Say I discovered something very important scientific. Who exactly

In summary, you have made a significant scientific discovery and are seeking to understand who exactly will be impacted by this new knowledge. Your discovery has the potential to greatly impact the scientific community and potentially society as a whole. It is important to identify the key stakeholders and communicate your findings effectively in order to maximize the potential impact of your discovery.
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Say I discovered something very important scientific. Who exactly would I call to tell them about this? Or go to?
Physics news on
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If it is scientific, you may make it public.

If it is an invention, talk to patent experts.
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Congratulations on your discovery! As a scientist, it is important to share your findings with the scientific community. You can start by contacting your colleagues, mentors, and collaborators in your field of study. They can provide valuable feedback and help you further develop your discovery. You can also consider submitting your research to a reputable scientific journal for publication. This will allow your discovery to reach a wider audience and potentially have a significant impact on the scientific community. Additionally, you can reach out to scientific organizations or institutions that specialize in your area of research. They may be interested in featuring your discovery in their publications or hosting you for a presentation or lecture. Keep in mind that it is important to carefully consider the appropriate channels for sharing your discovery and to follow the proper protocols for scientific communication.

FAQ: Say I discovered something very important scientific. Who exactly

1. Who gets credit for the discovery?

The person who makes the discovery is typically given credit for it. However, in some cases, credit may also be given to the team of scientists or researchers who worked on the project together.

2. How is the discovery verified?

The discovery will go through a rigorous process of peer review, where other scientists in the field will examine the evidence and findings to ensure its validity. This helps to establish the discovery as a credible and significant contribution to the scientific community.

3. How will the discovery impact society?

This can vary based on the nature of the discovery. In some cases, it may have a direct impact on society, such as a new medical treatment or technology. In other cases, it may contribute to our understanding of the world and help to advance other areas of research.

4. Will the discovery be patented?

It is possible for a discovery to be patented, but this is not always the case. It depends on the specific circumstances and whether or not the discovery is considered to be a new and useful invention.

5. How can I learn more about the discovery?

The discovery will likely be published in a scientific journal, which can be accessed online or through a library. You can also attend conferences or seminars where the scientist may present their findings and answer questions. Additionally, the discovery may be covered by news outlets and media, providing further information and insights.
