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Homework Statement
A uniform spool of mass M and diameter d rests on end on a frictionless table. A massless string wrapped around the spool is attached to a weight m which hangs over the edge of the table. If the spool is released from rest when its center of mass is a distance l from the edge of the table, what is the velocity of the weight m when the center of mass of the spool reaches the edge of the table?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
My attempt:
I thought of breaking up the problem into two cases and the combining them at the end.
case1: Pretend no rotation:
With no rotation the spool has forces Tension acting on it. T = Ma
The mass attached to the string has forces Tension and gravity. solved for T' = mg - ma
Since the acceleration for both we can get to [a = (mg)/(M+m)
So, we can get a final velocity of v = √(2*(mg)/(M+m)*l). where I started with vf2 = vi2+2*a*l, l being the displacement of the spool on the table.
Case2: Pretend no translation:
With no translation, I believe then the Tension and Torque are equal to each other. Then we can get α = (τ/I). and we can get θ = l/(π*d),
What I end up using is the angular kinematics to get ωf= √(2*(τ/I)*(l/(π*d))
So this is my work...am I on the rigth track or completely wrong? And how can I relate these two to get a uniform equation?