Maximum and Minimum Limits at Infinity Proof?

In summary, the conversation is about proving that a continuous even function with limits at infinity equal to a will have either a maximum or a minimum. There is some confusion about how to apply the definition of a limit at infinity and concerns about the validity of the theorem. The conversation also includes a request for help in finding the minimum of a specific function.
  • #1
I'm frustrated beyond belief with a proof.

Suppose we have an continuous even function with a domain of all real numbers. Now this function has limit as x goes to negative infinty equal to l and the limit as x goes to positive infinty is also equal to l.

I want to show that this function will either have a maximum or a minimum.

I'm not sure at all how to show this rigorously since I don't know how to apply the definition of a limit to limits at infinity. I think it has to do with bounds. And I need to do this without first derivative test.
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  • #2
Aren't the specifications you give consistent with the constant function f(x) = 1?
  • #3
Did you think my l was a 1. Maybe I should write it differently.

lim (x-> -oo) f(x) = lim (x-> oo) f(x) = a
and a is even.

Want to show f has either a minimum or a maximum.
  • #4
intuitively this makes sense, but rigorously you could show that unless it is a consant function (for example y = 1) then there must be a point where it switches between a positive and negative slope. I am not entirely sure what level of "rigorousness" you want.
  • #5
First, you still have the problem that was pointed out by both selfadjoint and T@p:
The constant function f(x)= a satisfies your conditions but does not have a maximum or minimum so the "theorem" as you stated it is not true.

If f(x) is NOT A CONSTANT FUNCTION, then there exist some x0 such that f(x0) is not equal to a and so is either larger than or less than a.

Assume f(x0)> a. Since limit as x-> infinity f(x)= a, there exist some x1> x0 such that f(x1)< f(x0).
Similarly, since limit as x-> -infinity f(x)= a, there exist some x2< x0 such that f(x2)< f(x0). Since f is continuous on the closed and bounded interval [x2, x1] it must have both maximum and minimum values there. Now show that f has a maximum on -infinity to infinity.
  • #6
I need help. Find the minimum of y = Absolute value of (sinx + cosx + tanx + cotx +
secx + cscx) Thanks Ruth Jackson
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
Assume f(x0)> a. Since limit as x-> infinity f(x)= a, there exist some x1> x0 such that f(x1)< f(x0).

I think you need to add something about x1 here. Choose it in such a way that if x>x1 then f(x)<f(x0). Similar change with how you select x2.

FAQ: Maximum and Minimum Limits at Infinity Proof?

What is a maximum and minimum question?

A maximum and minimum question is a type of mathematical problem that asks you to find the highest or lowest value of a given function or equation. In other words, it asks you to determine the maximum or minimum point on a graph.

How do you solve a maximum and minimum question?

To solve a maximum and minimum question, you first need to find the derivative of the given function. Then, set the derivative equal to 0 and solve for the variable. This will give you the x-value of the maximum or minimum point. Finally, plug this value back into the original function to find the corresponding y-value.

What is the difference between a maximum and minimum point?

A maximum point is the highest point on a graph, while a minimum point is the lowest point on a graph. In other words, a maximum point represents the peak of a function, while a minimum point represents the bottom of a function.

Why are maximum and minimum questions important in science?

Maximum and minimum questions are important in science because they allow us to find critical points in a function. These critical points can represent the optimal or extreme values of a given system or process, which can help us make important decisions or predictions.

What are some real-life applications of maximum and minimum questions?

Maximum and minimum questions have many real-life applications, such as finding the most efficient way to use resources, maximizing profits in business, determining the optimal dosage of medication, and predicting the peak and low points of a stock market. They are also used in physics, engineering, and other fields to optimize systems and processes.
