Exploring the Mystery of @SchroedingersLion: Alive or Dead?

  • Thread starter .Scott
  • Start date
In summary, the observer stays in the box with the alarm clock in order to see if he remains in a superposition of dead and alive. If he is still alive at the end of an hour, an observation has been made. Otherwise, the experiment becomes invalid.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
I noticed that someone has the user name @SchroedingersLion and I have to comment.

I imagine the same experiment as before - but instead there's a hungry sleeping lion in the box with an alarm clock wired to the decay detector.

In this new experiment, the observer stays in the box with the alarm clock.
If the observer is still alive at the end of an hour, an observation has been made.
Otherwise, is he still in a superposition of dead and alive?

No, I'm not serious. But it's an entertaining thought.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
And why would this be “an entertaining thought”?

  • #3
.Scott said:
In this new experiment, the observer stays in the box with the alarm clock.
Well. In this case the universe outside is, what will remain in an undetermined state:smile:

Also, with the death of the observer, the experiment would become invalid:woot:
  • #4
Rive said:
Well. In this case the universe outside is, what will remain in an undetermined state:smile:
Okay. So, in response to someone being in trouble - perhaps they are about to be eaten by a lion, the observer jumps into a box until help can arrive. Thus keeping the potential victim in an indetermined state.
  • #5
Reminds me on the old joke:
"How does a mathematician catch a lion?"
"He takes a cage, sits in it, and makes a ##\frac{1}{z}## transformation."
  • #6
.Scott said:
I noticed that someone has the user name @SchroedingersLion and I have to comment.

I imagine the same experiment as before - but instead there's a hungry sleeping lion in the box with an alarm clock wired to the decay detector.

In this new experiment, the observer stays in the box with the alarm clock.
If the observer is still alive at the end of an hour, an observation has been made.
Otherwise, is he still in a superposition of dead and alive?

No, I'm not serious. But it's an entertaining thought.
Isn't this the same as the original thought experiment except that now the question has become, "Is the cat hungry or fed?"

FAQ: Exploring the Mystery of @SchroedingersLion: Alive or Dead?

1. What is the concept of Schrödinger's Lion?

Schrödinger's Lion is a thought experiment that was proposed by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and the idea that a particle can exist in multiple states at the same time. In this thought experiment, a lion is placed in a sealed box with a vial of poison that will be released if a radioactive particle decays. According to quantum mechanics, the lion would exist in a state of both being alive and dead until the box is opened and the state is observed.

2. Is Schrödinger's Lion a real lion?

No, Schrödinger's Lion is a hypothetical concept and does not refer to a real lion. It was created as a way to illustrate the bizarre and counterintuitive principles of quantum mechanics.

3. What does Schrödinger's Lion tell us about the nature of reality?

Schrödinger's Lion highlights the strange and complex nature of reality at the quantum level. It challenges our traditional understanding of cause and effect and suggests that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed. It also raises questions about the role of observation and perception in determining reality.

4. Has Schrödinger's Lion been proven or disproven?

The concept of Schrödinger's Lion is still a subject of debate and has not been definitively proven or disproven. Some physicists argue that this thought experiment is a useful tool for understanding quantum mechanics, while others question its validity and practicality.

5. How does Schrödinger's Lion relate to the famous Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment?

Schrödinger's Lion is a variation of the original Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment, which was also proposed by physicist Erwin Schrödinger. In both experiments, a living entity is placed in a sealed box with a mechanism that could potentially kill it, and its state is determined by the behavior of a quantum particle. The purpose of both experiments is to challenge our understanding of reality and the role of observation in determining the outcome.

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