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  • Thread starter edward
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In summary, the picture or mural behind Bush has a guy to Bushes left (as seen from the front)who is dark complected and has on sunglasses. At the end when Bush goes over to shake some hands a dark sinister looking person in a ski mask becomes apparent. For just a few seconds the entire mural can be seen. It is only then apparent that a group of U.S. soldiers are on the far left side of the mural. The blurry words freedom honor dignity are and superimposed in front of the mural.
  • #1
If anyone gets a chance to watch a news clip of the Speech Bush made in Idaho today, before a group of military personnel, check out the subliminal goodies in the background. The picture or mural behind Bush has a guy to Bushes left (as seen from the front)who is dark complected and has on sunglasses. At the end when Bush goes over to shake some hands a dark sinister looking person in a ski mask becomes apparent. For just a few seconds the entire mural can be seen. It is only then apparent that a group of U.S. soldiers are on the far left side of the mural. The blurry words freedom honor dignity are and superimposed in front of the mural.

His speech was the same old hash of repeating "9/11" multiple times.

Are the Bushies getting desperate or was my blood sugar too low again? :wink:
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  • #2
I think your just getting paranoid.
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
I think your just getting paranoid.

Lol apparenly you haven't seen it. :smile:
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
I think your just getting paranoid.

And the 'Mission Accomplished' sign was bought by the crew.


And McCain fathered a black child out of wedlock.

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. The Bush WH uses propaganda more egregiously than any past administration in US history(opinion).
  • #5
All bloody paranoia!

Whats that?? *Jumps behind his couch*...

did anyone see that monkey?

There out to get me!
  • #6
faust9 said:
Paranoia has nothing to do with it. The Bush WH uses propaganda more egregiously than any past administration in US history(opinion).

lol you might want to replace US history with the "past 15 years" or you're really not thinking when you post. I mean come on, FDR, the Cold War, how can you compare, pfff. Childsplay!
  • #7
faust9 said:
Paranoia has nothing to do with it. The Bush WH uses propaganda more egregiously than any past administration in US history(opinion).
That can be easily quantified. Even analyzing just the speeches Bush is making now to defend the invasion of Iraq and the number of times he mentions 9-11 can be counted for example. The frequent number is a fact.
  • #8
SOS2008 said:
That can be easily quantified. Even analyzing just the speeches Bush is making now to defend the invasion of Iraq and the number of times he mentions 9-11 can be counted for example. The frequent number is a fact.
Isn't this just your normal watered down sort of propaganda though? The sort of thing you see all the time from just about any politician? I think the main difference is that today the president can jump on TV any time he likes. That and the sheer number of news sources out there that are trying to make sure to have content for readers/viewers. So it's not so much intensity but quantity. I doubt many people except in their mania to paint Bush as the root of all evil would seriously compare his admins propaganda to that of the Cold War or any of the wars thast have happened in the last century.
  • #9



Trying to find more for Korea and Vietnam. From what I have seen before they are pretty bad so they may not be as popular and easily found.

image tags don't seem to work anymore.
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  • #10
Pengwuino said:
I think your just getting paranoid.
Just because he is paranoid... that doesn't mean they are not out to get him!
  • #11
I thought it was one of his better press conferences. He had fewer Uh's than usual, although for a guy that just had 4 weeks of vacation he looked stressed, really showed his age. I wonder if Karl with his own problems has been neglecting poor George.
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
All bloody paranoia!

Whats that?? *Jumps behind his couch*...

did anyone see that monkey?

There out to get me!
Oh, no I feel a song comming on:

Tim Cavanagh
"99 Dead Baboons"
(parody of "99 Red Balloons" by Nena)
transcriber unknown

Hey, have a lot of you heard the new song by Nena - "99 Red Balloons"?
You know, I heard the German version of that song first, and I really
liked it. But then I heard the English version, and I was really
surprised to find that what she's singing in English and what she's
singing in German are not even close. Uh, I ended up buying the
record, and I listened very closely to the German version, and I've
come up with a new English translation that I think is really much
more accurate, much closer... I have to admit there are a couple of
lines in this new English version that I'm not real sure about, but I
think it's a much more accurate version. Now this is the new version,
"99 Red Balloons".

Hello Bobby my old friend.
It's good to see you once again.
How's your mother, how's your aunt?
How's your father's skin diving suit?
(That's one of the lines I'm not real sure about, but it goes something like

I've got something you should see
Back at my place; come with me.
I've got some brand new furnishings,
Plus 99 dead baboons

99 dead baboons
Sitting in my living room.
Not too functional it seems,
But quite a conversation piece.
This one's Jake, that one's Dinah,
There's big Ned in my recliner.
No it's not a lazy boy.
Can't you see it's a dead baboon?

Dead baboons, dead baboons.
Dead baboons, dead baboons.

How they got here I'm not sure;
Woke up one day, there they were.
Luckily I've got a lease
Allowing pets if they're deceased.
I'm just thankful they're not apes,
'Cuz apes would clash with the drapes.
No more napkins at my parties -
Wipe your hands on a dead baboon.

Dead baboons, dead baboons.
Dead baboons, dead baboons.

Dead baboons are lots of fun;
Playin' water balloons I've always won.
You can keep your dead giraffes and swine,
I'll take dead baboons every time.
There's just one problem I have found:
It's finding Purina Dead Baboon Chow.
But what a happy snorkelling device...
(That's another line I'm not real sure about, but it's somethin' like
With 99 dead baboons.

Dead baboons, dead baboons.
Dead baboons, dead baboons.
  • #13
Everything aside, if you get a chance, look at a clip from the speach made today in Idaho. Check out the scene behind Bush.

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  • #14
Sorry, did I just go off topic?
  • #15
The Smoking Man said:
Sorry, did I just go off topic?

TSM are you hitting the sauce again? :wink:
  • #16
edward said:
TSM are you hitting the sauce again? :wink:
Nah, I just woke up, saw something about monkeys and realized I had an appropriate song.

Tell Evo, that I am trying to be good! :blushing:

I think my current warning score is about 12 so rather than get into arguments that inevitably end ' ... and the horse you rode in on!' I have taken to posting songs instead. o:)
  • #17
OK so is this a a new backdrop behind the president or have I not been watching enough of Shrub's speeches lately. There has normally been a plain American flag behind him. Can you read the words?

Scroll down to the Bush Thum & click. I think you may need DSL

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  • #18
You had to wait for mention of monkeys for that song with me around?

And I was wondering why you started being nicer to me.
  • #19
TheStatutoryApe said:
You had to wait for mention of monkeys for that song with me around?

And I was wondering why you started being nicer to me.
If I'd know that would have turned your crank, I would have posted it earlier.

'NICE' to me is having a good argument.

That IS what we're all here for isn't it?

Hanging a shingle in here is the equivalent of 'I'd like to have an argument please.'

And no, I wasn't warned for anything I said to you. (Yet :biggrin:)
  • #20
TheStatutoryApe said:
Isn't this just your normal watered down sort of propaganda though? The sort of thing you see all the time from just about any politician? I think the main difference is that today the president can jump on TV any time he likes. That and the sheer number of news sources out there that are trying to make sure to have content for readers/viewers. So it's not so much intensity but quantity. I doubt many people except in their mania to paint Bush as the root of all evil would seriously compare his admins propaganda to that of the Cold War or any of the wars thast have happened in the last century.
I agree technology makes a big difference in regard to exposure. However, other advances such as marketing strategies are now used in politics (per PBS "The Persuaders" program mentioned before)--no one knows demographics like Rove. But I feel it goes beyond even this with Bush. Dirty, dirty tactics (like that used against McCain--cold war, pfft), and I feel this is why our country hasn't been so divided since slavery.

After Watergate I thought Americans would be less tolerant of manipulation of our democratic processes, but I hear people say all the time how this is just politics, like it's okay or something. I'm about to sound like my mother, but since this is the 'norm' it's okay to jump off the cliff with everyone else? Arrgh, I'm getting old!?
  • #21
SOS said:
cold war, pfft
http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccarthyism.htm is just a portion of what propaganda enabled during the cold war. People actually accepted this and participated in it.
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  • #22
Huh, here I was thinking of that as an example of why we should stand against the use of propaganda.
  • #23
My bad

Skyhunter said:
I thought it was one of his better press conferences. He had fewer Uh's than usual, although for a guy that just had 4 weeks of vacation he looked stressed, really showed his age. I wonder if Karl with his own problems has been neglecting poor George.
I hadn't seen the speech, thanks for the link.

I caught the press conference on C-SPAN and was confused. :confused: :blushing:
  • #24
Skyhunter said:
I hadn't seen the speech, thanks for the link.

I caught the press conference on C-SPAN and was confused. :confused: :blushing:
He's getting a bit nervous about where his neigbour's bullets are going to land. He may shoot them into the air but they HAVE to come down somewhere.
  • #25
Skyhunter said:
Originally Posted by Skyhunter
I thought it was one of his better press conferences. He had fewer Uh's than usual, although for a guy that just had 4 weeks of vacation he looked stressed, really showed his age. I wonder if Karl with his own problems has been neglecting poor George.

I hadn't seen the speech, thanks for the link.

I caught the press conference on C-SPAN and was confused. :confused: :blushing:
I was thinking the same thing about how bedraggled Dubya's been looking. It's about time the Alfred E. Neuman smirk is gone from his face and he is starting to worry.
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  • #26
TheStatutoryApe said:
http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccarthyism.htm is just a portion of what propaganda enabled during the cold war. People actually accepted this and participated in it.

The original propaganda machine wasn't started by a president's administration. History has shown that much of the McCarthy era hype and propaganda was not true. But it did build a great following.

Anything that can be claimed to threaten America will have a great following whether it be true or false. In the current situation it is now obvious that the American people were, and continue to be, lied to.

Bush's recent speeches all have common threads regarding Iraq. Those threads were not present in previous speeches relating to Iraq, nor present in the speeches giving the original reasons why we should invade Iraq.

Bush has flipped flopped from; WMD, to Freedom for the Iraqi people, to "we are now engaged in a global war against terrorism."

Crap, the global war against terrorism started on 9/11. And it should have been pursued in a manner that would have alleviated the problem.

All invading Iraq has accomplished is to stir up a hornets nest of islamic fundamentalism which has greatly intensified the problem that we were originally facing. We have reached the point where we no longer even have Afghanistan under control and we don't have enough troops to do anything about it.

We are spending billions of dollars borrowed from countries around the world. And with all of this, there is no guarantee that we will protect the American people against anything!
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  • #27
edward said:
Bush has flipped flopped from; WMD, to Freedom for the Iraqi people, to "we are now engaged in a global war against terrorism."
This makes me want to puke. I see it now, the new fad weight-loss program called Bush Bulimia.
  • #28
kyleb said:
Huh, here I was thinking of that as an example of why we should stand against the use of propaganda.
Yeah, that was kinda the point. My intention though was to show that Bush hardly makes for the most egregious use of propaganda. While it may be worse than what we have seen in a while it's definitely no world record. I don't agree with it's use but neither do I agree with exagerating ones claims.
  • #29
edward said:
The original propaganda machine wasn't started by a president's administration. History has shown that much of the McCarthy era hype and propaganda was not true. But it did build a great following.
The most insideous aspect of this particular campaign was that it was against an idea. It made little difference where you were from or the colour of your skin. It practically didn't even matter what you had done. All that matter was what your political/philosophical ideaology was. All you had to do was lean to far left then you might have found yourself being investigated and shunned by your neighbors.


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The accuracy of S BUSH ub SPEACH lim IN in IDAHO al depends on various factors such as background noise, pronunciation, and the user's voice. However, the software continually learns and adapts to improve its accuracy over time.

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