Shouldn't pressure loss quadruple if flow rate doubles?

In summary, the friction factor in turbulent flow changes depending on Reynolds number, and using K-factors for turbulent flow is not as accurate as using Hooper's 2-K method.
  • #1
I've always been taught that in a piping system (only water), if the flow rate doubles, then pressure loss quadruples. But when using the Darcy-Weisbach equation I often find that it is closer to triple. Playing around with viscosity and temperature I've never been able to bring the ratio higher than 3,6. Am I missing something...?
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  • #2
Generally, yes, if flow rate doubles, pressure loss should quadruple. I'm not sure how you are using the D-W equation because it looks pretty clear in the equation that head loss is a square function of velocity. Are you changing other things at the same time?
  • #3
russ_watters said:
Are you changing other things at the same time?

If I pretend the friction factor stays the same with both flow rates, then I'm able to get the loss to quadruple, so I guess that's the issue. Thanks anyway :)
  • #4
TSN79 said:
If I pretend the friction factor stays the same with both flow rates, then I'm able to get the loss to quadruple, so I guess that's the issue. Thanks anyway :)
In pipe flow, if the flow regime is fully turbulent at both flow rates, the friction factor should remain constant. That's what the Moody diagram shows:

  • #5
SteamKing said:
In pipe flow, if the flow regime is fully turbulent at both flow rates, the friction factor should remain constant. That's what the Moody diagram shows.
The flow rates I usually work with have Reynolds numbers in the 10-20 000 range, and so they are in the tranistion zone and the friction factor changes slightly - which makes quite a difference apparently.
  • #6
TSN79 said:
The flow rates I usually work with have Reynolds numbers in the 10-20 000 range, and so they are in the tranistion zone and the friction factor changes slightly - which makes quite a difference apparently.
It's also not clear how you are accounting for minor losses in these flow regimes.

It has been shown that using K-factors, which are acceptable for fully turbulent flows, are not as accurate at predicting pressure drop when used in the laminar or transition regime. In these flow regimes which are not fully turbulent, the K-factors develop a component which depends on the Reynolds No. of the flow; hence, they do not remain constant.

For more information, you might want to check out a book called Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics, by Ron Darby. Darby discusses his own 3-K method as well as the 2-K method of Hooper.

FAQ: Shouldn't pressure loss quadruple if flow rate doubles?

Why does pressure loss increase with flow rate?

As the flow rate increases, the fluid experiences more resistance as it flows through a pipe or channel. This resistance leads to a decrease in pressure, known as pressure loss.

What is the relationship between flow rate and pressure loss?

The relationship between flow rate and pressure loss is directly proportional. This means that as flow rate increases, pressure loss also increases.

Shouldn't pressure loss double if flow rate doubles?

No, pressure loss does not double if flow rate doubles. It increases by a factor of four. This is because pressure loss is directly proportional to the square of the flow rate.

Why is the relationship between pressure loss and flow rate squared?

This relationship is based on the Hagen-Poiseuille equation, which describes the laminar flow of a fluid through a pipe. The equation includes a term for the square of the flow rate, hence the squared relationship between pressure loss and flow rate.

How does this relationship affect real-world applications?

In real-world applications, it is important to consider the relationship between pressure loss and flow rate when designing systems that involve fluid flow. This can help engineers determine the appropriate pipe size and flow rate for a given system to ensure efficient and effective operation.

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