Properties of Lattice Projections

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  • Thread starter Peter_Newman
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of projecting lattice points onto a line orthogonal to one of its basis vectors. It is questioned whether this projection results in a lattice again. The conversation then goes on to discuss the 2-dimensional case and provides a formula for projecting onto a line in that case. The conversation also touches on the n-dimensional case and the difficulty in showing that the projection forms a lattice. Further discussion includes the use of Gram-Schmidt vectors in the projection and the need to prove that the resulting values are integers.
  • #1

let's say that we have a lattice ##\Lambda##. Now I take one of it's basis vectors say ##b_1## and project all the lattice points onto the line which is orthogonal to ##b_1##, this line could be calculated via Gram-Schmidt for instance. But does this then form a lattice again? It is possible to formalize this a bit more? With my definition of a lattice ##\Lambda = \{\sum \lambda_ib_i, \lambda_i \in \mathbb{Z}\}##, however, I cannot prove that this projection on the line again represents a lattice.
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  • #2
Some questions. Do the ##b_i## span a finite or infinite dimensional space? Are all the ##b_i## linearly independent?
  • #3
Is your lattice 2 dimensional, or is there more than one choice of line to pick, or did you mean you would project onto the orthogonal hyperspace?
  • #4
Thank you for your questions. So this is the question I asked myself for an ##n##-dimensional lattice. The ##b_i## are all linearly independent according to definition of an ##n##-dimensional lattice. Then I would project the ##n##-dimensional lattice ##\Lambda## onto the hyperplane orthogonal to ##b_1## (of the dimension ##n-1##), if this is thought correctly. In the ##2##-dimensional it is a line like this:


I tried to represent this graphically in 2D. The blacks are the lattice points and the greens their projection onto the plane/space/... orthogonal to ##b_1##, the point in the origin belongs to both...
  • #5
In the 2d case it's not hard to see it's a lattice. Let ##c## be orthogonal to ##b_1## with unit length.

##\alpha b_1 + \beta b_2\to \beta (<b_2,c> c)## so the image is a 1 dimensional lattice generated by ##<b_2,c> c##.
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  • #6
Office_Shredder said:
In the 2d case it's not hard to see it's a lattice. Let ##c## be orthogonal to ##b_1## with unit length.

##\alpha b_1 + \beta b_2\to \beta (<b_2,c> c)## so the image is a 1 dimensional lattice generated by ##<b_2,c> c##.

How you came up with this (##\alpha b_1 + \beta b_2\to \beta (<b_2,c> c)## ...) so quickly, I have yet to understand... If I understand this right, ##<b_2,c>## expresses the ##b_2## component of a lattice point, now I just think what ##<b_2,c> c## means then...

How is that then generally in the n-dimensional case?
  • #7
Peter_Newman said:
How you came up with this (##\alpha b_1 + \beta b_2\to \beta (<b_2,c> c)## ...) so quickly, I have yet to understand... If I understand this right, ##<b_2,c>## expresses the ##b_2## component of a lattice point, now I just think what ##<b_2,c> c## means then...

How is that then generally in the n-dimensional case?

The inner product measures the length of the projection, and the multiplication by c measures the direction of the new post- projection vector. It probably looks too obvious because you already knew it was in the c direction.
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  • #8
Office_Shredder said:
The inner product measures the length of the projection
Exactly, that's what I wanted to say in my previous post :)
  • #9
For the ##n## dimensional case, you basically get the same result. Let ##P## be the projection. Obviously the projected lattice is spanned by integer combinations of ##Pb_2,...,Pb_n##. We need to prove these are linearly independent.

Suppose ##\sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_i Pb_i=0##. Then ##\sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_i b_i=\alpha_1 b_1## since it has to live in the kernel of ##P##
But the original basis is linearly independent, so all the coefficients must be zero.
  • #10
Hey, so I would have started like this now. So the projection of a vector from the lattice onto the span orthogonal to ##b_1 = b_1^*## would be, to my knowledge:

##\pi_{i=2}(x) = \sum_{j\geq i=2}^n \frac{\langle x, b_j^*\rangle}{\langle b_j^*, b_j^*\rangle}b_j^* \quad\text{(1)}##

But now you would have to show that this is a lattice, which I think is difficult here, because the fraction would have to be an integer, compare the lattice definition from above:

##\Lambda = \{\sum \lambda_ib_i, \lambda_i \in \mathbb{Z}\}##

now I am not sure how to show that equation (1) is or builds a lattice... The ##b_j^*## are not a problem because they are in ##R^n## but the factor has to be in ##Z## to build a lattice...
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  • #11
What is your definition of ##b_2^*##? For that matter, what is ##b_1^*##?

I suspect your issue is just that those denominators are absorbed into your new lattice basis which you haven't correctly identified, but I'm not really sure what's going on.
  • #12
Hey, sorry I forgot to name this, with the asterisks I express Gram-Schmidt vectors. Then e.g. ##\pi_{i=2}(x)## is composed of all vectors orthogonal to ##b_1 = b_1^*##.

I believe, without having checked or proved this now, that what you say concerning the denominator could also fit, that the denominator together with the ##b_j^*## is my new basis lattice vector. It then remains to show, that ##\langle x, b_j^* \rangle ## is an integer value, but I'am not sure how to proof this. We could express ##x## in the Gram-Schmidt basis, something like ##x = \sum a_i b_i^*##. Then ##\langle x, b_j^* \rangle = \langle \sum a_i b_i^*, b_j^* \rangle = a_j \langle b_j^*, b_j^* \rangle ## remains and here would be the question, whether ##a_j \langle b_j^*, b_j^* \rangle## is an integer...
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  • #13
Got it, I think those are not a basis. In general there is no reason for your projected lattice to contain an orthogonal basis.
  • #14
Ok and yes I would agree with that. But I actually meant with my question rather whether ##\pi_{i}(\Lambda)## forms again a lattice.
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  • #15
Yes, the projection forms a lattice, and my proof gives the right basis.

##\pi_i(\Lambda)## is spanned by integer combinations of ##\pi_i(b_j)## for ##i\neq j ##. These vectors are also linearly independent - if ##\Sigma \alpha_j \pi_i(b_j)=0##, then ##\pi_i(\Sigma \alpha_j b_j)=0##. But this means ##\Sigma \alpha_j b_j## lies in the span of ##b_i##, which by linear independence of the original basis is impossible unless all the coefficients are zero. Hence they are linearly independent.

And any integer span of linearly independent vectors forms a lattice (note the integer span of linearly dependent vectors may not form a lattice, unless you happen to get lucky)
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  • #16
Office_Shredder said:
Suppose ##\sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_i Pb_i=0##. Then ##\sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_i b_i=\alpha_1 b_1## since it has to live in the kernel of ##P## But the original basis is linearly independent, so all the coefficients must be zero.
In reverse order, I understand that. But not quite as it stands there.
the original basis is linearly independent, so all the coefficients must be zero
Works! This is exactly the definition of a basis.
##\sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_i b_i=\alpha_1 b_1## since it has to live in the kernel of ##P##
The kernel of ##P## is or better satisfies ##\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i b_i = 0## so, you have simply rewritten this statement?
Suppose ##\sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_i Pb_i=0##
Why can we assume that this is true? I would rather conclude that by reading the proof backwards?! :oldconfused:
  • #17
So the goal is to prove that ##\pi_i(\Lambda)## is a lattice. Let's start real slow. Do you agree that ##\pi_i(\Lambda)## is spanned by integer combinations of ##\pi_i(b_j)## for ##j\neq i##, and also that if those are linearly independent, you have proven that this is an n-1 dimensional lattice?
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  • #18
Office_Shredder said:
Do you agree that ##\pi_i(\Lambda)## is spanned by integer combinations of ##\pi_i(b_j)## for ##j\neq i##
Yes, that could fit. ##\Lambda## is a linear combination of lattice basis vectors and a scalar (in front of each basis vector) that is an integer by definition. The span of the projection could then actually come down to integer linear combinations of ##\pi_i(b_j)##. The projection subtracts a component of ##\Lambda##, so we can't have a full rank anymore, right? So only components remain, which are on the space of the projection, on which we project.
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  • #19
So all that's left is to prove that they are linearly independent. Suppose a linear combination ##\sum_j \alpha_j \pi_i(b_j)=0##. Use linearity of ##\pi_i## to write down a vector in the kernel of ##\pi_i##. But what is the kernel of ##\pi_i##?

To give a non example to see what the point is, suppose I have a "lattice" with basis vectors ##(1,0,0)##, ##(1,1,0)## and ##(1,\pi,0)##. I project the x axis to 0. ##\pi_1(b_2)=(0,1,0)## and ##\pi_1(b_3)=(0,\pi,0)##. This does *not* form a lattice, because integer combinations of those two vectors form a dense subset. It's a non example because the original thing also was not a lattice, but this is the kind of situation you need to watch out for.
  • #20
Office_Shredder said:
But what is the kernel of ##\pi_i##?
So the image of ##\pi_i## looks like this ##\pi_{i}(x) = \sum_{j\geq i}^n \frac{\langle x, b_j^*\rangle}{\langle b_j^*, b_j^*\rangle}b_j^*##. Now we know that by the projection thus the components from ##b_1^*## to ##b_{i-1}^*## respectively ##b_1## to ##b_{i-1}## are lost.

The kernel (ker f := {a ##\in## A | f(a) = 0}) of a linear mapping f are the solutions of the system f(a) = 0. So if I pick any vector ##(a_1,...,a_n)^T## then what is left after the projection ##\pi_{i}## is of the form ##(0_{1},...,0_{i-1},\beta_{i},...,\beta_n)^T## (only the indices are important here). So that means in the kernel of ##\pi_i## are ##\sum_{i=1}^{i-1}a_i b_i = 0##. Is this possible to say?
  • #21
Peter_Newman said:
So that means in the kernel of ##\pi_i## are ##\sum_{i=1}^{i-1}a_i b_i = 0##. Is this possible to say?

Why did you write =0? The kernel is a set of vectors, not an equation.
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  • #22
With this I wanted to express that the kernel consists of the solutions of the homogeneous system of equations. But was the rest right so far?
  • #23
Peter_Newman said:
With this I wanted to express that the kernel consists of the solutions of the homogeneous system of equations. But was the rest right so far?

The equation ##\sum_{j<i} a_j b_j =0## has only one solution, which is every ##a_j=0##
We know this because the b's are linearly independent.

So I'm not sure what you mean here.
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  • #24
Hey @Office_Shredder the "rest" was related to my post #20 :smile:

Yes the linear independence of the vectors implies then that there can be only this solution, that makes sense! :angel:
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FAQ: Properties of Lattice Projections

1. What is a sublattice and how does it relate to lattice structures?

A sublattice is a subset of a larger lattice structure. It is formed by a group of atoms or molecules that have a specific arrangement within the lattice. This arrangement can be different from the overall lattice structure, but it still maintains the same symmetry and periodicity. Sublattices are important in understanding the properties and behavior of materials with complex crystal structures.

2. How are sublattices identified and characterized?

Sublattices are identified and characterized through techniques such as X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, and neutron diffraction. These methods allow scientists to determine the atomic arrangement within a crystal lattice and identify any sublattices present. Other techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, can also be used to visualize sublattices at a smaller scale.

3. What is the significance of sublattices in materials science?

Sublattices play a crucial role in understanding the properties and behavior of materials. They can affect the mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of a material, as well as its response to external stimuli. By studying sublattices, scientists can gain insight into the structure-property relationships of materials, and use this knowledge to design new materials with desired properties.

4. Can sublattices be manipulated or controlled?

Yes, sublattices can be manipulated or controlled through various methods such as doping, alloying, and thermal treatments. These techniques can alter the arrangement of atoms within a sublattice, leading to changes in the material's properties. In some cases, sublattices can also be intentionally created, for example, in the case of superlattices, where alternating layers of different materials form a unique sublattice structure.

5. How do defects in sublattices affect material properties?

Defects in sublattices, such as vacancies, interstitials, and dislocations, can significantly affect material properties. These defects can cause changes in the lattice spacing, alter the electronic structure, and affect the material's response to external stimuli. In some cases, defects can also lead to the formation of new sublattices, which can have a significant impact on the material's properties.

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