Seriouslywhat's wrong with some people?

  • Thread starter QuantumTheory
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In summary, BubbaUno seems to be a very eager student, but he may regret it in the long run because he is not prepared for the rigorous mathematics and physics that are required for a career in quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Seriously..what's wrong with some people??

I'm 16 years. Learning to become a professor and teach in quantum theory/and or teach advanced calculus or astrophysics.

I have several physics books, including Calculus For Dummies (for brush up) and several others.

Now, this guy, who I play an online game with called GemstoneIV, is a astrophysics genius. Yet he is such an as* is living proof how just because someone is brilliant can be such a total pain in the rear:

LordWarclaidhm: Your a student of Astrophysics?
BubbaUno: yes that's a fake equation
BubbaUno: the summation is going from i = 1 to G
BubbaUno: which can't happen
LordWarclaidhm: oh, thanks. I'm intereseted in physics/quantum theory to
LordWarclaidhm: My real question is..what is some variable/constant with a slash though it mean?
LordWarclaidhm: Never seen that before.
BubbaUno: part of the shrodinger equation
BubbaUno: has to do with wave functions
BubbaUno: don't worry about it
LordWarclaidhm: I do worry about it bro, I'm going to be a professor of quantum theory, heh
LordWarclaidhm: Thats my future job
BubbaUno: umm no your not
BubbaUno: you'll never make it
LordWarclaidhm: Right.
LordWarclaidhm: Thanks anyway. besides your discouraging comment.
LordWarclaidhm: So you got to be a wise as* plus insulting at the same time?
LordWarclaidhm: way to go
BubbaUno is idle at 3:25:59 AM.
BubbaUno is no longer idle at 3:26:20 AM.
LordWarclaidhm: Hey, sorry about being a prick earlier.
LordWarclaidhm: I'm studying quantum theory and physics and I did'nt think you realized that
LordWarclaidhm: Interested in the universe.
LordWarclaidhm: You there?
BubbaUno: no
BubbaUno: bye
LordWarclaidhm: ?
LordWarclaidhm: are you mad at me?
BubbaUno: stop talking like my girlfriend geeze
BubbaUno: go to bed
BubbaUno: bye
LordWarclaidhm: Alright. talk to you later
BubbaUno: no
BubbaUno: don't
LordWarclaidhm: How am I talking like your girlfriend?
BubbaUno: you sound like a little bit*h.. are you mad at me?
BubbaUno: shrug
LordWarclaidhm: oh
LordWarclaidhm: sorry
BubbaUno: I'm busy so leave me alone
Physics news on
  • #2
That's great!

Keep up the good work!
  • #3
Er this probably belongs in the General Discussion forum but I'll bite.

#1 Don't ever get discouraged and don't ever let someone's opinion of you become your opinion of yourself.

#2 You will encounter a lot of arrogance, rudeness, and general mean people in the world of physics and mathematics. Some fields such as these and particularly the CS/IT field are rampant with them so grow some thick skin.

#3 Re-read #2 many times because you will have to battle much more than this in your undergraduate, graduate studies and when presenting your works to other people (they will eat you alive if you make a mistake).

So just relax and realize there will always be a**holes in the world :biggrin:
  • #4
Indeed, I agree with singleton.

One thing that I've noticed about yourself is that your eager. That's excellent, but it does come along with it's disadvantages. I was like yourself, I wanted to jump ahead and if I needed to learn something as a prerequisite I did, but I often trivialized it. *That* hurt me a lot in the long run.

Also, you might consider becoming an *******, yourself. :blushing:
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  • #5
You have probably figured out the answer to the question you asked him already, but just in case...

[tex]\hbar[/tex] is just Planck's constant divided by 2 pi.

That notation is so common that people often prefer to write [tex]2\pi\hbar[/tex] rather than just h.

In quantum field theory, there's another kind of slash through the quantities appearing in the equations, but you won't have to worry about that for a long time.
  • #6
singleton said:
Some fields such as these and particularly the CS/IT field are rampant with them so grow some thick skin.

I haven't noticed any of it in that field.
  • #7
Fredrik said:
In quantum field theory, there's another kind of slash through the quantities appearing in the equations, but you won't have to worry about that for a long time.

I want to know! Hehe...yes i am too eager.

If I don't know something I drive myself crazy until I know what it is. :cry:
  • #8
The problem with being eager is that you misjudge the introductory material as not important. People want to jump really far into Calculus, but most of the time they do not even know the definition of continuity, which is very important in my opinion.

Take it one step at a time.

You may look smart knowing a millionth of what they teach in 3rd/4th year university, but you'll look like an idiot not knowing a millionth of high school Physics.

At the moment, I am very eager to go into quantum mechanics, but I decided to just be patient and get my math skills real high, so I don't get held back because I thought it wasn't important.

Like I said, one step at a time. If you take three, well you just missed 2 steps that might have showed you some other neat stuff about physics/math.
  • #9
Also, note about the Lord guy.

I don't think he was being a prick. It seemed like you were going for an ego boost. Being (maybe) a university student that he is, he probably doesn't like giving ego boosts all the time.

You are also speaking of a future job. It is nice that you are thinking that far ahead, but you are narrowing your path to that area. I would love to be a prof, but for now, I am in school to learn what I love learn. You should make a 5 year goal, which is considered long term. The goal that you have now, at the age of 16, is a ~15+ year goal, which is considered lifetime commitment. Think about it.

You were also talking like his girlfriend. Being that it was online, you should have just let it go. Instead you were trying to cling to him ... like a girl.

I hate to be the prick, but really, read the post again.
  • #10
Chrono said:
I haven't noticed any of it in that field.

I hope that was sarcasm heh.

So many are egotistical, rude, arrogant know-it-alls, at least in the programming part of things.

Some admins are like that too but I'd bet my money programmers have a much higher percentage of it being more prominent.
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  • #11
JasonRox said:
Also, note about the Lord guy.

I don't think he was being a prick. It seemed like you were going for an ego boost. Being (maybe) a university student that he is, he probably doesn't like giving ego boosts all the time.

You are also speaking of a future job. It is nice that you are thinking that far ahead, but you are narrowing your path to that area. I would love to be a prof, but for now, I am in school to learn what I love learn. You should make a 5 year goal, which is considered long term. The goal that you have now, at the age of 16, is a ~15+ year goal, which is considered lifetime commitment. Think about it.

You were also talking like his girlfriend. Being that it was online, you should have just let it go. Instead you were trying to cling to him ... like a girl.

I hate to be the prick, but really, read the post again.

An ego boost? What do you mean? I only asked him because I know him in the online game I play, and he is a tried and true ass in that game and out in real life.

The only reason I ask him is I reach out to anyone who even know physics, for help on understanding it. Since I go to a new school now with even the math teacher (who doesn't know calculus) I don't know anyone who I can talk to on a 1 on 1 basis that even knows calculus, let alone physics ! :frown:

He is always this way. He brags about smoking weed and going to a bar, it's annoying. Especially knowing marjiuana is illegal; and he brags about it like he's tuff.

That reminds me, I do have some questions on phsyics. If anyone here (on this forum) would care to give me a hand, please IM me (On AIM) at LordWarclaidhm .

Thank you so much.
  • #12
If you were to ask anyone knowledgeable, they will also say don't worry about, like one of the posters, and tell you to go back to the beginning. You are trying to skip everything.

You say you aren't but I know you are.
  • #13
singleton said:
I hope that was sarcasm heh.

So many are egotistical, rude, arrogant know-it-alls, at least in the programming part of things.

Some admins are like that too but I'd bet my money programmers have a much higher percentage of it being more prominent.

Of course, the only one's I've met are my professors. I guess I should get out more.
  • #14
I admit my mistakes out loud. It can be so simple, but I'll just say I can't believe I messed up on this. Of course, I usually correct it right afterwards, but I'm always willing to admit that my first approach was wrong. I know some people won't, so they maintain that "I look intelligent look.", but I don't care much about it.

Like I say all the time, enjoy the program/course.

Stop looking at other people and picturing yourself as a better person.

What makes being arrogant a bad thing? Many arrogant people are willing to help you because they want to show off. If they put you down when you get a simple mistake, there is nothing wrong with that since it may be their method of teaching.

Just relax.

Note: Whether it is a successful teaching method or not, it does not matter. It relies on personal opinion, and from I have seen, no one ever asks what teaching method would you like? Not even the nicest person does this. They just go on teaching, assuming their method works, whether it is slow, fast, or rude.
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  • #15
QuantumTheory said:
An ego boost? What do you mean? I only asked him because I know him in the online game I play, and he is a tried and true ass in that game and out in real life.

The only reason I ask him is I reach out to anyone who even know physics, for help on understanding it. Since I go to a new school now with even the math teacher (who doesn't know calculus) I don't know anyone who I can talk to on a 1 on 1 basis that even knows calculus, let alone physics ! :frown:

He is always this way. He brags about smoking weed and going to a bar, it's annoying. Especially knowing marjiuana is illegal; and he brags about it like he's tuff.

That reminds me, I do have some questions on phsyics. If anyone here (on this forum) would care to give me a hand, please IM me (On AIM) at LordWarclaidhm .

Thank you so much.

Just chill out, man.

Jason is right, you're getting ahead of yourself. If you don't know basic calculus - or have taken a calculus based physics course, you're not going to understand Quantum theory. That's just how it is, no questions about it.

To be honest, you're not going to understand Quantum theory in high school, period! You won't even understand it until maybe 2nd year of your undergraduate studies! And then, it will be basic.

Jason's advice to focus on the lower stuff now is EXCELLENT. Being eager to learn something advanced is great! But you need the tools to understand the more advanced topics.

I'm 16 years. Learning to become a professor and teach in quantum theory/and or teach advanced calculus or astrophysics.

About this, those are 3 pretty different things. If he's an astrophysics "genius," he probably thinks it's kind of weird that you say stuff like this.

If you want to teach advanced calculus, the courses are generally taught by mathematicians/professors in the math department. If you want to be an astrophysics professor, you'll teach astrophysics courses. You could have some overlap, of course.

Anyway, to get to the point, it's awesome that you're so eager to learn. Don't lose that! But learn the tools first, you need them to achieve your dreams. That way, when you actually make it closer to your goal of teaching Quantum theory, which obviously requires a deep understanding of the subject, it will be so much more beautiful!

Good luck.
  • #16
singleton said:
Some fields such as these and particularly the CS/IT field are rampant with them so grow some thick skin.

Programmers are arrogant right up until they can't login to their system. Then they whine just like anyone else. The keymaster holds all keys- even the programmers :wink:

Actually arrogant or not is only true individually. Chances are the person who is arrogant in IT would be arrogant in any field he chose.
  • #17
Zantra said:
Programmers are arrogant right up until they can't login to their system. Then they whine just like anyone else. The keymaster holds all keys- even the programmers :wink:

Actually arrogant or not is only true individually. Chances are the person who is arrogant in IT would be arrogant in any field he chose.

Agreed. I guess CS/IT just attracts those sort of individuals more than many other fields though. And perhaps the environment (more alone than with others) cultivates that sort of thing because no one is around to tell you how wrong you are :)

I just try to realize that whatever field I'm in, the more I think I may know there seems to be yet more to be discovered! That keeps me in check and fairly modest I'd say.
  • #18
Isn't that cool though?

You think you know a lot until you discover a new area, and then you're like... :eek: !
  • #19
JasonRox said:
You think you know a lot until you discover a new area, and then you're like... :eek: !

:eek: That is totally cool. I love that feeling.
  • #20
Well, dude, I agree that he was being a bit harsh. But keep in mind that being a professor in math or physics for a major University is a HUGE goal. What's more, juding from the fact that you can't distinguish from these rather separate goals of math, quantom mechanics and astrophysics tells me that you perhaps don't know enough to be that certain about what you really want. Are you sure that a large part of it isn't just taht you seek the intellectual prestige of teaching such a hard subject at a hard University?

I aim to be a math prfoessor in a decent University, and it'll take a lot of work to be that.

Look on the bright side though. You're young and have lots of time. I think that you're brain is still devloping at this point. BUT, I reccomend that you think a little more about what it means to be a professor, and not just the image you might be assosciating with it.

Sure you can learn, but are you good at teaching? Do you really think that you could make new contributions to the fields?

Anyhow, I tihnk we can all agree that no matter how much fun all these subjects are, you just can't have a PhD knowledge in all of them. (At least, not unless you win the lottery and can afford to spend that long as a student) I'm sure many of us wish we could. So if you really want to make that goal, it might be a good idea to start narrowing down your interests now.

Peace, good luck, and forgive my rambling. It's late around here.
  • #21
Something else to keep in mind...if you know this guy through a gaming site, he might not have been interested in teaching you physics. He might be going to the gaming site to get his mind off his studies and relax a bit, and got annoyed someone wanted him to teach them advanced physics when they are still in high school. Had the same person been posting here, he might have been in a different frame of mind to be more patient with your questions.

Also, when you stated you are 16 and studying to be a professor, that can be taken the wrong way. At 16, you're not studying to be a professor, you're just trying to graduate high school with the future career goal of going to college and graduate school to someday become a professor. With regard to that, keep your mind open. A lot of people start out college thinking they know what they want to do when they graduate, and halfway through change their minds when they find something they enjoy even more, that they hadn't been really exposed to much in high school. Anyway, he might have misunderstood your statement to be suggesting you're some sort of genius in graduate school at 16, when your questions clearly show that you aren't. There are people around who do make such claims, and he may have run into a few too many to appreciate the context of your statements.

My best advice is to listen to the advice of everyone above who has suggested you take things one step at a time. Don't worry about learning quantum theory and astrophysics just yet. Keep it as your long-term goal, but focus on learning everything you'll need to understand it later. Before you get that far, you need to learn a LOT more math and basic physics to prepare yourself for the advanced physics. Don't be discouraged, just remember the best things in life take time and are achieved through hard work. When you finally get there, you'll appreciate your accomplishment all the more for having stuck with it and worked so hard to get there.

FAQ: Seriouslywhat's wrong with some people?

1. What do you mean by "some people"?

By "some people", we are referring to individuals who exhibit behaviors or thought patterns that are considered abnormal or harmful by society.

2. Is there a specific reason why some people behave in ways that are considered wrong?

There are a variety of reasons why some people may act in ways that are considered wrong. These can include neurological or psychological disorders, environmental factors, past experiences, and cultural influences.

3. Can these behaviors be changed or corrected?

In many cases, yes. Depending on the underlying cause of the behavior, it may be possible to change or correct it through therapy, medication, or other interventions. However, it is important to recognize that not all behaviors can be changed and some may require ongoing management.

4. How can we address or prevent these behaviors in society?

Addressing and preventing these behaviors involves a multi-faceted approach. This can include education and awareness, early intervention and treatment, promoting positive social and cultural norms, and creating supportive environments for individuals to thrive in.

5. Is it fair to label someone as "wrong" or "bad" for their behavior?

It is important to understand that behavior is complex and influenced by a variety of factors. Labeling someone as "wrong" or "bad" for their behavior can be harmful and stigmatizing. It is important to approach these situations with empathy and understanding, while also recognizing the need for accountability and consequences for harmful actions.

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