Is Grunge Dead? Best musical genre ever...

  • Thread starter eNtRopY
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In summary, the conversation touches on the rise and fall of grunge music, particularly the impact of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. Some argue that Cobain's suicide marked the end of the genre, while others believe it was already dying due to commercialization. The conversation also mentions other successful bands from the grunge era, such as Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Soundgarden, and Sonic Youth. There is discussion about whether these bands would have made it without the success of Nirvana. Pearl Jam is also mentioned as a successful grunge band. Overall, the conversation reflects on the cultural impact of grunge and its lasting influence on music.
  • #1
Best musical genre ever...

Remember when Kurt Cobain blew his brains out? Some say that was the day that grunge died. Others say the spirit of grunge had already been raped in the capitalistic sense which is ultimately that which caused Kurt Cobain to commit suicide.

Remember the post-grunge era? People just didn't know what to do during that time. They were like, "Should we listen to Foo Fighters? She we listen to Hole?"

I remember a friend talked me into going to a frat party in 1996. I was hesitant because naturally fraternities are just groups barbaric, repressed-homosexual, Republican date-rapists. However, I had no plans that night so I went anyway. I remember they kept playing Bullet with Butterfly Wings. I knew for sure at that point that grunge was dead.

Although I hate to admit it, Bullet with Butterfly Wings was actually a good song. I think Melancoly and the Infinite Sadness was (the) Smashing Pumpkins equivalent of Nevermind. Billy Corgan never killed himself, it seems like he just got pissed off and quit. Although Smashing Pumpkins has produced new work since that time, it seems like they're just doing it for the money at this point. I get the feeling they don't want to waste any effort or beauty on stupid people who can't appreciate good music.

Is it possible to make music that is so good, it destroys itself?

Let's think about the bands that really survived... Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Soundgarden, Sonic Youth (of course). What did they do differently?

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  • #2
Grunge was just a cover for people afraid to step into a real mosh pit. Kurt Cobain got all this credit for revolutionizing music, when it was already changing, with or without him.

Let's think about the bands that really survived... Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Soundgarden, Sonic Youth (of course). What did they do differently?

Janes Addiction isn't still together are they? That dude has had I don't know how many bands. RHCP were ahead of there times, so much, that music is just not starting to catch up. Soundgarden has been busted up for sometime, and I don't really think you can call that grunge can ya?

And people don't even credit the metal that has been around since Ozzy's days, working the back lines, shunned by MTV and keeping the true spirit alive. Usually, metal does it first and everyone else copys.

I mean, how about Pantera, In Flames, Mettalica, Megadeath, White/Rob Zombie, Anthrax, to name a few. These bands have been trend setters before people new it would be something they'd like. Look at Anthrax, some 10 or more years ago with Public Enemey doing Bring the Noise.

Really, Kurt Cobain and the clones did good by getting radio opened up to new music.

Of course, I grew up listening to classic rock, and trapped in North Carolina, so my opinion is more then likely not mainstream.

One thing I can say is I'm glad people have finally let this whole Cobain issue go. I remember a point in time where it looked like a funeral everywhere you went on the anniversarys of K.C.'s death. People trying to bring him to the level of Elvis, saying he's not really dead and such.

You think in 20 years we'll have Kurt Cobain and Lane Staley impersonators?
  • #3
Originally posted by megashawn
Soundgarden has been busted up for sometime, and I don't really think you can call that grunge can ya?[/B]

That's true... it slipped my mind. I know that they have basically formed a new band but I haven't heard it, and I can't remember the name. They were around during grunge, but they didn't become big until after the fact.

  • #4
Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Soundgarden, Sonic Youth (of course).

If Nirvana never happened would any of the above have ever made it? I personally don't like the above bands but think Nirvana where pretty damn good at what they did, without actually liking the Grunge genre.
  • #5
Originally posted by Andy
If Nirvana never happened would any of the above have ever made it? I personally don't like the above bands but think Nirvana where pretty damn good at what they did, without actually liking the Grunge genre.

For sure, the Chili Peppers would have made it. They are not grunge, no way, no how. Those guys are heavy funk, more in the spirit of George Clinton and Bootsy Collins than anyone else.
  • #6
i don't think grunge was limited to just a music style...i live in the northwest, and it was reflected in everyone my age ( i was 19-20 years old then ) had to do with attitude, style of clothing, along with music...i remember it was a real turning point in culture here in portland or...and yes, i was very much a part of it
  • #7
Nirvana had to be the most overrated band in the history of mankind. I liked grunge, don't get me wrong, but I don't think for one second Kurt Cobain had much in the way of talent, I have always said the best thing to come out of Nirvana was the Foo Fighters.
  • #8
what about pearl jam? i always thought they got labeled as grunge.

and they're still alive and kickin', they're playing right by me saturday.
  • #9
I like the passion of the music.

I sometimes wish that it had a bit more to it, as I find that it grates on me quite quickly.
  • #10
Originally posted by megashawn
Janes Addiction isn't still together are they?

They're releasing a new album this month.

  • #11
Originally posted by jb
what about pearl jam? i always thought they got labeled as grunge.

and they're still alive and kickin', they're playing right by me saturday.

Yeah, Pearl Jam was grunge. They were pretty good too. I'm just not liking their latest album at all... and what the hell is a Bushleaguer?

  • #12
Originally posted by plus
I like the passion of the music.

I liked the fact that during that era girls would wear BABY DOLL DRESSES with TIGHTS and MARY JANE SHOES! Goddamn I miss those days!

  • #13
i personally think nirvana was overrated. kurt cobain, in my opinion, didn't do much for music.

the red hot chili aren't grunge, they're a little of everything. i think they could have made it without nirvana and cobain.

as for foo fighters.. i think they are pretty good. dave grohl is awesmome. i can't believe he could just go from playing drums in nirvana to playing guitar for foo fighters. its pretty amazing.

i'm out. later guys.
  • #14
Originally posted by JetBlckNewYr03
dave grohl is awesmome. i can't believe he could just go from playing drums in nirvana to playing guitar for foo fighters. its pretty amazing.

i'm out. later guys.

Don't forget the singing! He is an all roudner that is for sure.
  • #15
i still can't get over dave grohl cutting his hair... that was wild back when he was still drumming. and I'm going to see them in 7 days!

and back to pearl jam, i also saw them last saturday (it was undescribable, it was so good, i think that is the best show they'll put on all tour) they're alive and kicking, but they seem more grown up. all have short hair. also, mike mccready was wearing a cutoff ramones shirt, so I'm thinking now that they were more of a punk-influenced band, fused with the grunge.
  • #16
Most of you probably weren't even around for the grunge scene. I was, and like Kerri said, there wasn't one definitive type of music associated with that scene. I remember the same people who listened to Sonic Youth, like myself, also appreciated the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, NIN and the Sugar Cubes. Actually, back then we just called the music associated with the scene alternative music. It's difficult to call it alternative music these days because by the time the mid-90s came around, everything was called alternative music -- even total **** like Green Day... no, I mean especially total **** like Green Day.

Needless to say it was a good time, and if you're under the age of 25, you missed the fun.

  • #17
Green Day sucks by the way...Sugar Cubes began way before grunge (and now Bjork has a solid music career)...
  • #18
Originally posted by Kerrie
Green Day sucks by the way...Sugar Cubes began way before grunge (and now Bjork has a solid music career)...

Don't worry about it, nobody likes Green Day anyhow.

Also, I never said the Sugarcubes were grunge, but they were definitely considered alternative at that time. Anyway, they came out in the late 80's (maybe 1988) which is when grunge was starting to pick up. I mean come on, I remember Nirvana coming out with About a Girl at that time.

One more thing, sure Björk has a solid music career now, but has she really changed her style at all in the last decade? I mean, I remember at one time how much I liked her unique, crazy, alti-girl style... but I mean how long is she going to keep this up for? Besides, she's a mother of a teenager now; it seems as though her style would have matured somewhat.

  • #19
What year did grunge get BIG, as in popular? was it the same time as Nevermind was released?
  • #20
Originally posted by Andy
What year did grunge get BIG, as in popular? was it the same time as Nevermind was released?

When I was in the tenth grade ('91-'92), you could start buying grunge wear at mall stores like American Eagle Outfitter, and you could see mainstream grunge all over MTV.

  • #21
So was that the same time as Nirvana released nevermind? if it is the same time then i think that the whole genre of grunge music was made popular by one album, cos nirvana had done other stuff before nevermind but didnt get any recognition for it and neither did any other grunge band before that, well not to my knowledge anyway.
  • #22
Originally posted by Andy
So was that the same time as Nirvana released nevermind? if it is the same time then i think that the whole genre of grunge music was made popular by one album, cos nirvana had done other stuff before nevermind but didnt get any recognition for it and neither did any other grunge band before that, well not to my knowledge anyway.

Well, I remember that the grunge movement didn't really hit the mainstream until after the release of the movie Singles. I can't remember which came first Nevermind or Singles, but they both came out around the same time. I suppose it doesn't really matter anyway.

  • #23
It doesn't matter no, but i am too young to remember what actually happened, all i know on the subject is what is shown on TV by MTV and VH1, and i wanted to know just how significant Nevermind was to the Grunge Genre.

FAQ: Is Grunge Dead? Best musical genre ever...

1. Is Grunge Dead?

This is a highly debated topic among music enthusiasts. While some argue that grunge died out in the 90s, others believe that it is still alive and well in the underground music scene. Ultimately, it depends on one's personal definition of grunge and what they consider to be part of the genre.

2. What is the history of grunge music?

Grunge music originated in Seattle in the late 1980s and gained mainstream popularity in the early 1990s. It was heavily influenced by punk, heavy metal, and alternative rock. Bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden are often credited with popularizing the genre.

3. What are some defining characteristics of grunge music?

Grunge music is known for its raw and gritty sound, often featuring distorted guitars and angsty lyrics. It also incorporates elements of punk, metal, and alternative rock. The fashion associated with grunge, including flannel shirts and ripped jeans, is also a defining characteristic.

4. Why do some people consider grunge the best musical genre ever?

This is a subjective question and opinions may vary. However, some people may argue that grunge music was a refreshing change from the mainstream music of the time and it spoke to the disillusionment and angst of the youth. It also paved the way for other alternative and indie genres to gain popularity.

5. Are there any modern bands that continue to make grunge music?

While grunge may not be as popular as it once was, there are still some modern bands that incorporate grunge elements into their music. Some examples include The Pretty Reckless, Wolf Alice, and The Dead Deads. However, whether or not these bands can be considered true grunge is up for debate.
