Portugal vs Netherlands: Who Will Win?

  • Thread starter Monique
  • Start date
In summary: Brazil was up 3-0 and didn't take any dives, while Japan was losing and resorted to playing keep-away mode.In summary, the game was a struggle with a lot of fouls and dives by both teams. Portugal came out on top with a red card.
  • #71
Anttech said:
Really, drawing a foul is an art in its self. If you play to a good standard you would know what I mean. If you are stuck with the ball in the corner or you have nowhere to go, and you know your opposite man will lunge in. Play for it, get a foul and a free kick.

Its totally part of the game, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Play acting is another thing all together... Something which is taken to far, and diving should be carded...

There is an art to cheating(albeit a dubious and underhand one) But you cannot convince me that cheating is art, playing for a foul happens, I just don't want to see it becoming commonplace, so common place that the referee has to spend wasted time trying to work out if the player is just faking a coronary heart attack(from acute agony) brought on by a light breeze from a players leg or is in fact injured. It's play like this that takes the excitement out of the game, and worse if a player is red carded for such a display of overacting, the game can be totally ruined. Men stand on their feet, it's only worms who lie on the ground.
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  • #72
Anttech said:
Really, drawing a foul is an art in its self.

If your play gives your opponent only one choice to stop you, a foul, then well done. Let the ref call it though. If you have to embellish in order to get the call, then you could probably have kept on going.

Anttech said:
Play acting is another thing all together... Something which is taken to far, and diving should be carded...

  • #73
There is an art to cheating but you cannot convince me that cheating is art
Playing for a foul isn't the same as cheating.. But u are coming round to my way of thinking, at least someone understand what I am saying albeit doesn't aggree.

Playing for a foul doesn't mean the person has to DIVE like you put so well "faking a coronary heart attack(from acute agony) brought on by a light breeze from a players leg or is in fact injured" but if for example in the Italian game, the defender so happens to be lying at your feet, you are going to play for that foul.. and consequently win the game.

Diving and playing for fouls are not one and the same. Diving is cheating playing for a foul is an art...
  • #74
Schrodinger's Dog said:
There is an art to cheating(albeit a dubious and underhand one) But you cannot convince me that cheating is art, playing for a foul happens, I just don't want to see it becoming commonplace, so common place that the referee has to spend wasted time trying to work out if the player is just faking a coronary heart attack(from acute agony) brought on by a light breeze from a players leg or is in fact injured. It's play like this that takes the excitement out of the game, and worse if a player is red carded for such a display of overacting, the game can be totally ruined. Men stand on their feet, it's only worms who lie on the ground.
:approve: :approve: :approve:

I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU. trust me most soccer fans will tell you that playing for the faul is just lame and deserves no respect. It is no surprise that just the Italians are specialized in this (Divina Commedia no?). Anyhow, in this particluar case NO PK should have been given. This was not a situation of playing for the faul but bad and INCORRECT refereeing. Trust me, most soccerfans feel the same way about this specific situation. Don't take into account the opinion of one guy too much because it contradictis with general believes and actual refereeing rules.

Italy did not just "play for the faul :smile: :smile: here" :smile: geezasss

  • #75
marlon said:
Don't take into account the opinion of one guy too much because it contradictis with general believes and actual refereeing rules

Aggreed! :zzz:

  • #76
Anttech said:
Aggreed! :zzz:


Anttech spoke...Italy is jinxed now...just like Argentina was

sad sad sad

  • #77
Germany are the worst semi-finalist ever seen (ever) <----- True Fact I read it in Wikipedia:rolleyes:

  • #78
Ohh this is gettin' more sad by each ongoing post...


  • #79
fantastic, now the real football fans can come out.

Go back to the Physics Forum, you may be a guru there, but here, u still have a lot to learn ;)

  • #80
Anttech said:
Go back to the Physics Forum, you may be a guru there,

:smile: :smile: :smile:

but here, u still have a lot to learn ;)

Why ? Because Germany beat Argentina ? :smile: :smile:

  • #81
Ok now, my turn:
