Prove Sum of Series Property: a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2}

In summary, using the given relations, it can be proven by induction that the sum of the odd terms in the series is equal to the square of the m-th term. Additionally, through a related conjecture and the use of induction, it can be shown that the series for n^2 has every other term as the difference in the squares of the successive terms for n. Together, these proofs demonstrate the relationship between the powers and terms in the series and the Paschal triangle.
  • #1
Given [tex]a_{0} = 0[/tex], [tex]a_{1} = 1[/tex], and [tex]a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2}[/tex]; prove that
[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{m} a_{2i-1} = (a_{m})^2[/tex]
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  • #2
[tex]a_0 \ = 0[/tex]
[tex]a_1 \ = 1[/tex]
[tex]a_2 \ = B[/tex]
[tex]a_3 \ = B^2 - 1[/tex]
[tex]a_4 \ = B^3 - 2B[/tex]
[tex]a_5 \ = B^4 - 3B^2 + \ 1[/tex]
[tex]a_6 \ = B^5 - 4B^3 + \ 3B[/tex]
[tex]a_7 \ = B^6 - 5B^4 + \ 6B^2 - 1[/tex]
[tex]a_8 \ = B^7 - 6B^5 + 10B^3 - 4B[/tex]
[tex]a_9 \ = B^8 - 7B^6 + 15B^4 - 10B^2 + 1[/tex]
[tex]a_1_0 = B^9 - 8B^7 + 21B^5 - 20B^3 + 5B...[/tex]

You made an interesting conjecture, unfortunally I have tried for some minutes and nothing... the proof seems to be not too complicate but long, I think usign the binomial will be helpfull

As you see above, the terms and the powers seems to have a relations with the paschal triangle. The powers form a simple arithmetical progression, and the terms forms a progression like the paschal triangle

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
  • #3
ramsey2879 said:
Given [tex]a_{0} = 0[/tex], [tex]a_{1} = 1[/tex], and [tex]a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2}[/tex]; prove that
[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{m} a_{2i-1} = (a_{m})^2[/tex]

Hi ramsey :smile:

[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{m} a_{2i-1}\,=\,\sum_{i=1}^{m} Ba_{2i-2}\,-\,\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} a_{2i-1}[/tex]​

Does that help? :smile:
  • #4
al-mahed l

That seems to be on the right tract towards a short proof. I arrived at this via a related conjecture which I think I did prove. This gives another approach to the proof.
It can be proven by direct substitution, the math is not too complicated but is tedious, and I do not think I made an error in my proof.

Lema 1
Given [tex] a,b[/tex], and [tex]B[/tex]

define [tex]c = Bb-a[/tex]

then [tex]a^2 - Bab + b^2 = b^2 -Bbc + c^2[/tex]

Lema 2
Given [tex]n = a^2 - Bab + b^2[/tex]
define [tex] d = b^2-a^2 \, e = Bb^2-2ab[/tex]
Then[tex] d^2 - Bde + e^2 = n^2[/tex]

Lema 1 and 2 each can be applied to get next terms in the series for [tex]n^2[tex]

Via Lema 1
[tex] f = Be - d = B(Bb^2 - 2ab) -b^2 + a^2[/tex]

Via Lema 2
[tex] f = c^2-b^2 = (B^2-1)b^2 - B2ab + a^2

Inspection shows that they are equivalent

Also the following relation forms
[tex] g = Bf - e = Bc^2 - 2cb = (B^3-2B)b^2 -a((2B62+2)b + Ba)[/tex]

Since a and b can take any value this formula can be applied recursively to show that the series for n^2 has every other term as the difference in the squares fo the sucessive terms for in the series for n. But when n = 1 and you start with a = 0, b = 1 the series for n^2 becomes the same as the series for n. So every other term [tex]a_{n}^2 - a_{n-1}^2.

I ran out of time but this will be completed later
Last edited:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
Hi ramsey :smile:

[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{m} a_{2i-1}\,=\,\sum_{i=1}^{m} Ba_{2i-2}\,-\,\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} a_{2i-1}[/tex]​

Does that help? :smile:
Good point. At least it helps in the summing of the other half of the series. I will edit my other post to complete my proof now so I will not need this relation at this moment.
  • #6

Sorry that I have to redo this but in my haste to post i left a mess and then found that it could not be edited. I arrived at this via a related conjecture which I also proved. There is probably a better proof using induction and properties of Pascel's triangle as you have shown is so involved here.

My proof follows and also used induction.

The following Lema can be proven by direct substitution, the math is not too complicated but is tedious, and I did double check the math.

Lema 1
Given [tex] a,b[/tex], and [tex]B[/tex]

define [tex]c = Bb-a[/tex]

then [tex]a^2 - Bab + b^2 = b^2 -Bbc + c^2[/tex]

Lema 2
Given [tex]n = a^2 - Bab + b^2[/tex]
define [tex] d = b^2-a^2 \, e = Bb^2-2ab[/tex]
Then [tex] d^2 - Bde + e^2 = n^2[/tex]


Lema 1 and 2 each can be applied to get next terms in the series for [tex]n^2[tex]

Via Lema 1
[tex] f = Be - d = B(Bb^2 - 2ab) -b^2 + a^2[/tex]

Via Lema 2
[tex] f = c^2-b^2 = (B^2-1)b^2 - B2ab + a^2

Inspection shows that they are equivalent

Also the following relation forms
[tex] g = Bf - e = Bc^2 - 2cb = (B^3-2B)b^2 -a((2B62+2)b + Ba)[/tex]

Since a and b can take any value this formula can be applied recursively to show that the series for n^2 has every other term as the difference in the squares fo the sucessive terms for in the series for n. But when n = 1 and you start with a = 0, b = 1 the series for n^2 becomes the same as the series for n. So every other term [tex]a_{n}^2 - a_{n-1}^2.

I ran out of time but this will be completed later[/QUOTE]
  • #7

Once again I have to redo this. I inadvertently submitted this before finishing. Mabe I made an inadvertant mouse click when I was trying to bring up more of the text to edit or something. Again what was posted can not be edited for some reason.

I arrived at this via a related conjecture which I also proved. There is probably a better proof using induction and properties of Pascel's triangle as you have shown is so involved here.

My proof follows and also used induction.

The following Lema can be proven by direct substitution, the math is not too complicated but is tedious, and I did double check the math but will not reproduce it below.

Lema 1
Given [tex] a,b[/tex], and [tex]B[/tex]

define [tex]c = Bb-a[/tex]

then [tex]a^2 - Bab + b^2 = b^2 -Bbc + c^2[/tex]

Lema 2
Given [tex]n = a^2 - Bab + b^2[/tex]
define [tex] d = b^2-a^2 \, e = Bb^2-2ab[/tex]
Then [tex] d^2 - Bde + e^2 = n^2[/tex]

Lema 3
By Lema 1, [tex]a,b,c[/tex] can be the first terms of an infinite series where adjacent terms can be substuted for the [tex]a[/tex] and [tex]b[/tex] to give the value [tex]n[/tex] while [tex] d,e[/tex] can be the beginnings of an infinite series where each pair of adjacent terms can be substituted to give the value [tex]n^2[/tex]. Let [tex] f [/tex] and [tex]g[/tex] are the next terms in the series for [tex]n^2[/tex] through the recursive formula of Lema 1. Then the following can also be established by direct substitution of terms using Lema 2 applied to the second pair [tex]b[/tex] and [tex]c[/tex]:
[tex] f = c^2 - b^2[/tex]
[tex] g = Bc^2 - 2bc [/tex]

Since a and b can take any value the above formula can be applied recursively such that every other term of the second series, [tex] d,f,h,\dots[/tex] is equal to the difference of squares, [tex]b^2-a^2[/tex], [tex]c^2-b^2[/tex], \quad \dots[/tex].

Also if a = 0 and b = 1 then [tex]d=b[/tex], and [tex]e=c[/tex] and since each series have the same recursive formula they are the same series. Thus the proof of the relation of my first post is established.

FAQ: Prove Sum of Series Property: a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2}

1. What is the "Prove Sum of Series Property"?

The "Prove Sum of Series Property" is a mathematical concept that states the sum of a series of numbers can be calculated by using the formula a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2}, where a_n is the nth term in the series, B is a constant, and a_{n-1} and a_{n-2} are the previous two terms in the series.

2. How is the "Prove Sum of Series Property" used?

The "Prove Sum of Series Property" is used to simplify the calculation of the sum of a series of numbers. Instead of adding each term individually, this formula can be used to find the sum more efficiently.

3. Can the "Prove Sum of Series Property" be applied to all series?

Yes, the "Prove Sum of Series Property" can be applied to all series as long as the series follows the pattern a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2}. This includes arithmetic, geometric, and other types of series.

4. How is the "Prove Sum of Series Property" proved?

The "Prove Sum of Series Property" can be proved by using mathematical induction, which involves showing that the formula holds for the first few terms in the series and then proving that it holds for all subsequent terms. This is a commonly used method in mathematical proofs.

5. Can the "Prove Sum of Series Property" be generalized to higher orders?

Yes, the "Prove Sum of Series Property" can be generalized to higher orders by using the formula a_n = Ba_{n-1} - a_{n-2} + c_{n-3} - ... + (-1)^{n-1}c_{1} + (-1)^{n}c_{0}, where c_{i} are constants. This formula is known as the "Sum of Finite Series Property" and can be used to calculate the sum of any finite series.

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