Lorentz Equations - Chaos and Stability

Since ##\delta x## is aligned with ##v_1##, we can write ##\delta x = \alpha v_1##, where ##\alpha## is a constant. Substituting this into the above equation, we get:$$\delta \dot x = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma(\alpha v_{11}-\alpha v_{12}) \\ -(\alpha v_{11}+\alpha v_{12})(r-\
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Homework Statement

The figure below shows the path of a particle governed by the Lorenz equations with r = 28, σ = 10, b = 8/3. The x'es and boxes show points where the path crosses the plane z = r − 2σ > 0.


(a) Which indicator shows a decreasing z and which shows an increasing z?

(b) Show the length of element ## | \delta x | ## between the two paths either grows or decays exponentially if aligned with one of the eigenfunctions of jacobian ##\frac{J + J^T}{2}##.

(c) Find ##\frac{J + J^T}{2}## and its eigenvalues at (0, 0, r-2σ). Hence deduce that of ##\delta x ## grows is in the x-y plane while it decays is along the direction of z-axis.

(d) Show the volume decreases exponentially with ##\delta V = \delta V_0 e^{−(σ+1+b)t}##
Since ##\frac{(J + J^T)}{2}## is symmetric, its eigenfunctions are orthogonal. Show that for a cubic element where the three displacement directions are along the eigenfunctions in section (c) decays at the same rate.

Homework Equations

Lorentz equations are given by:

[tex]\dot x = \sigma(y-x)[/tex]
[tex]\dot y = rx - y - xz [/tex]
[tex]\dot z = xy - bz [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Part (a)
For ## \dot z < 0##, ##xy < bz \approx 21##.

So the boxes represent decreasing z, the x'es represent increasing z.

Part (b)

How do I show it either grows or decays exponentially? Do I put in z = r − 2σ and find the eigenvalues? Wouldn't it be part (c)? I think this part is simpler than it seems.

Part (c)

The matrix ##\frac{J + J^T}{2}## becomes:


I found the eigenvalues to be:

[tex]\lambda_{1,2} = -\frac{ -(\sigma + 1) \pm \sqrt{ (\sigma+1)^2 - 4(\sigma - \frac{9}{4} \sigma^2) } }{2} [/tex]
[tex]\lambda_3 = -b[/tex]

Part (d)

[tex]\nabla \cdot \vec u = -(\sigma + 1 + b) [/tex]

Then the result follows.
This is all that I have managed to do so far, would appreciate any input, thank you!
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Part (b)

To show that the length of element ##|\delta x|## either grows or decays exponentially, we can use the fact that the eigenvalues of ##\frac{J + J^T}{2}## determine the behavior of the system. We can also use the fact that the eigenfunctions of a symmetric matrix are orthogonal.

Let's consider the eigenfunctions of ##\frac{J + J^T}{2}## at the point (0,0,r-2σ). We found the eigenvalues in part (c) to be ##\lambda_1 = -\frac{-(\sigma+1)+\sqrt{(\sigma+1)^2-4(\sigma-\frac{9}{4}\sigma^2)}}{2}, \lambda_2 = -\frac{-(\sigma+1)-\sqrt{(\sigma+1)^2-4(\sigma-\frac{9}{4}\sigma^2)}}{2}, \lambda_3 = -b##.

The corresponding eigenvectors are:

##v_1 = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ -\frac{1}{2}(\sigma+1)+\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{(\sigma+1)^2-4(\sigma-\frac{9}{4}\sigma^2)} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}, v_2 = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ -\frac{1}{2}(\sigma+1)-\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{(\sigma+1)^2-4(\sigma-\frac{9}{4}\sigma^2)} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}, v_3 = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix}##

Now, let's consider a small element ##\delta x = \begin{pmatrix} \delta x_1 \\ \delta x_2 \\ \delta x_3 \end{pmatrix}## aligned with one of the eigenfunctions, say ##v_1##. Using the Lorentz equations, we can write the change in this element as:

$$\delta \dot x = \begin{pmatrix} \dot x_1 \\ \dot x_2 \\ \dot x_3 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma(\delta x_2-\

FAQ: Lorentz Equations - Chaos and Stability

1. What are the Lorentz equations and what do they describe?

The Lorentz equations are a set of differential equations that describe the dynamics of a chaotic system. They were first developed by Edward Lorenz in the 1960s to model atmospheric convection, but have since been used to study a variety of complex systems in physics and mathematics.

2. How do the Lorentz equations demonstrate chaos?

The Lorentz equations demonstrate chaos through the sensitive dependence on initial conditions. This means that even small changes in the initial conditions of the system can lead to drastically different outcomes. Additionally, the system exhibits aperiodic behavior and is highly sensitive to parameter values.

3. What are the implications of chaos in the context of the Lorentz equations?

The implications of chaos in the context of the Lorentz equations are far-reaching. It means that even simple systems can exhibit complex, unpredictable behavior. This has implications for weather forecasting, climate modeling, and other fields where accurate predictions are crucial.

4. How does the concept of stability apply to the Lorentz equations?

The concept of stability is closely related to chaos in the Lorentz equations. A system is considered stable if small perturbations do not significantly change the behavior of the system. However, in the case of chaotic systems, even small perturbations can have a large impact, making it difficult to determine the long-term stability of the system.

5. Can the Lorentz equations be solved analytically?

No, the Lorentz equations cannot be solved analytically. They must be solved numerically using computational methods. This is due to the complex and chaotic nature of the equations, which do not have a closed-form solution. However, numerical solutions can provide valuable insights into the behavior of the system.
