Should I take Cal I before taking physics?

  • Thread starter Tokage
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In summary, a college junior who has recently declared a physics major is questioning whether it would be wise to take precalculus with trigonometry in the summer, followed by Calculus I in the fall and Physics I in the spring to reestablish a good math foundation. Alternatively, they are considering taking Physics I and Calculus I simultaneously in the fall or taking Physics I first and Caluclus I in the spring. Based on the course descriptions, it seems that most of the math used in Physics I is covered in precalculus, so taking Calculus I beforehand may not be necessary. However, it is recommended to talk to an advisor or the professor teaching the course for more specific information. Ultimately, the decision should be based on
  • #1
Hi, I'm going to be a college junior (technically more like a freshman or sophomore because of my credits) this coming fall and just recently declared becoming a physics major which will take effect at that time. It's been quite a while since I've done math, and I'm really not to great at it, but I absolutely love physics and astronomy, which is what my department and I do much better at the math when applying it to physics rather than math by itself. Regardless, I think I can handle the math courses I'll be required to take with lots of hard work which I intend to put it. Like I said though its been a while since I've taken a math course, over two years actually. I wasn't require to take one my senior year of high school nor did I take one my freshman or sophomore years of college. So this summer I will be taking precalculus with trigonometry. In the fall however I have a choice, my school allows me to either take Calculus I beforehand or simultaneously with Physics I.

Would it be wise for me to take the precal with trig this summer then take Calculus I by itself in the fall and then Physics I in the Spring so that I am able to reestablish a good base of math for myself because it's been so long and I'm not extremely skilled in it? Or would I be fine taking Physics I and Calculus I at the same time in the fall? I'm afraid that I may be kicking myself for taking them simultaneously if concepts are being covered in Physics I that require things I am still trying to learn or have yet to get to in my Calculus I class.Just for clarity, here are the links to all three classes that describe what will be covered so that you may see whether or not there may be a problem:Pre-cal with trig (irrelevant really, taking either way): I: I: I'm now noticing that the Physics I class has the option of "instructor approval", so a third option would be to take physics first and then Cal I in the Spring. Might that also be a possible option? Just throwing it out there.
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  • #2
Well in my class we really didnt use calculus all that much. The equations and such were all stated using calculus but most thing simplified to basic algebra with zero work (constants).

However I can't imagine understanding anything without knowing what a derivative and an integral is. But since they expect you to take in concurrently then there shouldn't be any problems.

So really I'd expect most of the math used in that class to be from that precalculus class.

So overall its probably a bit better to take calculus before but I don't think setting yourself back a semester in physics is worth that little bit.

Thats taken from my experience, where calculus II is the one we take concurrently with physics I. I would talk to an adviser or the professor teaching it to find out specifics.
  • #3
i think you should take precalc and calc first, yes.
  • #4
Do you know or will have learned by then how to do (simple) integration and derivatives? Then, if your course is anything like mine was, I don't think it's necessary to take Calculus I prior to Physics I. Having said that, I don't know anything about your preparation from high school (I think it is assumed you have in fact learned derivatives and integration there), so it's hard to gauge, but you might want to check what the usual sequence at your university is. If people are supposed to be taking those two courses concurrently, then I'm pretty sure Physics I is tailored so that it doesn't really use much of the stuff that hasn't yet been taught in the Calculus I course.
  • #5
Clearly take precalc first, but I think taking calc and physics simultaneously is very doable. But remember, this is college. You have to be responsible for your own education. In physics I, you will be doing derivatives and integrals within your first few weeks. But don't worry, the derivatives and integrals you'll do in physics I are very basic. All you really need to do is view some of the Khan Academy videos on derivatives and integrals, practice doing a few if possible, and then you'll be fine. It's best that you understand the power rule for derivatives, the product rule for derivatives, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. They're incredibly easy-to-grasp subjects on both a geometric and analytic level. The difficulty in calculus lies in all the ways to differentiate or integrate difficult functions -- none of which you'll encounter in intro physics.
  • #6
Why not sign up for both courses, show up the first few days. Talk to your instructor about the class and if it looks like calc will be essential, drop it in the first few days.

(Assuming you have no penalty for that)

FAQ: Should I take Cal I before taking physics?

1. Should I take Calculus I before taking physics?

It is generally recommended to take Calculus I before taking physics. Calculus lays the foundation for understanding the mathematical concepts and equations used in physics, and will make the material less challenging to grasp.

2. What if I am not strong in math, should I still take Calculus I before physics?

Although it may be more challenging, it is still beneficial to take Calculus I before physics. A strong understanding of mathematics is crucial for success in physics, and taking Calculus I will help build this foundation.

3. Can I take physics without taking Calculus I?

It is possible to take physics without taking Calculus I, but it may be more challenging. Many physics courses assume a basic understanding of calculus and may use it in problem-solving. It is recommended to take Calculus I before physics for a better understanding of the material.

4. Will I be at a disadvantage if I do not take Calculus I before physics?

Not necessarily. If you have a strong mathematical background and are able to learn and apply calculus concepts quickly, then you may not be at a disadvantage. However, it is still recommended to take Calculus I before physics for a better understanding of the material.

5. Can I take Calculus I and physics at the same time?

It is possible to take both courses at the same time, but it may be more challenging. Both courses require a significant amount of time and effort, so it is important to consider your workload and time management skills before deciding to take them simultaneously.

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