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Homework Statement
Here is a photo of a page in Laser Physics by Hooker:
I have 3 questions (I'm a bit rusty after a long summer):
1. Is the "c.c." bascially [itex]\textbf{U}(r) e^{i \omega t}[/itex] or is the U actually U*? (Just checking)
2. Why can't we say [itex] \textbf{U}(r) = X(x)Y(y)Z(z) [/itex] instead of separating it into Ux Uy and Uz?
3. Finally: Having gone through the PDE and got an answer with boundary solutions [itex]\textbf{U}(r)_{x} = 0[/itex] at edges, I don't understand where the [itex]\frac{\pi}{L}[/itex] comes from. The π I know is just put into make the mode numbers simpler later, but how does the L get there?
And how is the x component a cos function? I get a sin!
Thanks for the help! I'm just a bit rusty!