Magnetic Moment and Spacing of Adjacent Magnetic Substates

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of fine structure on the hydrogen atom in the 42F5/2 state. The spectroscopic notation of the state degenerate with 42F5/2 in the absence of an external magnetic field is 42D5/2. The calculation for the magnitude of the magnetic moment in units of the Bohr magneton is 2.54µB, using the equation for magnetic moment that takes into account fine structure. The spacing in energy between adjacent magnetic substates, in terms of µBB, is 0.857µBB, based on the equation for ΔE = ΔmjgµBB where Δmj = 1 between adjacent substates.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the hydrogen atom in the 42F5/2 state. Take into account the effects of finestructure (spin-orbit coupling).
(a) Write down the spectroscopic notation of the state that the 42F5/2 is degenerate with, in the absence of an external magnetic field.
(b) Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic moment of the hydrogen atom in the 42F5/2 state, in units of the Bohr magneton µB.
(c) Suppose the hydrogen atom in the 42F5/2 state is placed in an external magnetic field B. What will be the spacing in energy between adjacent magnetic substates, in terms of µBB, where again µB is the Bohr magneton?

The Attempt at a Solution

So I actually managed to do all three of them. But the solutions I got for B and C were so simple I feel like I did something wrong like maybe used the wrong equation of forgot to add something.

A) Degenerate with 42D5/2

B) I said that j =5/2, l = 3, s = 1/2. With this info I found the lande g factor to be = 0.857
Then I used μJ = |ge√(j(j+1) ħ/2m = 0.857µB√(5/2(5/2+1) = 2.54µB

C) I said ΔE = ΔmjBB where Δmj = 1 between adjacent substates. So

ΔE = 0.857µBB

Was just hoping I could get a double check on these solutions and any tips if they were wrong.
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  • #2
njdevils45 said:
Then I used μJ = |ge√(j(j+1) ħ/2m = 0.857µB√(5/2(5/2+1) = 2.54µB
I'm not sure what you are doing here. What equation is this based on?

The rest appears correct.
  • #3
DrClaude said:
I'm not sure what you are doing here. What equation is this based on?

The rest appears correct.
I'm not sure. I just found this,

On the lecture slides.

I used the equation for "THE" Magnetic Moment, which I think takes into account fine structure. I think I just wasn't able to write it out using keyboard. Did I miss something or use the wrong equation?


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