Understanding the Significance of Eigenvalues in Quantum Mechanics and Physics

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In summary, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and eigenfunctions are important concepts in quantum mechanics and physics in general because they correspond to observable quantities. This is due to an axiom known as the "Born Rule", which states that the observable values are the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator. This concept is similar to the necessity of operators being Hermitian to ensure real-valued observable quantities.
  • #1
So I understand the idea of eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and eigenfunctions corresponding to a given operator on some vector or function space. But I'm just wondering, why are eigenvalues so important in quantum mechanics and physics in general? What I mean is, why are scaled multiples of a given vector/function so important where as other characteristics of an operator seem to be less so?

Like for example, the L^2 operator for angular momentum. The eigenvalues of the spherical Laplace operator are l(l+1) and the corresponding eigenvalues for L^2 are:


But why are these the allowable values for angular momentum as opposed to any other arbitrary output of the Laplacian?

I hope this makes sense. Thank you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The straight answer is that it's an axiom.

The handwavy answer is that from the full Schroedinger equation, when we require time-independent solutions we get Hψ=Eψ. The wavefunction ψ is continuous, and after imposing boundary conditions, we get discrete energy eigenvalues that matched the observed discrete spectra of atoms. From here we generalize that the observed values for other observables are also eigenvalues.
  • #3
ah okay...so the concept is sort of similar to the fact that operators corresponding to observables must be Hermitian since we want them to be real valued; similar in the sense that it just happens to be that specific characteristic of the operator that is useful?
  • #4
The H in the equation in post #2 is the Hamiltonian operator.
  • #5
Right, I just meant that it seems like the use of eigenvalues is similar to the necessity that the operators be Hermitean; just a property that gives us what we want?
  • #6
Yup. This axiom is usually called the "Born Rule". It's bizarre but it works.
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  • #7
wow that is bizarre. Thanks so much atyy. There's got to be something deeper there it seems.

FAQ: Understanding the Significance of Eigenvalues in Quantum Mechanics and Physics

1. What is a simple eigenvalue?

A simple eigenvalue is an eigenvalue that has only one corresponding eigenvector. This means that the eigenvector is unique and there is no other linearly independent vector that satisfies the eigenvalue equation.

2. How do you determine if a matrix has a simple eigenvalue?

To determine if a matrix has a simple eigenvalue, you can compute the characteristic polynomial of the matrix and check for distinct roots. If the polynomial has only one distinct root, then the matrix has a simple eigenvalue.

3. Can a matrix have more than one simple eigenvalue?

Yes, a matrix can have more than one simple eigenvalue. This usually occurs when the matrix is diagonalizable, meaning it can be written as a diagonal matrix with distinct eigenvalues on the diagonal.

4. What is the significance of simple eigenvalues in linear algebra?

Simple eigenvalues are important in linear algebra because they represent the building blocks of more complex eigenvalues. They have a unique eigenvector, which can be used to understand the behavior of a matrix and its transformations on vector spaces.

5. How are simple eigenvalues used in real-world applications?

Simple eigenvalues have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. They are used to solve systems of differential equations, analyze the stability of dynamical systems, and compress large datasets, among other applications.

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