Does Quantum Mechanics Challenge the Conservation of Matter Law?

  • Thread starter bobsmith76
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The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics suggests that particles emerge out of and perish into a field of subatomic events with an ontological status that defies description in terms of simple location or duration.In summary, quantum mechanics has revolutionized our understanding of matter by challenging the idea of material entities having a simple definable state. The uncertainty principle suggests that particles exist in a field of subatomic events that cannot be described in terms of location or duration, possibly violating the concept of conservation of matter. However, energy is still conserved in the process of virtual particles being emitted or absorbed.
  • #1
This comes from Paul Davies Information and the Nature of Reality but it is written by Nils Henrik Gregersen

Even more revolutionary for the concept of matter was quantum mechanics, which gave up the idea of material entities having a simple definable state at the ultimate level of matter. The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics suggests that particles emerge out of and perish into a field of subatomic events with an ontological status that defies description in terms of simple location or duration.

the words in bold seem to violate the conservation of matter law. let me know what you think.
Physics news on
  • #2
Not sure what you mean by conservation of matter, but energy is conserved, and in particular it is conserved when virtual particles are emitted or absorbed.

FAQ: Does Quantum Mechanics Challenge the Conservation of Matter Law?

1. What is meant by "matter emerges and perishes"?

"Matter emerges and perishes" refers to the concept that matter is constantly being created and destroyed in the universe. This is based on the idea that matter can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

2. What are some examples of matter emerging and perishing?

Examples of matter emerging and perishing include the formation and destruction of stars, the growth and decay of living organisms, and the creation and annihilation of subatomic particles.

3. How does the emergence and perishing of matter affect the universe?

The emergence and perishing of matter is a fundamental process that drives the evolution and transformation of the universe. It allows for the creation of new structures and systems, as well as the recycling and renewal of existing ones.

4. What is the role of energy in the emergence and perishing of matter?

Energy is closely tied to the emergence and perishing of matter. Matter is constantly being converted into energy and vice versa, through processes such as nuclear fusion and fission. This energy is then used to power the emergence and perishing of matter in various forms.

5. How is the concept of matter emerging and perishing relevant to everyday life?

The concept of matter emerging and perishing helps us understand the world around us and our place in the universe. It also has practical applications in fields such as energy production, environmental conservation, and medical research.
