Motion in the Universe: The Holographic Universe and the Absence of Empty Space

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that empty space may not exist, and whether this would allow for motion in the universe. The concept is derived from quantum mechanics, which suggests that there is no empty space at any scale and that space is instead filled with virtual particles. This theory has been experimentally successful in predicting characteristics of electrons.
  • #1
There is a book called THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE which suggests that empty space does not exist. If this were true could there be motion in the univeres?
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by Sensei
Yes. As long as everything else in the universe shifted along with your movement no matter how subtle.
shifted compared to what?

if every thing shifts along with me then it is relatively same as nothing is shifting at all if i change the point of observation so that it shifts along with me.

my A to Salnex Q:
empty space could not exist and yet there can be movement cause not all types of matter are with same density. for example speeding bullet goes thru water just like that.
  • #3
That there is no empty space is derived from quantum mechanics. In that realm, our everyday ideas about "motion through space" do not apply. How particle A moves from point A to point B, is not the same as you'd expect. Does anyone have a link explaining this?
  • #4
what do you mean that moving from point a to point b is not as expected?
  • #5
is it being suggested that in the quantum world there is no empty space? How do we know there is empty space in the larger than quantum world?
  • #6
According to quantum mechanics, there is no empty space anywhere, at any scale. Space a teeming bath of virtual particles of all kinds. Quantum electrodynamics (QED), the quantum-mechanical description of the interaction of light and matter, is based upon the notion of these virtual particles. QED is also probably the most experimentally successful physical theory of all time -- it has succeeded in theoretically predicting the values of very esoteric characteristics of electrons (like their gyromagnetic ratio) to hundreds of (experimentally verified) decimal places.

- Warren

FAQ: Motion in the Universe: The Holographic Universe and the Absence of Empty Space

1. What is the holographic universe theory?

The holographic universe theory is a concept that suggests the entire universe can be seen as a hologram, where information about the 3D universe is encoded on a 2D surface. This means that our perception of 3D space is actually an illusion, and the universe is fundamentally a projection of information.

2. How does the holographic universe theory relate to motion?

The holographic universe theory suggests that motion in the universe is a result of the information encoded on the 2D surface. This means that everything we perceive as moving in 3D space is actually just a projection of this information, and there is no actual empty space for objects to move through.

3. What evidence supports the holographic universe theory?

One piece of evidence supporting the holographic universe theory is the holographic principle, which states that the maximum amount of information that can be contained in a given space is proportional to the surface area of that space. This principle has been supported by various scientific studies and observations, including black hole thermodynamics and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

4. Does the holographic universe theory have any implications for our understanding of gravity?

Yes, the holographic universe theory suggests that gravity is not a fundamental force, but rather a result of the information encoded on the 2D surface. This means that gravity may be better understood as a geometric property of space rather than a force between massive objects.

5. How does the absence of empty space impact our understanding of the universe?

The absence of empty space, as suggested by the holographic universe theory, challenges our traditional understanding of space and matter. It also raises questions about the concept of infinity and the nature of reality. This theory has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe and lead to new discoveries and advancements in science.

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