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If you're looking for a worse case scenario for "no stack support", I submit the HP2100 series (circa 1967).
A call to a routine at location 300 would result in the return address being stored at 300 and execution beginning at 302. And I do remember writing code to support reentrancy on that machine.
I've been programming professionally for about 50 years. I believe I've used recursion a handful of times - but only two of any significance:
1) The ZigZag sort:
I actually got this sort from a ACM newsletter cover article (I recall the name was AACM at the time). It was originally intended to be implemented on a hypothetical parallel processing machine - but I adapted it for single processor use. I haven't used it in a couple of decades because now excellent sorts are part of regular libraries. But at the time, a sort that was sparing on memory, had good characteristics when run in a memory paging environment, and was efficient with processor resources made for a handy tool in any toolbox.
As I said, it is an "in place" sort - meaning that if you have "N" entries, you only need N+C memory locations to store the data where "C" is a small constant. In particular, that C is only needed when two elements are exchanged. So C=1.
The sort works most readily when N is a power of two, and it was originally implemented only for that case (and as originally implemented, it ran on "N" hypothetical processors in a 2^N configuration).
But here it is as pseudo-code:
2) I ran into the other recursive application in the late 70's. The Defence Mapping Agency Aerospace Center produced charts for military pilots and wanted to put those publication on a computer - the Data General MV/8000.
In many cases, those "charts" were books. The books were printed as "signatures" (large paper sheets) with as many signatures per book as required. Each signature was 16 or 32 pages. Each page was 1 to 3 columns. Often, within each column there would be lists with several columns within the main column. So, as you went from book to signature to column to list column, you had 3 or 4 levels of recursion - depending on exactly how you counted them.
This recursion came into critical use just before publication when they wanted to "balance" the pages. The goal was to avoid leaving blank pages - better to have a little extra space at the bottom of each page that whole blank sheets at the end of the book. Similarly, if there were three columns on a page, it is better to put that content toward the top of the page than to leave a columns blank or unbalanced. And when a multi-column list was inserted, it should be balanced so as not to require more column space than the minimum. So the software would first run through all of the content to generate a table of small paragraph descriptions - how long the paragraph was, what level it was at (page, column, list), and how and whether it could be broken across columns/pages.
Then the processor would run through that table placing the content without attempting to balance it. This would generate the minimum number of signatures that would be required. A binary search would then ensue by adjusting the bottom margin, repopulating the pages, and determining whether the signature count had increased. If it had, then the margin was reduced. If not, it was increased. Ultimately leading to the perfect margin. This was repeated at the page and column levels to produce a completely balanced document. That binary search needed to occur within the recursion - and specifically whenever the content specified a page-break, a change in the page columns, or the end of a list. If that sounds complicated, there was one more wrinkle. The MV/8000 could not hold all of the table data at once - it had to be maintained in a disk file. To do this efficiently, the recursive algorithm needed to be adjusted so that it could make good use of the processor resources when working with an oversize table. The final results were paragraph-placing parameters that were saved in the table and later used to plot the originals for each signature.
A call to a routine at location 300 would result in the return address being stored at 300 and execution beginning at 302. And I do remember writing code to support reentrancy on that machine.
I've been programming professionally for about 50 years. I believe I've used recursion a handful of times - but only two of any significance:
1) The ZigZag sort:
I actually got this sort from a ACM newsletter cover article (I recall the name was AACM at the time). It was originally intended to be implemented on a hypothetical parallel processing machine - but I adapted it for single processor use. I haven't used it in a couple of decades because now excellent sorts are part of regular libraries. But at the time, a sort that was sparing on memory, had good characteristics when run in a memory paging environment, and was efficient with processor resources made for a handy tool in any toolbox.
As I said, it is an "in place" sort - meaning that if you have "N" entries, you only need N+C memory locations to store the data where "C" is a small constant. In particular, that C is only needed when two elements are exchanged. So C=1.
The sort works most readily when N is a power of two, and it was originally implemented only for that case (and as originally implemented, it ran on "N" hypothetical processors in a 2^N configuration).
But here it is as pseudo-code:
Sort(int direction, array a) {
if(n>3) {
n2 = truncate(n/2)
Merge(int direction,array a) {
if(n>3) {
n2 = truncate(n/2)
n3 = truncate((n+1)/2)
for(n=1 to n2) {
if(n3>n2) {
// When number of elements is odd...
if(Compare(direction,a[n3],a[1]) && Compare(direction,a[n3],a[n2]) n2 = n2+1
} else if(n>1) {
if(n==3) {
Compare(int direction, element A, element B) {
return ((direction>0) and (A>B)) or ((direction<0) and (B>A))
CompareAndSwap(int direction, element reference A, element reference B) {
if(Compare(direction,A,B)) {
element temp
temp = A
A = B
B = temp
2) I ran into the other recursive application in the late 70's. The Defence Mapping Agency Aerospace Center produced charts for military pilots and wanted to put those publication on a computer - the Data General MV/8000.
In many cases, those "charts" were books. The books were printed as "signatures" (large paper sheets) with as many signatures per book as required. Each signature was 16 or 32 pages. Each page was 1 to 3 columns. Often, within each column there would be lists with several columns within the main column. So, as you went from book to signature to column to list column, you had 3 or 4 levels of recursion - depending on exactly how you counted them.
This recursion came into critical use just before publication when they wanted to "balance" the pages. The goal was to avoid leaving blank pages - better to have a little extra space at the bottom of each page that whole blank sheets at the end of the book. Similarly, if there were three columns on a page, it is better to put that content toward the top of the page than to leave a columns blank or unbalanced. And when a multi-column list was inserted, it should be balanced so as not to require more column space than the minimum. So the software would first run through all of the content to generate a table of small paragraph descriptions - how long the paragraph was, what level it was at (page, column, list), and how and whether it could be broken across columns/pages.
Then the processor would run through that table placing the content without attempting to balance it. This would generate the minimum number of signatures that would be required. A binary search would then ensue by adjusting the bottom margin, repopulating the pages, and determining whether the signature count had increased. If it had, then the margin was reduced. If not, it was increased. Ultimately leading to the perfect margin. This was repeated at the page and column levels to produce a completely balanced document. That binary search needed to occur within the recursion - and specifically whenever the content specified a page-break, a change in the page columns, or the end of a list. If that sounds complicated, there was one more wrinkle. The MV/8000 could not hold all of the table data at once - it had to be maintained in a disk file. To do this efficiently, the recursive algorithm needed to be adjusted so that it could make good use of the processor resources when working with an oversize table. The final results were paragraph-placing parameters that were saved in the table and later used to plot the originals for each signature.