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Hey Physics Forum
I am currently doing my bachelor project in geophysics, with focus on the evolution of glaciers in Greenland. My project consists partly of programming, because I want to get better at it. I have, however, hit a wall. I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with my code and I have been trying different things for days. I would love any input/feedback.
The basic problem is describing how a glacier evolve over time, which is done solving the differential equation using Eulers Method.
I've tried to make a simple for loop, but I get negative values for the length of the glacier (L), which can not happen, so clearly something is wrong.
I am currently doing my bachelor project in geophysics, with focus on the evolution of glaciers in Greenland. My project consists partly of programming, because I want to get better at it. I have, however, hit a wall. I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with my code and I have been trying different things for days. I would love any input/feedback.
The basic problem is describing how a glacier evolve over time, which is done solving the differential equation using Eulers Method.
I've tried to make a simple for loop, but I get negative values for the length of the glacier (L), which can not happen, so clearly something is wrong.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import exp # exponential function
from math import *
n = 5000 #Iterations (5000 years)
t = np.ones(n)
t[0] = 0 #Time(0)
dt = 1 #Time step
## Parameters ##
d0 = 200 #d0 (Start height)
s = 0.014 #Slope
lambd = 300 #lambda
sigma = 10000
xs = 40000 #x-coordinate of the "bump"
ac = 0.0005 #Accumulation
alfaf = 0.7 #Constant
alfam = 2 #Constant
eps = 1 #Constant
delta = 1.127 #Constant
c = 2.4 #Climate sensitivity
## Grids ##
x = np.linspace(0,50000,5000) #My x grid
x[0] = 200 #Start position of glacier's head
L = np.ones(n) #Glacier Length
B = np.zeros(n)
a = np.ones(n)*ac
Hf = np.ones(n) #Defining vectors to loop through
F = np.ones(n)
dLdt = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(1, n):
t[i] = i
a[i] = a[i-1]+1*ac #Accumulation (constant)
x[i] = d0-s*x[i]+lambd*np.exp(-((x[i]-xs)/(sigma))**2) #Bed geometry
B[i] = a[i-1]*L[i-1] #Surface mass balance
Hf[i] = np.max([alfaf*np.sqrt(L[i-1]), -eps*delta*x[i-1]]) #Ice thickness at glacier front
F[i] = np.min([0, c*x[i-1]*Hf[i-1]]) #Flux of ice at the glacier front
dLdt[i] = (2*(B[i-1]+F[i-1]))/(3*alfam*np.sqrt(L[i-1])) #Differential equation
L[i] = L[i-1] + 1*dLdt[i-1] #Updating L with Eulers Method
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