Problems about interference of two wave

In summary: Additionally, it is important to understand the question fully and seek clarification if needed before attempting to solve it. In summary, the question is asking you to mathematically show the phenomenon of superposition and interference in a system of two point sources emitting waves and explain the concept of hyperbolic lines of destructive interference and their application in the OMEGA navigation system.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider two point sources S1 and S2 which emit waves of the same frequency f and amplitude A. The waves start in the same phase, and this phase relation at the sources is maintained throughout time. Consider point P at which r1 is nearly equal to r2. a) Show that the superposition of these two waves gives a wave whose amplitude ym varies with the position P approximately according to
[itex]y_m=\frac{2A}{r}cos(\frac{k}{2}(r_1-r_2))[/itex] in which [itex]r=\frac{r_1+r_2}{2}[/itex]. b) Then show that total cancellation occurs when [itex]r_1-r_2=(n+0.5)\lambda [/itex], n being any integer, and that total reinforcement occurs when [itex]r_1-r_2=n\lambda [/itex]. The locus of points whose difference in distance from two fixed points is a constant is a hyperbola, the fixed points being the foci. Hence each value of n gives a hyperbolic line of distructive interference. At points at which r1 and r2 are not approximately equal (as near the sources), the amplitudes of the waves from S1 and S2 differ and the cancellations are only partial. (This is the basis of the OMEGA navigation system.)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Part a)
I let
[itex]y_1=Asin(kx-\omega t)[/itex]
[itex]y_2=Asin(kx-\omega t)[/itex]
At P, [itex]y_(resultant)=y_1+y_2[/itex]
and this gives [itex]y_(reusltant)=2Acos(\frac{k}{2}(r_1-r_2))sin(kx-\omega t)[/itex]
which is wrong([itex]y_m=2Acos(\frac{k}{2}(r_1-r_2))[/itex], which step I did is wrong and how to achieve the answer?

Part b)
I directly substitute [itex]r_1-r_2=(n+0.5)\lambda [/itex] into the proved ans in a) and successfully get 0.
but for the reinforcement part I substitute [itex]r_1-r_2=n\lambda[/itex], I get [itex]y_m=2A/r [/itex] , and did i do wrong and does it directly show total reinforcement occur?

Finally, I want to ask the question is ended already or not because I don't understand what is the meaning of the question since "The locus of points whose difference in distance from two fixed points......OMEGA navigation system.)
Physics news on
  • #2

it is important to fully understand the question before attempting to solve it. In this case, the question is asking you to mathematically show the phenomenon of superposition and interference in a system of two point sources emitting waves. It also asks you to explain the concept of hyperbolic lines of destructive interference and how it relates to the OMEGA navigation system.

In your attempt at a solution, you correctly used the equation for a wave (y=Asin(kx-wt)) and substituted it into the superposition equation (y_(resultant)=y_1+y_2). However, your mistake was in assuming that the two waves have the same phase at all points. In reality, the phase difference between the two waves will change as the waves travel to point P. This is why the correct equation for the resultant amplitude is y_m=\frac{2A}{r}cos(\frac{k}{2}(r_1-r_2)).

For part b, you correctly substituted the values for total cancellation and reinforcement into the equation. However, your interpretation of the results is incorrect. When r_1-r_2=(n+0.5)\lambda, the waves are completely out of phase and cancel each other out, resulting in a zero amplitude. When r_1-r_2=n\lambda, the waves are in phase and reinforce each other, resulting in a maximum amplitude.

To fully answer the question, you should also explain the concept of hyperbolic lines of destructive interference. These lines represent the points where the difference in distance from the two fixed points (the two point sources) is a constant. This constant difference in distance results in a constant phase difference between the two waves, leading to destructive interference. This concept is used in the OMEGA navigation system, which uses hyperbolic lines of destructive interference to determine the position of a receiver.

In conclusion, the question is not yet fully answered. You should revise your solution and include an explanation of hyperbolic lines of destructive interference and their role in the OMEGA navigation system.

FAQ: Problems about interference of two wave

What is interference of two waves?

Interference of two waves is the phenomenon that occurs when two waves meet at the same point in space and time and combine to form a new wave. This new wave can exhibit different behaviors depending on the type of interference, such as constructive or destructive interference.

What causes interference of two waves?

The interference of two waves is caused by the superposition of the two individual waves. This means that the waves combine to form a new wave with a different amplitude, frequency, and phase.

What are the types of interference of two waves?

The two main types of interference are constructive interference and destructive interference. Constructive interference occurs when the two waves are in phase and their amplitudes add together, resulting in a wave with a larger amplitude. Destructive interference occurs when the two waves are out of phase and their amplitudes cancel each other out, resulting in a wave with a smaller amplitude.

How does the distance between the two waves affect interference?

The distance between the two waves can greatly affect the interference pattern. When the waves are in phase, the distance between them can determine whether the interference is constructive or destructive. When the waves are out of phase, the distance between them can determine the degree of destructive interference.

What real-world applications involve interference of two waves?

Interference of two waves is a fundamental concept in fields such as acoustics, optics, and radio technology. Some common real-world applications include noise-cancelling headphones, holography, and radio antennas. Understanding interference of two waves is also crucial in the design and development of various technologies, such as wireless communication systems and medical imaging devices.

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