LQG and Princeton's institute for Advanced Study

  • #1
Looking at Marcus list I wonder:

What would it take for LQG to be seriously researched (i.e group of phD's publishing papers, post docs, grad students, courses in study) at Princeton's institute for Advanced Study as well as Stanford or Harvard, UChicago, Rutgers, MIT, etc., will be starting an LQG research center? One comparable to say Penn State? These institutes and others have string theory research groups. Including classes, offices in physical buildings, faculty tenured positions in physics departments, courses, students, textbooks. When if ever, will they have an LQG research group?

Has any physicist in Princeton's institute for Advanced Study devoted any study to LQG? The one paper I'm aware of is Witten's paper on Kodama state. arXiv:gr-qc/0306083

These institutions did not originally have a string theory research group prior to the 1980's.What do you think needs to happen in LQG for the above mentioned institutions to found an LQG group?

1- LQG needs to show good semiclassical limit, solve outstanding problems,

-- string theory took off when the anomolies were canceled and Witten took an interest in 1980's

2- many LQC predictions are observed and agree (i.e naked singularities, polarizations in CMB) and Nobel Prizes awarded
3- LHC, SuperCDMS, Super-Kamiokande and others, fail to find any evidence of SUSY, GUT's, dark matter, higher dimensions, etc.
4- HEP process discovered in LHC perhaps involving CP, violations of unitary (i.e absence of Higgs), chiral anomalies, baryon conservation is exact, etc., that cannot be reconciled with any known extension of SM (i.e SUSY or GUT)

in otherwords, LQG's prospects tie into string theory's.

example below:




String theory (and its alter ego M-theory) is currently the most viable candidate for a unified theory of physics which describes all forces of nature, encompassing the physics of gravity as well as quantum field theory. MIT is a main center of research in string theory, with six faculty members and numerous postdocs and graduate students working in this area.

Work on string theory at MIT is currently focused in several different directions. Dan Freedman (math/physics) NO MENTION OF LQG at MIT, no mention of LQC in MIT COSMOLOGY"Faculty members at MIT working on theoretical problems related to cosmology include Alan Guth and Frank Wilczek in the CTPexternal link icon , as well as Ed Bertschinger and Max Tegmark in astrophysics, and David Kaiser in Science, Technology, and Society, and physics. A number of experimentalists in the astrophysics and particle experiment groups are working on research relevant to cosmology. String theorists Hong Liu and Washington Taylor are also currently working on problems related to cosmology."
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  • #2
When they find out how useful LQG is for condensed matter - just like AdS/CFT.
  • #3
atyy said:
When they find out how useful LQG is for condensed matter - just like AdS/CFT.

String theory research group was present at Princeton's institute for Advanced Study (and Stanford, Harvard, MIT, etc.,) long before AdS/CFT.

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