Exploring Prion Diseases: Risks, Research, and Potential Treatments

  • Medical
  • Thread starter hammertime
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discussed the potential of prion diseases, such as vCJD, becoming an epidemic in the future and the current research being done in this area. It was mentioned that prion diseases are not very transmissible and have a low incidence, making it unlikely to become an epidemic. The International Society for Infectious Diseases has observed a decrease in human prion diseases. Additionally, prion diseases are caused by the replication of a defective protein that interacts with normal healthy proteins and converts them into the defective form. The topic of using ozone as a treatment for prion diseases was also brought up.
  • #1
What are the odds of prion diseases, such as vCJD (which can be contracted by eating contaminated beef and can have an incubation period of decades), becoming an epidemic in the future? Could we be looking at hundreds, thousands, or even millions of lives lost?

What all research is being done in the area of prion diseases? Are we any closer to a treatment or therapy? I've heard of the possibility of using ozone.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
hammertime said:
becoming an epidemic in the future? Could we be looking at hundreds, thousands, or even millions of lives lost?
Not very transmissible and very low incidence - so unlikely.
  • #3
The International Society for Infectious Diseases has monitored a steady decline in human prion diseases of all kinds.

Archive Number 20100107.0076
Published Date 07-JAN-2010
Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Prion disease update 2010

  • #4
prion disease is very interesting in that it is the "replication" of protein. In other words, the 3-D geometry of the defective protein is the disease causing agent, and this defective protein will encounter a normal healthy version of the protein, interact with the normal healthy version of the protein, and then convert it to the abnormal defective version of the protein, and the process just repeats itself like a chain reaction.

these diseases are quite rare.
  • #5
Can anyone elaborate on what the topic starter said about the "ozone" as treatment?

FAQ: Exploring Prion Diseases: Risks, Research, and Potential Treatments

1. What are prion diseases?

Prion diseases are a group of rare, progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect the brain and nervous system. They are caused by abnormal proteins called prions which can damage brain cells and cause them to malfunction.

2. How are prion diseases transmitted?

Prion diseases can be transmitted through exposure to infected brain or nervous tissue, such as consuming contaminated food or receiving contaminated medical treatments. They can also be inherited genetically or occur spontaneously without a known cause.

3. What are the symptoms of prion diseases?

The symptoms of prion diseases vary depending on the specific type, but they generally include changes in behavior, memory loss, difficulty with movement, and impaired thinking. As the disease progresses, these symptoms worsen and can lead to severe disability and ultimately death.

4. Is there a cure for prion diseases?

Currently, there is no cure for prion diseases. Treatment options focus on managing symptoms and providing supportive care to improve quality of life. However, scientists are actively researching potential treatments and cures for these rare and devastating diseases.

5. Can prion diseases be prevented?

As prion diseases can be transmitted through exposure to infected tissues, taking precautions such as avoiding the consumption of potentially contaminated meat and following proper infection control procedures in medical settings can help prevent the spread of prion diseases. Inherited forms of prion diseases cannot be prevented, but early genetic testing can help identify individuals at risk and allow for appropriate monitoring and treatment.

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