Proving I1*I2 is an Ideal in Commutative Ring R

  • Thread starter Chen
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In summary, the product of two ideals, I1 and I2, in a commutative ring R with a unit is defined as the ideal generated by the set {x*y | x in I1, y in I2}. This product is an ideal, as it is the sum of all possible products of elements from I1 and I2.
  • #1
Given a commutative ring R with a unit, how do you prove that the product of two ideals, I1 and I2, is also an ideal?
The product of course is defined to be {x*y | x in I1, y in I2}, where * is the multiplication in the ring R.
I'm having trouble proving that I1*I2 is a group under addition.

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  • #2
The product of course is defined to be {x*y | x in I1, y in I2}, where * is the multiplication in the ring R.

Are you sure?
  • #3
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  • #4
Well I can see this definition doesn't match mine, but at any rate - I was asked to prove that this group:
{x*y | x in I1, y in I2}
is an ideal.
  • #5
I'm working on the similar problem right now, and I was going through many threads in this forum and couldn't find the answer whether the product as Chen defined it is an ideal. I wanted to find the counterexample that {x*y | x in I1, y in I2} is an ideal, but was not able to come up with anything. So, does anybody have any ideas of how to do it, or can you at list give me a hint whether or not it is an ideal? Thanks!
  • #6
Chen said:
Well I can see this definition doesn't match mine, but at any rate - I was asked to prove that [EDIT: I changed Chen's notation--- CH]
I \, J = \{ fg | f \in I, g \in J \}
is an ideal.

Is it possible that you are confusing an abelian subgroup with a subring with an ideal? A good short textbook which should help is Herstein, Abstract Algebra. See the excellent and very readable textbook by Cox, Little, and OShea, Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, for much more about such constructions as [itex]IJ, \, I \cap J, \, I+J, \, I:J, \, \sqrt{I}[/itex].
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  • #7
I suspect that the question had meant that IJ is generated by the set {fg : f in I, g in J}, and not equal to it. Occasionally this is expressed by writing IJ = <fg : f in I, g in J>.
  • #8
Ditto morphism (this point and others are well explained in IVA).
  • #9
your definition is wrong. the product of ideals is tautologically an ideal, as it is defined as the ideal generated by those products, or equivalently as all sums of them.
  • #10

I saw many people have given a wrong definition for the product of ideals. The following is the correct definition as appeared in mathematical text:

I*J = {i[1]*j[1]+i[2]*j[2]+...+i[n]*j[n]:i[n] in I and j[n] in J where n is finite}
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FAQ: Proving I1*I2 is an Ideal in Commutative Ring R

What is an ideal in a commutative ring?

An ideal in a commutative ring is a subset of the ring that is closed under addition and multiplication by elements in the ring, and also absorbs elements in the ring. In other words, an ideal is a mini-ring within the larger ring that follows the same rules as the larger ring.

What does it mean for I1*I2 to be an ideal in a commutative ring R?

For I1*I2 to be an ideal in a commutative ring R, it means that the product of any two elements in the ideal is also in the ideal, and that the ideal is closed under addition and multiplication by elements in the ring R. This is a way to show that the ideal is a sub-ring of the larger ring R.

How do you prove that I1*I2 is an ideal in a commutative ring R?

To prove that I1*I2 is an ideal in a commutative ring R, you must show that it satisfies the three conditions of an ideal: closure under addition, closure under multiplication, and absorption. In other words, you must show that the product of any two elements in the ideal is also in the ideal, and that the ideal is closed under addition and multiplication by elements in the ring R.

Can you give an example of I1*I2 being an ideal in a commutative ring R?

Yes, an example of I1*I2 being an ideal in a commutative ring R is the ideal (2)*(3) in the ring of integers (Z). This ideal contains all multiples of 6, since any two multiples of 2 or 3 will always have a common factor of 6. Therefore, the product of any two elements in the ideal (2)*(3) is also in the ideal (2)*(3), making it an ideal in the ring of integers.

What is the importance of proving that I1*I2 is an ideal in a commutative ring R?

Proving that I1*I2 is an ideal in a commutative ring R is important because it allows us to understand the structure and properties of the ideal. It also helps us to understand the relationship between the ideal and the larger ring, and how the ideal behaves under multiplication and addition. This proof is also crucial in many areas of mathematics, such as abstract algebra and number theory.

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