Is a Career in Physics or IT Realistic for Me?

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In summary, In the opinion of the author, getting a PhD in physics or IT is not realistic in the current market.
  • #1
MS/PhD in physics or IT?

Hello fellow Physics Forum’ers

It’s been a while since I posted and want to know everyone’s opinion on my situation. I am currently finishing up my 3rd class as part of a master’s in physics program. I got an A in E&M, a B in Classical Mechanics, and will hopefully get an A or B in Quantum Physics. I go to school part-time in the evenings since I work full time in the daytime (in the IT/financial systems sector).

I have promoted 3 times within the last couple of years in my current company, and feel that I am naturally talented in IT/computers/systems. I don’t feel the same about physics, since I have to really work hard at it and at the same time I feel that since my professors grade on a curve, I do better than what I would get if there was no curve. The thing is I am passionate about space, astronomy and anything related to the cosmos. I saw myself becoming an astronomer or astrophysicist one day. But I am torn now since I am doing very well in my company and am considering getting a masters in IT in order to keep promoting (since my UG degree is in mathematics its tough to continue promoting further in management without an IT or business degree).

My UG GPA was 3.0. I think so far I am doing ok with my masters program. I am 30 yrs old and have a wife and 2 small daughters. Tell it to me straight: is it realistic for me to continue daydreaming about becoming an astronomer in my current situation with how tough it is to get into a PhD program let alone get a job in astronomy? I think I make now what an assistant or associate professor would make money-wise. I just feel that if I don’t do physics then I won’t be happy. Or should I go for the MS IT since that is where I am at now and that is where I can see myself continuing to push forward??

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  • #2

I'm not a PhD or anything but from the extensive research I've done getting an tenure track position at a university is ridiculously competitive. I don't know how the market is currently but in 1999 for every tenure track opening at universities in the USA there were 200 applicants, most of whom are very well qualified. Call me pessimistic but getting a tenure track position just does not seem realistic unless you come from a highly ranked school, at least top 20, and even then the prospects seem dismal.

With a 3.0 undergrad gpa I would imagine it will be very tough to get into a graduate program. From what I hear admission committees tend to weigh undergraduate grades much more heavily than graduate ones because of the pervasive trend toward grade inflation in masters programs. I also imagine you would have to still take the physics GRE, which would be of great importance since your undergrad gpa is a bit under the average.

I know many motivational posters will tell you to go for it, that it is never too late to pursue something you are passionate about. To be trite it is clearly your decision to make, and I don't mean to be patronizing but going for four years of possibly unpaid school when you have good career, advancement opportunities, and a family seems like a tough sell, especially considering the improbability of being a professor (which seems to be your goal), the uncertainty of admissions to a decent program, and the fact that jobs in astronomy are heavily dependent on government funding.
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  • #3

Thank you for your honesty, prettymidget. I think I have a better idea now of what I should do…
  • #4

Keep killing it at your IT job, retire early (google "early retirement" or "financial independence"), then study astrophysics either independently or in an actual program.
  • #5

I understand your dilemma and it is completely normal to question your career path and interests. First of all, congratulations on your academic achievements and promotions in your current field. It is clear that you have a strong aptitude for IT and have been successful in your career so far. However, it is also evident that you have a passion for physics and astronomy, which is equally important.

In terms of pursuing a career in physics or IT, both options are realistic for you. It ultimately depends on your personal goals and interests. If you are truly passionate about physics and have a desire to become an astronomer, then it is worth considering pursuing a PhD in physics. However, it is important to keep in mind that it is a competitive field and requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance. It may also require a significant time commitment, which may be challenging with your current family and work responsibilities.

On the other hand, if you are more interested in the practical applications of IT and see yourself continuing to excel in that field, then pursuing a MS in IT may be a better fit for you. This will allow you to continue advancing in your current career and provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the IT industry.

Ultimately, the decision is yours and it is important to carefully weigh your options and consider what will make you happiest in the long run. You may also want to speak with professionals in both fields and gather more information about the job market, potential opportunities, and job satisfaction.

Regardless of which path you choose, it is important to remember that your education and skills in physics will always be valuable and can be applied in various fields, including IT. So, even if you decide to pursue a career in IT, you can still incorporate your passion for physics into your work and continue learning about the subject in your free time.

In conclusion, a career in both physics and IT is realistic for you, but it ultimately depends on your interests and goals. I encourage you to carefully consider your options and make a decision that will make you happy and fulfilled in the long run. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

FAQ: Is a Career in Physics or IT Realistic for Me?

1. What is the difference between an MS and a PhD in physics or IT?

An MS, or Master of Science, is a graduate degree that typically takes 1-2 years to complete and focuses on coursework and research in a specific area of physics or IT. A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is a more advanced degree that typically takes 4-6 years to complete and requires original research and a dissertation. A PhD is often necessary for careers in academia or research.

2. What are the job prospects for someone with an MS or PhD in physics or IT?

Both an MS and PhD in physics or IT can lead to a variety of career opportunities in fields such as research, academia, technology, data analysis, and more. Graduates with these degrees are in high demand and often have competitive salaries.

3. What is the application process like for an MS or PhD program in physics or IT?

The application process for an MS or PhD program in physics or IT typically involves submitting transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and standardized test scores such as the GRE. Some programs may also require a writing sample or an interview.

4. Is it necessary to have a background in physics or IT to pursue an MS or PhD in these fields?

While having a background in physics or IT can be helpful, it is not always necessary. Many programs offer prerequisites or bridge courses for students who do not have a strong background in these fields. It is important to have a strong aptitude for math and science, as well as a passion for the subject.

5. Can I work while pursuing an MS or PhD in physics or IT?

It is possible to work while pursuing an MS or PhD in physics or IT, but it can be challenging due to the demanding coursework and research requirements. Some programs may offer teaching or research assistantships that can provide financial support while also gaining valuable experience in the field. It is important to carefully consider the workload and time commitment before deciding to work while in graduate school.

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