- #1
- 312
- 3
Homework Statement
For the ground state of a particle in a rigid box, we
have seen that the momentum has a definite magni-
tude (h/2π)k but is equally likely to be in either direction.
This means that the uncertainty in p is Δp≈ (h/2π)k. The
uncertainty in position is Δx≈ a/2. Verify that these
uncertainties are consistent with the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle.
Homework Equations
Heisenberg Relations
Δp= h/2pi Δk ...(1)
ΔxΔk ≥ 1/2
ΔxΔp≥ (h/2pi)/2
The Attempt at a Solution
Δp≥h/(2pi*a )
I am not sure, if I am in the right direction. I feel that I am going in circles. Any help?