Solve Product Rule Problem: f(8)=7, g(8)=5, f'(8)=-4, g'(8)=6

In summary, In this conversation, the summarizer is explaining that if f(8) = 7, g(8) = 5, f '(8) = -4, and g '(8) = 6, then (fg)'(8) = f(8)g'(8) = 7(6)+(-4)(5)= 42- 20= 22.
  • #1
If f(8) = 7, g(8) = 5, f '(8) = -4, and g '(8) = 6, find the following numbers.

(a) Find (f + g)'(8).

i was tryig to apply the product rule to this by doing (f+g)(8)'+(f+g)'(8) 0+(f+g)'(8) that would be (-4+6)8...but that is not the right way to do it...

please help me get on the right path...
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  • #2
shouldn't it be (f+g)'(8) = f'(8) + g'(8) = -4+6 = 2?
  • #3
Rasine: Could you be looking for (fg)'(8)?
  • #4
Rasine said:
If f(8) = 7, g(8) = 5, f '(8) = -4, and g '(8) = 6, find the following numbers.

(a) Find (f + g)'(8).

i was tryig to apply the product rule to this by doing (f+g)(8)'+(f+g)'(8) 0+(f+g)'(8) that would be (-4+6)8...but that is not the right way to do it...

please help me get on the right path...
Why would you apply the product rule to a sum?

(f+ g)'(x)= f'(x)+ g'(x) so (f+ g)'(8)= -4+ 6= 2.

(fg)'(x)= f(x)g'(x)+ f'(x)g(x)= 7(6)+(-4)(5)= 42- 20= 22.

Where you under the impression that (f+ g)(8) meant f+ g times 8?? It doesn't, of course, it means the function f+ g applied to the number 8.
  • #5
Your problem is quite simply stated:

You don't understand the NOTATION for functions.

When we write f(x), the WHOLE symbol "f(x)" denotes the function value, not just the "f"!
We reserve the single "f" symbol to denote the entire function, rather than any specific function value.

To ADD two functions, f and g, gives us a new function, conveniently symbolized as f+g, or equivalently, (f+g).(Note that this is "addition on a function space", where your elements are FUNCTIONS, rather than specific real numbers. Thus, "addition" has a different meaning, since the elements in a function space are not the same as numbers on the real number line, where "+" gained its first meaning. This overload of meaning given the symbol "+" is just something you have to learn&live with!)

The function value of the new function (f+g) is denoted as (f+g)(x).
Again, it is the ENTIRE symbol "(f+g)(x)" that denotes the function value, and not just a single part of it!

"Adding" two functions to form a new function should also include a recipe to compute the new function's function values in terms of the old functions' function values.
This recipe is given by the expression (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x).
That is, we gain (f+g)'s function values by adding together f's and g's function values.
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FAQ: Solve Product Rule Problem: f(8)=7, g(8)=5, f'(8)=-4, g'(8)=6

1. How do you use the product rule to solve this problem?

To solve this problem, you will first need to find the derivative of the given functions f(x) and g(x). Then, you can use the product rule formula: (f(x)g(x))' = f'(x)g(x) + f(x)g'(x). Plug in the values for f'(8) and g'(8) and solve for the derivative at x=8.

2. What is the significance of the given values f(8) and g(8)?

The values f(8) and g(8) represent the specific points at which the functions f(x) and g(x) are evaluated. These values will be used in the product rule formula to find the derivative at x=8.

3. How do I find the derivative of a function at a specific point?

To find the derivative of a function at a specific point, you will need to use the limit definition of the derivative. This involves finding the slope of a tangent line at that point by taking the limit as h approaches 0.

4. What does the derivative represent in this problem?

The derivative in this problem represents the instantaneous rate of change of the product of the two functions f(x) and g(x) at x=8. In other words, it represents the slope of the tangent line at that point and can be interpreted as the rate of change of the product at that specific point.

5. Can I use the product rule to find the derivative of any two functions?

Yes, the product rule can be used to find the derivative of any two functions that are multiplied together. It is an important rule in calculus and is often used in various applications, such as optimization problems and related rates problems.

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