Barrier Tunneling & Newtonian Mechanics for Large Objects

  • Thread starter 'AQF
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In summary, barrier tunneling occurs more frequently for smaller objects due to the transmission coefficient decreasing as the mass of the object increases. This is in contrast to Newtonian mechanics, where the energy of a particle cannot be less than its potential energy. This discrepancy between the two theories is one of the reasons why quantum mechanics is needed and cannot be reconciled with Newtonian mechanics.
  • #1
I am trying to figure how barrier tunneling can be reconciled with Newtonian mechanics for large objects. I know that Newton’s Law work for large objects but not for small ones. Can anyone tell me why?
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  • #2
In general, the probability of tunnelling decreases as the mass of the object increases. For "large" objects, the probability of tunnelling is negligible. So, you never see a tennis ball quantum tunnell through a brick wall, but an electron may well do so.
  • #3
The transmission coefficient goes roughly like [tex]e^{-l\sqrt{2m(V_0 - E)}/\hbar} [/tex]
  • #4
Gokul, can you explain what each variable in the formula means and how it relates to the problem?
  • #5
[itex]l[/itex] is the thickness of the barrier.
[itex]m[/itex] is the mass of the particle.
[itex]V_0[/itex] is the "height" of the barrier in terms of energy
[itex]E[/itex] is the energy of the particle.
[itex]\hbar[/itex] is Planck's constant [itex]h[/itex] divided by [itex]2\pi[/itex].

The formula as a whole gives you the probability that the particle will get through the barrier (rather than be reflected). It's an approximation that is good for small probabilities, not so good for large ones (maybe above about 0.10 or so). I don't have a book with the exact formula handy here at home, but believe me, you don't want to deal with it if you don't have to!
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  • #6
James R said:
In general, the probability of tunnelling decreases as the mass of the object increases. For "large" objects, the probability of tunnelling is negligible. So, you never see a tennis ball quantum tunnell through a brick wall, but an electron may well do so.

This general statement makes sense. Yet how does one reconcile the fact that in Newtonian mechanics, E cannot be less than the potential energy U (because the KE is never negative), the situation here where this is completely broken?
  • #7
[QUOTE='AQF]This general statement makes sense. Yet how does one reconcile the fact that in Newtonian mechanics, E cannot be less than the potential energy U (because the KE is never negative), the situation here where this is completely broken?[/QUOTE]

I think you are missing a punch line in all of this. Newtonian mechanics CANNOT be reconcilled with tunneling phenomenon. I thought that is the whole point in us having to study quantum mechanics. So what you are attempting to do is not only puzzling, but futile.

This is just one example where Newtonian mechanics fail. There are many others. If Newtonian mechanics can be "reconcilled" to explain all of these phenomena, then why bother having a separate field of physics called "quantum mechanics"?

<scratching head>

  • #8
I would just add that there are no inherent problems with Newtonian mechanics not being able to account for the smallest scale features of reality, nor is that the reason why QM should be regarded as a superior theory.

The reason why QM is a superior theory is that it explains the smallest features of reality IN ADDITION to the fact that it gives Newtonian mechanics as a special case of itself.
If QM had not been able to do this last point, or that the limit process had given macroscopic predictions differing from NM, and hence, differed from observed macroscopic reality, QM could not have claimed any superiority to NM.

FAQ: Barrier Tunneling & Newtonian Mechanics for Large Objects

1. What is barrier tunneling in the context of Newtonian mechanics for large objects?

Barrier tunneling is a phenomenon in which a particle is able to pass through a potential energy barrier, even though it has less energy than the barrier's height. In the context of Newtonian mechanics for large objects, this refers to the scenario in which a macroscopic object is able to pass through a barrier that it would not classically have enough energy to cross.

2. How does barrier tunneling occur?

Barrier tunneling occurs due to the wave-particle duality of matter. According to quantum mechanics, particles also have wave-like properties. This allows them to exist in a state of superposition, meaning they can simultaneously be in multiple locations. When a particle encounters a barrier, there is a small probability that it will tunnel through the barrier instead of being reflected or absorbed by it.

3. Can objects of any size exhibit barrier tunneling?

No, barrier tunneling is a quantum mechanical phenomenon that is typically observed at the atomic or subatomic level. It is extremely rare for macroscopic objects to exhibit barrier tunneling, as their mass and energy make it highly improbable.

4. Are there any real-world examples of barrier tunneling for large objects?

While barrier tunneling for large objects is not commonly observed, there have been a few documented cases. One notable example is the scanning tunneling microscope, which uses the principles of barrier tunneling to image surfaces at the atomic level. Another example is the Josephson junction, a device that relies on quantum tunneling to allow superconducting electrons to pass through a non-superconducting barrier.

5. What are the implications of barrier tunneling for Newtonian mechanics?

The existence of barrier tunneling challenges the fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics, which are based on classical mechanics and do not account for the wave-like behavior of particles. It also highlights the limitations of our current understanding of the physical world and the need for a more comprehensive theory, such as quantum mechanics, to fully explain phenomena at the atomic and subatomic level.

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