with a degree in Mathematics from UC Santa Cruz?

A degree in Mathematics from UC Santa Cruz can lead to a variety of career paths, including positions in fields such as finance, data science, computer science, engineering, and teaching. Many graduates also go on to pursue graduate studies in mathematics or related fields.

5. What support and resources are available for Mathematics students at UC Santa Cruz?

The Mathematics department at UC Santa Cruz offers a variety of resources and support for students, including tutoring services, study groups, and academic advising. The department also hosts seminars, workshops, and other events to help students develop their skills and explore their interests in mathematics.

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