Adding a Signature Image: Pros & Cons

  • Thread starter Dagenais
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In summary: But I also think that people who use Macs are generally more intelligent than people who use Windows machines. slower, but smarter?In summary, Microsoft is angry because a kid made a website that was called, and Microsoft got really mad. They asked the kid to take it down, but the admin refused and demanded that Microsoft take him to training.

Are signatures with images acceptable?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • No

    Votes: 10 62.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Would you mind if I had an image as a signature? A lot of phone line users find that annoying.

But if nobody minds, I may add one on for awhile.
Physics news on
  • #2
Apparently in the "options" (choices you can make) a dial up user can disable that, so it shouldn't be a problem for anyone anymore...aside from that, I tried this site, on a dial up, it was "quick enough"...lots faster then some other sites...depends upon the number of links Greg has, on the opening page...:cool:
  • #3
I oppose images in signatures not because of my connection speed (which is extremely decent by any standard), but because they interfere with the flow of discussion and general look of the board. I have no problems with text signatures, but when people start to place 500x300 images and they show up under every second post it gets really annoying really fast.
  • #4
I would have to advice against using images in the signature as well. Also, the size of the signature is limited to 4 lines, as can be read in the posting guidelines.
  • #5
Okay, so it's 50%.

4 for No
4 for Yes

That doesn't help much...

Maybe it'll help if I show what images I'm thinking of having for my signature.


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  • #6
YUP, in the UserCP there is edit options, and in there you can turn off Pictures, signatures, and's the rest don't matter all that much, as long as dial-up users know, and can turn it off, if they would prefer that...for speeds sake...
  • #7
despite the.. you can make a user option for sigs on and off... my suggestion is not to have them anyway... unless you are going to size restrict it to something like 20 px high.
  • #8
Just out of curiosity, why would you want the Windows XP logo in your signature?

  • #9
cookiemonster said:
Just out of curiosity, why would you want the Windows XP logo in your signature?

You beat me to the question.
  • #10
Why don't you just upload those images into your profile, instead of putting them in your signature? I think people will get tired very soon seeing the same image repeated over a page many times.
  • #11
unless your signature picture is going to be Monique's avatar. That's about the only one I personally wouldn't get sick of seeing.
PS if I get sick of seeing something I would probably ruthlessly attack you, call you dirty names and write poems stating just how much I was irritated. And for some reason it seems like I have a talent for pi**ing people off.
  • #12
A signature is a good place to tell everyone about yourself, in one shot, helped me once, as a thread got 'locked out' prior to the complete responce being exposed, my signature was used to make certain that those involved got to see the answer, something that would have been difficult, othewise...and that thread still stands in error, locked...and I've no signature now, but $25 US (Bout $62,000.00 Canadian, I suspect) I could get it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
  • #13
Just out of curiosity, why would you want the Windows XP logo in your signature?

Just to show them my support. There are so many idiots out there blaming Microsoft and Windows for everything that goes wrong.

Oh, Microsoft has a monopoly!

Windows crashed and I lost all my report even though I forgot to save!

I got a virus because I was dumb enough to click an attachment entitled: "Hot Hot XXX FREE!"

Microsoft lost my Dog!

M$ costs too much and they suck. Yet, I'm still using their OS, messenger, Email, Browser and Game console.

Windowzzzz is unsafe because I don't know what I'm doing!

Auto updating is SO MUCH WORK!

The b*itching goes on and on.

Someone's got to let them know they've been doing a good job and that would be me.

Anyone else want to join the club? I read that the owner of IKEA just over took Billy G as richest man. That's appalling!
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  • #14
Dagenais said:
Someone's got to let them know they've been doing a good job - and that's me.

LOL I'm not surprised Bill Gates is a successful businessman
  • #15
siggy pics

They're pretty. I think it'd be fine.

About Microsoft

I love Microsoft. My dad has this co worker who's name is Mike Raw.
He made a website that was, and Microsoft got really mad at him. I just thought that was funny. no offense to anyone, but Macs just don't fit their looks. I mean, Macs are pretty, but they run way slow.
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  • #16
This has happened before. I recall hearing something on the news about this kid who had a URL mocking Microsoft.

It happened to irritate Microsoft and they asked the kid to take it down.

However, the admin of the site had demands: To be taken to Microsoft for training.

So, how did Microsoft get angry? Just wondering, did they call you demanding that you take the site down?

As for Macs being slow, that's true. However, they've narrowed the speed gap dramatically with their G5 models.

The users exaggerate the speed a lot though.
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  • #17
Dagenais said:
This has happened before. I recall hearing something on the news about this kid who had a URL mocking Microsoft.

It happened to irritate Microsoft and they asked the kid to take it down.

However, the admin of the site had demands: To be taken to Microsoft for training.

So, how did Microsoft get angry? Just wondering, did they call you demanding that you take the site down?

BRAVO! You're learning pretty quick. You gave us a very fine example of Microsoft's bullying tactics. No wonder the DOJ filed a lawsuit against them. We're talking about a little kid poking fun at Microsoft.

Now on to your question, how did Microsoft get angry? It's really simple actually, in fact let me pull my magic Windows XP Internet Explorer browser: They don't believe in Freedom of Speech. They are humorless nitwits.
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  • #18
Ya know, at first I was really missing the signatures. But after using this format for a while, I find that I really like not seeing them. The discussions seem to flow better without the distractions of them. One or two liners weren't bad, but the longer ones and the ones with pictures became a little annoying after a while.
  • #19
Dagenais said:
Anyone else want to join the club? I read that the owner of IKEA just over took Billy G as richest man. That's appalling!

Not at all. That was the claim of the Swedish magazine, Veckans Affarer.

The only problem is that both IKEA and Forbes magazine say the claim is false. Gates, according to Forbes magazine is worth $47 billion. Forbes ranked the IKEA owner no. 18 at $18.5 billion. While he may have benefited from a strong Sweden currency it is still not enough to close the gap between his wealth and Bill Gates
  • #20
The_Professional said:
BRAVO! You're learning pretty quick. You gave us a very fine example of Microsoft's bullying tactics. No wonder the DOJ filed a lawsuit against them. We're talking about a little kid poking fun at Microsoft. They are humorless nitwits.

The_Professional, before you pronouce the kid innocent you should know a few facts. First of all he knew exactly what he was doing, the site was Immediately when MS confronted him he asked for money and training. In the end the kid got some training and a lot of free publicity to his new site where he sells advertising and makes a ton of money. Also a month or two after the whole deal he tries to sell two copies of all the legal documents on ebay for around $600. I know all this because I am part of a web community that he is part of too. MS might be harsh, but the kid knew exactly what he was doing, took advantage and is doing very well off!
  • #21
Greg Bernhardt said:
The_Professional, before you pronouce the kid innocent you should know a few facts. First of all he knew exactly what he was doing, the site was Immediately when MS confronted him he asked for money and training. In the end the kid got some training and a lot of free publicity to his new site where he sells advertising and makes a ton of money. Also a month or two after the whole deal he tries to sell two copies of all the legal documents on ebay for around $600. I know all this because I am part of a web community that he is part of too. MS might be harsh, but the kid knew exactly what he was doing, took advantage and is doing very well off!

I didn't say he was innocent. But he was poking fun. Good for him.

Another example of Microsoft suppressing freedom of speech is when they asked Slashdot to remove readers posts regarding one of their articles.

Microsoft Asks Slashdot To Remove Readers' Posts
  • #22
The_Professional said:
I didn't say he was innocent. But he was poking fun. Good for him.

Another example of Microsoft suppressing freedom of speech is when they asked Slashdot to remove readers posts regarding one of their articles.

Microsoft Asks Slashdot To Remove Readers' Posts

Personally I wouldn't say good for him. The kid admitted guilt by saying that he made his domain name sound like Microsoft's on purpose, which is basically extortion.
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  • #23
The_Professional said:
Now on to your question, how did Microsoft get angry? It's really simple actually, in fact let me pull my magic Windows XP Internet Explorer browser: They don't believe in Freedom of Speech. They are humorless nitwits.
This is not unique to Microsoft, all large companies take action on possible trademark infringement.
  • #24
Greg Bernhardt said:
Personally I wouldn't say good for him. The kid admitted guilt by saying that he made his domain name sound like Microsoft's on purpose, which is basically extortion.

I agree, if indeed he admitted. That in essence is extortion.
  • #25
So what does this Microsoft training do for him?

Does he get a job afterwards? If I was a Microsoft Exec (I should be. I am one of the remaining loyalest), I wouldn't want to hire someone who demanded to be trained simply because the company wanted his address deleted.
  • #26
Evo said:
This is not unique to Microsoft, all large companies take action on possible trademark infringement.
Uhmmm "Metalicca" Ooops sorry Greg, for the impending lawsuit...

Everyone has the right to the protection of their name, heck even me...

But I am thinking that I too like it without signatures everwhere, less distracting and less 'semi-used' reading space...sooo. you only know when you have learned, you need to try to learn, so you need to try, to know, and only then can you {successfully(?)} judge...ment...
  • #27
Evo said:
This is not unique to Microsoft, all large companies take action on possible trademark infringement.

That reminds me of a case against Uzi Nissan. A businessman selling computers Online. Using his last name as his domain name, the company filed a lawsuit against him saying that it was a violation. He lost the case. His site was taken down.

Although in this situation, I just think he can't afford a good lawyer. Nissan cars can afford a battery of good lawyers that rival OJ's.
  • #28
How was he able to register anyway?
  • #29
Chen said:
How was he able to register anyway?

Just like any other normal business. He has used the name Nissan ever since 1987, at that time Nissan Motor was known as Datsun.
  • #30
A businessman selling computers Online. Using his last name as his domain name, the company filed a lawsuit against him saying that it was a violation. He lost the case. His site was taken down.

That explains why Nissan's URL a couple of years back was: "" as opposed to just ""

I found that weird since every other company just used the name,,,
  • #31
Tsunami said:
Ya know, at first I was really missing the signatures. But after using this format for a while, I find that I really like not seeing them. The discussions seem to flow better without the distractions of them. One or two liners weren't bad, but the longer ones and the ones with pictures became a little annoying after a while.

I know what you mean. I've been to other forums where almost everyone had 5 to 15 cm signature images. There was more picture than text.

Very annoying, eventually gave up that forum.

FAQ: Adding a Signature Image: Pros & Cons

What are the benefits of adding a signature image?

Adding a signature image can make your emails or documents look more professional and visually appealing. It can also help to establish your personal brand and make your correspondence stand out.

What are the potential drawbacks of including a signature image?

Some email clients or document formats may not support images, so your signature image may not be visible to all recipients. Additionally, larger image files can increase the size of your emails or documents, which may be an issue for recipients with limited storage space.

Can adding a signature image improve my email or document's credibility?

While a signature image can make your correspondence look more professional, it alone does not necessarily improve credibility. The content and tone of your message are still the most important factors in establishing credibility.

Is it necessary to have a signature image in all of my emails or documents?

No, it is not necessary to have a signature image in all of your correspondence. It is a personal preference and may be more relevant for certain types of communication, such as business emails or formal documents.

Are there any best practices for choosing a signature image?

When choosing a signature image, it is important to keep it simple, relevant, and professional. Avoid using images that are too large or distracting, and make sure the image reflects your personal brand or the purpose of the email or document.

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