Scoring the Presidential Debate #1: Winners, Kill Blows & Major Subjects

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the scoring and winner of the 2008 presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. The general consensus was that Obama came off as more presidential and engaged in the discussion better, while McCain often avoided answering questions and told numerous lies. Obama was able to effectively refute these lies and clarify his stance on important issues such as tax breaks for oil companies and the surge in Iraq. However, McCain did have some strong moments, particularly regarding his experience and the surge. The debate also touched on the difference between strategy and tactics, with some confusion and differing opinions on the matter. Overall, many felt that Obama won the debate due to his ability to address the questions and engage with his opponent, while McCain seemed more

What was the score?

  • McCain won by a large margin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain won but it was close

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Obama won by a large margin

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Obama won but it was close

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • It was a tie

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • #71
Cyrus said:

Obama: 0
McCain: 1

I thought McCain made a stronger point on the business tax being very high.

McCain mentioned that we have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world of 35%.

That was a clever move by the McCain gang. People were then thinking "wow did you hear that." My wife remarked "I didn't know that did you Eddie?" It was a great distraction.

Many people were not yet back on focus when Obama then mentioned that most of those companies pay no taxes at all because of loop holes.
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  • #73
edward said:
McCain mentioned that we have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world of 35%.

That was a clever move by the McCain gang. People were then thinking "wow did you hear that." My wife remarked "I didn't know that did you Eddie?" It was a great distraction.

Many people were not yet back on focus when Obama then mentioned that most of those companies pay no taxes at all because of loop holes.

No, I took that into account. Why? Small businesses. I don't think they have the same loopholes that major ones do. So, most mom and pop shops would more than likely be stuck with high taxes on their profits.

35% is a solid figure. I'd like to have seen obama present a ballpark figure of how much is reduced by loop holes %-wise, and how many business are able to do this.
  • #74
LowlyPion said:
Well we wouldn't want a President that thought about what he said before he said it.

After the last 8 years it's hard to remember what that was like.

:smile: :smile: :smile:

I didn't find Obama's speech pattern in the least bit annoying.

But then again, I grew up watching William Shatner. And one of my favorite speakers spoke with quite extended pauses; Jacob"ronowski.
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  • #76
tribdog said:
If I trust you and you look me in the eye and promise me you are telling the truth when you aren't then I have been betrayed. It doesn't matter what it is about, it is the act of lying TO ME that I can't forgive.
Every single President has lied to the people. Only some of the lies make primetime though.
  • #77
Cyrus said:
All that's great. But it's a televised debate. Not a press conference, not a problem solving competition. If you want to win, you have to debate well. Debate is important because it shows who can think on their toes and outwit the other guy and smash him to the ground using facts.

True, but first you must know the facts and have better answers. Then you need to present them well.

Interestingly, people who have never debated often think debate is about tricks and cleverness. But anyone who has debated knows that it is all about preparation and knowledge of the subject.
  • #78
Ivan Seeking said:
True, but first you must know the facts and have better answers.

Yes, exactly. His ummm, well uhh...I ......I'd just like to say that.

Has got to stop. He needs to look at McCain and say 'John, you're wrong because of fact x,y,z, that is in direct opposition to your claims'.

Throw him to the ground and don't stop until he's dead. No mercy. Make him look wrong in every thing he brings up. Don't give him an inch.
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  • #79
I file as an LLC, and speaking as a small business owner, I have no complaints about the tax rate. If I had to pay taxes on my net income, my rate would be much higher, but the laws are designed to give tremendous breaks - it you take advantage of them - that reduce my effective rate dramatically. There were years that I did quite well but hardly paid any taxes at all. It was a matter of learning how to spend money to gain the maximum advantage.
  • #80
Also, WAY too much. "John, you're right"...'your absolutely right john'

I thought Obama did a good job holding up. But he didnt win. McCain was running the show there.

My vote is in: McCain won but it was close

On the issue of Kissinger, he was dead wrong. Kissinger clearly said to have talks with Iran right away.

When it came to knowing what's going on, on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, McCain came out on top. He's been there, and he's familiar with the surrounding region. Obama had nothing to say to that when McCain brought it up. That was a big problem.

To be perfectly honest, I don't dislike McCains stance on many issues (military and nuclear fuels with offshore drilling). But Palin is a total fool. For that reason alone, I could never vote for him. Had he picked someone like Tom Ridge, I'd consider voting for them.
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  • #81
tribdog; said:
It has nothing to do with sex. I have sex every single night whether I'm alone or not. It is about breaking your vows and lying to me. It is about being a man of your word. THAT means something.

Personally, I believe that great charismatic male leaders more often than not tend to f#$% around. Kennedy, Clinton, FD Roosevelt, and who knows how many more before the advent of modern news. The only ones who might not have are Lincoln and Teddy, but I am not sure about Teddy. Lincoln was obsessed with his wife, from what I've read.

We don't have definitive proof that Benjamin Franklin cheated on his wife. But the lecherous old dude seriously flirted with/ had correspondence with about a dozen women thirty or more years younger than him.

And there was a great leader in our family two generations ago. Did amazing work for the state: reviving cultural arts, implementing foreign management techniques, and doing diplomatic work. The guy was a hound-dog. We found postcards from women from Britain, Canada, etc after he died.

Faithful presidents: John Adams, George Bush II, Reagan, Jimmy Carter.

It might be the testosterone.
  • #82
Why do I sense that Obama supporters everywhere need some reassurance...

It's ok relax...Obama won the beauty contest and the sound bite expected.

But unfortunately, he STILL wants to increase spending!Maybe this will help... Attention Senator Obama:

There is no money, there is no money, we have no money, we can't print enough money to pay for this bailout, the last bailout, the war, the escalating Afghan war, or any of your additional giveaway plans. We appreciate giveaways but someone has to pay for them...and to pay we need better paying jobs.

ALL of the existing programs (like medicare) need to be trimmed of fat and waste...people WITH health insurance have to wait 4 hours in the emergency room with a broken wrist because people on the government health program are in the front of the line with their runny noses and nagging coughs...all spending needs to be reviewed (tell me you want to stop excessive profiteering on foodstamps - so people can have more food for the same amount of money)...we need a freeze on all spending increases - including government wages and benefits (federal workers are oblivious to the fact that we need to borrow money to make their payroll every week)...all the do is complain about their cost of living increases and limits of their cars for personal use.

No money means no money...Obama is like a kid in the cereal aisle talking to his friend..."I want this and that and those and ohhh some of mom says she doesn't have any money but she'll do what I me put them in the buggy...she pays for groceries with her credit card and won't even know until we get home and it'll be too late"...if she notices...we'll blame my older brother.

Be honest, how many times have you heard on the street..."I don't care as long as I gets mine"?

Well, the truth is that everyone who got theirs better enjoy it while it lasts...because we're broke and Obama is determined to make it worse!

Obama is all talk...he has never RUN anything...(and what was that ad about last spring where he said he dabbled in drugs as a teenager?)...he's a one term Senator...who's been pushed onto the national scene because he's trendy and tested well...similar to the way you test a movie then send it back to the director, promote it and do a big premiere. No wonder...he's Hollywood's guy.

If you want to cite the 60 minutes spot when the reporter asked him point blank about his inexperience. All he could do was babble.

I'm sincere in my beliefs and respectful of you, please allow me to thank you in advance for your kind responses and requests for small donations to the Obama fund.
  • #83
Cyrus said:
When it came to knowing what's going on, on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, McCain came out on top. He's been there, and he's familiar with the surrounding region. Obama had nothing to say to that when McCain brought it up. That was a big problem.
Yes, Obama should have reminded the people that the so-called expert on Iraq doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia.
  • #84
WhoWee said:
and what was that ad about last spring where he said he dabbled in drugs as a teenager?)

....seriously. You got something better to bring up?

Talk about sleazy cheapshot Whowee...

ALL of the existing programs (like medicare) need to be trimmed of fat and waste...people WITH health insurance have to wait 4 hours in the emergency room with a broken wrist because people on the government health program are in the front of the line with their runny noses and nagging coughs.

People with runny noses and nagging coughs don't go to an ER room...what's your point?
  • #85
Well at least I know you read the whole thing...but seriously, why DID he say that? Was that to avoid the whole Clinton inhale thing or to build a street rep for a straight guy?

Any other reason escapes me?
  • #86
WhoWee said:
Well at least I know you read the whole thing...but seriously, why DID he say that? Was that to avoid the whole Clinton inhale thing or to build a street rep for a straight guy?

Any other reason escapes me?

Who cares? He was a teenager. Get over it. Move on. Do you want to interview the first girl he had sex with too?

Let's be real here.
  • #87
Not really...and I agree and don't care about that...I just don't know why HE would bring it up?

The rest of the stuff...I do care about...Obama worries me...I don't trust him.
  • #88
WhoWee said:
Not really...and I agree and don't care about that...I just don't know why HE would bring it up?

The rest of the stuff...I do care about...Obama worries me...I don't trust him.

What do I care why 'HE' brought it up? Maybe he was trying to show he's made mistakes in the past and grew from them. You'll have to ask HIM that if you want to know. I'm not a mind reader.

Explain why you don't trust him? I don't know what you mean by this.
  • #89
People on state sponsored medical programs don't go to the doctor...they go to emergency...that is my point.

Go to an emergency room and look around...85% of the people don't have insurance and aren't injured.
  • #90
WhoWee said:
Obama is all talk...he has never RUN anything..

He has run a campaign that took down Hillary and is defeating McCain. With all of McCain's experience, one would think there would be no contest. How many campaigns has McCain run? So much for experience. And the same goes for the war in Iraq. A State Senator saw where McCain was blind. All of McCain's experience only led him to the wrong decisions. Why? Because he had the wrong kind of experience! He is an old war dog, so of course he voted for war when there was no need for it.

Last night McCain was in his strong suit - national security and foreign affairs. But the Jr Senator is generally perceived to have won. So much for experience.

It reminds me a bit of my days in competitive swimming. I trained and trained for years - up to eight hours a day all summer long a couple of years - but in the end I couldn't compete against people who were true talents. And no amount of training could make the difference.
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  • #92
WhoWee said:
There is no money, there is no money, we have no money, we can't print enough money to pay for this bailout, the last bailout, the war, the escalating Afghan war, or any of your additional giveaway plans.
So let's vote for the dude that wants to cut tax revenues and escalate more wars.
  • #93
He ran a campaign?

Wow...he IS qualified to run the United States of America.Obama is an unknown quantity (his 4(?) years in the Senate appear to be a preparation for this run)...his resume is not that impressive...I don't think anyone would hire him to run a multi-national corporation based on his you?
  • #94
So why isn't McCain winning? After thirty years, you would think he could at least take down a Jr Senator without even breathing hard.

Last night he should have made mince meat out of the young Obama. So much for experience.

And if you want to talk about his resume, then we need to consider intellectual horsepower, which is McCain's real shortcoming. And no amount of training will make the difference.
  • #95
I found a link to Obama's resume...please read, if you want a little diversion this is a comparison of Obama's resume to Palin's

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  • #96
Doesn't it bother you that a first term Senator is named to 5 or 6 (?) major committees (chair on 1)...and in only his 3rd year he's selected to run for President?

This appears to me that he was fast-tracked without a chance to make mistakes.

McCain is losing because people are sick of Bush and want change.

Again, Obama scares me because we really don't know him.
  • #97
Cyrus;1891509 Iran doesn't have a "republican guard" Ahmadinejad. Let's all say it together. Ahhhh-madin----ejad. It's really not THAT hard.[/QUOTE said:
Clearly, Mc Cain meant to say “Revolutionary Guard”. It is, I think, a very understandable slip and nothing I would judge a man by. Remember when Obama introduced Biden as “the next President” at the Democratic convention? Everyone makes these kind of slips all the time. The name “Ahmadinejad” probably stuck in his throat because of revulsion for such a dangerous fanatic. When I say that name I feel like spitting as well. But when it came to Russia and Georgia, Mc Cain had all the facts and first-hand experience and has Putin’s number down pat! I judge Mc Cain to be a good and honest man who will do what is best for his country. I don’t know what to make of Obama as he is still an unknown quantity and I have serious reservations about his past involvement with some fairly radical people as well as his naïve remarks about Pakistan. Pull ou of Iraq, but bomb Pakistan without consulting the Pakistan government? I vote for Mc Cain to have won the debate and I will be voting for him in November as well.
  • #98
IMO, McCain's statements about his "league of democracies" made the difference between the candidates clear.
  • #99
WhoWee said:
Then, if you want a little diversion this is a comparison of Obama's resume to Palin's

I fully expect anyone that falls for something as idiotic as that to be in perpetual awe of Sarah Palin's intellectual prowess.
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  • #100
Cyrus said:
All that's great. But it's a televised debate. Not a press conference, not a problem solving competition. If you want to win, you have to debate well. Debate is important because it shows who can think on their toes and outwit the other guy and smash him to the ground using facts.

Press conferences are simple: you go and stand in front of a group of invited press and basically read a speech that someone else has written off a card. A debate is completely different and, in my opinion, McCain did not look at all comfortable debating, and did not really want to enter into it. He would much rather that it were a press conference so he could read things off a card, rather than have to respond directly to Obama. You mention Obama uming and ahhing, but personally I don't think that is a bad trait whatsoever: it showed he took time to think about his question before rushing in and giving an answer. Thus, there was far less chance of him saying something that turned out to be wrong. In all, he looked more professional, comfortable, and a far more calmer choice for president.

You later mention McCain's comments on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sure, it's apparent that McCain has visited the area, but I don't think this is equivalent to him 'knowing what is going on.' Sure, you can visit as much as you like, but does he really know what it's like? Did he really go to the front line, and if he did, did he really see the typical view of a typical soldier? I doubt that very much.

Still, I don't see that this is a positive trait. In this day and age, we don't need our leaders literally taking us into war. Every leader, be he a president, prime minister, etc.. has aides, and people who are much better versed in certain areas to assist in making decisions. A president doesn't need to know everything, but rather needs to make decisions in a calm, collected manner. This, to me, is far more important than whether a candidate has visited a war area or not.
  • #101
First of all, by the way, I'd eliminate ethanol subsidies. I oppose ethanol subsidies.But he never says why. Is there a simple good reason for his stand?
  • #102
cristo said:
Sure, it's apparent that McCain has visited the area, but I don't think this is equivalent to him 'knowing what is going on.'

As I recall McCain visited Baghdad shortly after the occupation and was quoted as saying that the Baghdad market place was now safe. Of course he made his statements surrounded by a special forces unit and he was wearing a flak vest - pretty much the way most Americans dress for market?

Not exactly in touch with the realities that the residents of Baghdad faced at the time.
  • #103
schroder said:
Clearly, Mc Cain meant to say “Revolutionary Guard”. It is, I think, a very understandable slip and nothing I would judge a man by. Remember when Obama introduced Biden as “the next President” at the Democratic convention? Everyone makes these kind of slips all the time. The name “Ahmadinejad” probably stuck in his throat because of revulsion for such a dangerous fanatic. When I say that name I feel like spitting as well. But when it came to Russia and Georgia, Mc Cain had all the facts and first-hand experience and has Putin’s number down pat! I judge Mc Cain to be a good and honest man who will do what is best for his country. I don’t know what to make of Obama as he is still an unknown quantity and I have serious reservations about his past involvement with some fairly radical people as well as his naïve remarks about Pakistan. Pull ou of Iraq, but bomb Pakistan without consulting the Pakistan government? I vote for Mc Cain to have won the debate and I will be voting for him in November as well.

McCain thinks he's an expert in the area he should know the difference. Also, Obama should have started directly with, 'well john, maybe we should look at the revolutionary guard' and then after making him look bad slam him with some facts that counter McCain's argument.
  • #104
WhoWee said:
I found a link to Obama's resume...please read

Then, if you want a little diversion this is a comparison of Obama's resume to Palin's

Come on Whowee, that youtube video is a joke. Did you get that from the Sean Hannity webpage?
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  • #105
WhoWee said:
Doesn't it bother you that a first term Senator is named to 5 or 6 (?) major committees (chair on 1)...and in only his 3rd year he's selected to run for President?

This appears to me that he was fast-tracked without a chance to make mistakes.

McCain is losing because people are sick of Bush and want change.

Again, Obama scares me because we really don't know him.

According to your Barack resume website, he started as a state senator in 96', so he's been in government for more than ten years now. I don't see how that's a 'fast track'.

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