Mathematics most used in GR and QM

In summary: I do, it really solidifies the understanding for me and I can more easily see how that concept applies to more complicated situations or problems.In summary, the OP wants to understand the relationship between math and physics so that he can better understand the math required for physics. He wants to understand the math required for general relativity and quantum mechanics, and he wants to understand the math required for a first course in quantum. He wants to understand the math required for a smooth and pseudo-riemannian manifold for general relativity and the math required for a Fourier series and Fourier transform for quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Hi all! Been a while since I was on PF and I greatly regret it. Forgot how great the community was. Anyways on to my point.

I'm going into my second ywar of post secondary and planning to major in physics, and have the eventual goal of understanding both General relativity, and Quantum mechanics extremely thoroughly. Although I'm told I'll be given the formula's and some math I'll need IN THE COURSE, I wish to learn the math required seperately, so to best master the physics and understand where the math comes from etc.

So my question is; can anyone tell me what branches of mathematics are most useful for General relativity, and/or which ones are best for Quantum mechanics?

*I have already taken Calculus 1 & 2, linear algebra, and Statistics (all first year courses) so please be more specific than this! Thanks!
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  • #2
For general relativity, you'll want to learn some tensor calculus for sure. For quantum mechanics, partial differential equations, complex analysis, Fourier analysis, and Hilbert spaces are all important. Also, make sure your linear algebra is good and solid, for either quantum or GR.

For a first course in quantum, if you know what separation of variables is and understand the Fourier series and Fourier transform, that should help a lot.
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Likes cmcraes and Dishsoap
  • #3
For GR you will need smooth and pseudo-riemannian manifolds. How rigorous a knowledge of them you will need depends a lot on the book from which you choose to learn GR.
  • #4
Cruz Martinez said:
For GR you will need smooth and pseudo-riemannian manifolds. How rigorous a knowledge of them you will need depends a lot on the book from which you choose to learn GR.

Right. The OP needs to specify how rigorous he wants things to be. For example, you could learn the math necessary to just understand the equations and to apply it. Then a mathematical methods book will be ideal. Or you can learn the math so you can really understand the very foundations of a subject. Then you will have to study quite some heavy math. What you want to have is possibly somewhere in between this. So you'll need to specify this.

For examples, do you want to learn math proofs?
  • #5
Hi all! Sorry I didn't specify the degree of rigor of which I wish to understand the math required for the physics.

My goal is to understand these principles and domains of math for GR & QM analogous to how much I understand the relationship between Calculus and kinematics, or Linear algebra and Dynamics. That being that I understand the fundamental theorems of calculus and where they come from, and how we use calculus to derive kinematic formula's for constant v or constant a, etc. I apologize if this is not specific enough I hope this can provide some insight into the degree of which I wish to understand.

EDIT: I do as well find it incredibly revealing when I understand a proof of a mathematical concept.
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FAQ: Mathematics most used in GR and QM

1. What is the role of mathematics in General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM)?

Mathematics plays a crucial role in both GR and QM as it provides the language and tools necessary to describe and understand the intricate and complex phenomena observed in these fields. It allows us to formulate precise equations and make predictions based on experimental data.

2. What are the most commonly used mathematical concepts in GR and QM?

In GR, tensor calculus and differential geometry are the most commonly used mathematical concepts. These help us describe the curvature of space-time and the effects of gravity. In QM, linear algebra and probability theory are fundamental to describe the behavior of quantum systems and make predictions about their properties.

3. How does mathematics help us to understand the fundamental principles of GR and QM?

Mathematics allows us to formulate precise and elegant equations that describe the fundamental principles of GR and QM. For example, in GR, the Einstein field equations describe the relationship between matter and the curvature of space-time, while in QM, the Schrödinger equation describes how the state of a quantum system evolves over time.

4. Are there any mathematical challenges in reconciling GR and QM?

Yes, there are several mathematical challenges in reconciling GR and QM, such as the incompatibility between the continuous nature of GR and the discrete nature of QM. This has led to the development of theories such as string theory and loop quantum gravity, which aim to unify these two theories using advanced mathematical concepts.

5. How important is mathematical rigor in GR and QM?

Mathematical rigor is essential in GR and QM as it ensures that our theories are logically consistent and accurately describe the physical phenomena we observe. Without mathematical rigor, our understanding of these fields would be limited, and we would not be able to make precise predictions or advancements in our understanding of the universe.

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