Solving "y''(x) +y(x)=0" w/ BC's of y(1)+y(-1)=0 & y'(1)+y'(-1)=2

  • Thread starter jt316
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In summary, to find the exact solution to the differential equation y''(x) + y(x) = 0 with boundary conditions of y(1)+y(-1)=0 and y'(1)+y'(-1)=2, you can use the general solution y(x)=Ccos(x)+Dsin(x) and plug it into the boundary conditions to solve for the constants C and D. The fact that cosine is even and sine is odd can simplify the equations.
  • #1
how would i find the exact solution to:

y''(x) +y(x)=0

with BC's of:



a little confussing because the BC's I am used to dealing with are like:
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  • #2
You really have to think a little. You know, I hope, that the general solution to y"+ y= 0 is y(x)= Ccos(x)+ Dsin(x) so that y'(x)= -Csin(x)+ Dcos(x). Now put those functions into your boundary conditions:
y(1)+ y(-1)= Ccos(1)+ Dsin(1)+ Ccos(-1)+ Dsin(-1)= 0
y'(1)+ y'(-1)= -Csin(1)+ Dcos(1)- Csin(-1)+ Dcos(-1)= 2.
Using the fact that cosine is an even function and sine is an odd function will simplify these a lot.

Didn't we just do this in another thread?
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
You really have to think a little. You know, I hope, that the general solution to y"+ y= 0 is y(x)= Ccos(x)+ Dsin(x) so that y'(x)= -Csin(x)+ Dcos(x). Now put those functions into your boundary conditions:
y(1)+ y(-1)= Ccos(1)+ Dsin(1)+ Ccos(-1)+ Dsin(-1)= 0
y'(1)+ y'(-1)= -Csin(1)+ Dcos(1)- Csin(-1)+ Dcos(-1)= 2.
Using the fact that cosine is an even function and sine is an odd function will simplify these a lot.

Didn't we just do this in another thread?

I see where I was messing up. I found y(1),y(-1),y'(1) & y'(-1) but I was trying to plug the boundry conditions into these equations instead of pluging these into my boundry conditions. Thanks for the insight.

FAQ: Solving "y''(x) +y(x)=0" w/ BC's of y(1)+y(-1)=0 & y'(1)+y'(-1)=2

1. What is the differential equation "y''(x) + y(x) = 0"?

The differential equation "y''(x) + y(x) = 0" is a second-order ordinary differential equation. It is also known as a homogeneous linear differential equation, as the dependent variable y and its derivatives appear only in a linear form.

2. What do the initial conditions y(1)+y(-1)=0 and y'(1)+y'(-1)=2 represent?

The initial conditions y(1)+y(-1)=0 and y'(1)+y'(-1)=2 represent boundary conditions for the differential equation. They indicate the value of the dependent variable y and its derivative at specific points in the domain of the function.

3. How do you solve "y''(x) + y(x) = 0" with the given boundary conditions?

To solve "y''(x) + y(x) = 0" with the given boundary conditions, we can use the method of undetermined coefficients. This involves assuming a solution of the form y(x) = Ae^(mx), where A and m are constants. We can then substitute this solution into the differential equation and the boundary conditions to determine the values of A and m.

4. Can you provide an example of solving "y''(x) + y(x) = 0" with the given boundary conditions?

Yes, for example, if we assume the solution y(x) = Ae^(mx), we can substitute it into the differential equation to get m^2Ae^(mx) + Ae^(mx) = 0. This simplifies to (m^2 + 1)Ae^(mx) = 0. Since e^(mx) is never equal to 0, we can conclude that m^2 + 1 = 0. Solving for m, we get m = ±i. Therefore, the general solution to the differential equation is y(x) = Ae^(ix) + Be^(-ix). Using the boundary conditions, we can determine the values of A and B, giving us the specific solution y(x) = sin(x) - cos(x).

5. Why are boundary conditions important in solving differential equations?

Boundary conditions are important in solving differential equations because they help determine the specific solution to the equation. Without boundary conditions, the solution to a differential equation would only be a general solution, which could have an infinite number of possible solutions. Boundary conditions give us specific values to work with, allowing us to find the unique solution that satisfies both the differential equation and the given conditions.

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