What's your Valentine's Day memory?

  • Thread starter Moses
  • Start date
In summary: Couple, been together for 4 years, broke up 2 years ago.Couple, been together for 4 years, broke up 2 years ago.
  • #71
Singel for the good of the commuinistic partie and the world :smile: .
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
LENIN said:
Singel for the good of the commuinistic partie and the world :smile: .

  • #73
Yeah, immagine a world ruled by someone who represents such bad spelling, our whole world would crash down upon us.
  • #74
Hey dudes,
I guess LENIN speaks english better than we speak his language, at least i guess so...i might be wrong :biggrin:

You LENIN watz up? I will not discues with you here the communist party nor captalism [both are total failrue in my eyes for humanity]. Still, being aiming to be single is not really good...

Well, by having a "wife" from the opposite gender, it is good foer the psychological balance in needs, and the biological desires, simply...
  • #75
I wasn't making fun of his language. I was afraid of the communist part.
  • #76
franznietzsche said:
I wasn't making fun of his language. I was afraid of the communist part.

Not you, it was directed to smurf, i say "dudes" so no body will feel a pressure of personal critism or disagreement.

Sorry for the misunderstanding occurs :cry:
  • #77
JasonRox said:
I must agree with getting the wrong girls all the time.

I meet lots of cool ones but I would have to say none of them fit my description, which is a flexible one.

As a math major, it is very hard to meet girls that will accept a math guy. Most of the time they will try and poorly convince you that other programs are better or math is a waste of time.

I'm not saying they wouldn't go out with me, but to talk and have conversations that, in my opinion, are lame is not what I am looking for.

Sounds a bit like me. All the cool ones I've met already have boyfriends so I'm already screwed there.

I'm also a math major, but I'm also dual majoring in computer science, so the girls think I'm doubly weird.

My biggest problem, I know, is that I just don't ask girls out. Other than the two I've told y'all about.
  • #78
Chrono said:
I'm also a math major, but I'm also dual majoring in computer science, so the girls think I'm doubly weird.

Hey hey, being a geek is cool now! You should be proud of your major
  • #79
Very clever Propro, passing a seemingly innocent comment in an all-singles thread when we all know you have been claimed, good try. :biggrin:
  • #80
The_Professional said:
Hey hey, being a geek is cool now! You should be proud of your major

Don't worry. I've been at it for three years now, I'm definitely not changing it just to get the girls. Besides, they may think I'm weird now, just wait until I get me a good job. I don't think it's weird to get a good paycheck.
  • #81
Chrono said:
Don't worry. I've been at it for three years now, I'm definitely not changing it just to get the girls. Besides, they may think I'm weird now, just wait until I get me a good job. I don't think it's weird to get a good paycheck.

There's always hope. Even Bill Gates found a wife...she's probably enjoying the last laugh mocking all those cheerleaders who refused to date a nerd (yeah, he's not a geek, he's a nerd, I'm positive about that).
  • #82
I used to think I was a geek and a nerd but apparently I am neither. Strange to me. :smile: Especially now I am not single. :-p

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #83
I love math more than girls, so that's a problem.
  • #84
JasonRox said:
I love math more than girls, so that's a problem.

Not really a problem as long as you can find math. It will make it easier to not mind being single.
  • #85
I don't mind being single at all.

Right now, all I want is someone to communicate with about mathematics in person. I have a friend who I talk to at school, but he's more into computers. We talk about math and all, but that's different because I would like to do Pure Math and talk with someone with similar interests.

Since I'm doing the Micheal Spivak Calculus textbook, I thought it would be nice to have someone else go through it with me. Girl or guy at this point anyways. Although I talk to the prof and he's giving me directions, I would still just like some sort of math club where everyone gets together and discusses particular problems relating to a chapter/section or problem.

By the way, anyone know any good Linear Algebra texts? I'm reading an online text and its doing fine. It happens to be much better than the one at school. I was also wondering how far in Linear Algebra should I go before do Abstract Algebra? The text goes all the way to Linear Transformations, Eigenvalues, and Complex Inner Product Spaces.

I figured I'd just ask.

I wouldn't mind something to play with on New Year's. :)
  • #86
JasonRox said:
I wouldn't mind something to play with on New Year's. :)

Don't feel too bad about it. Somehow I've managed to NEVER have a date on New Year's and I've survived. I don't really know why that is, just always seem to either break up with guys before New Years or don't start dating them until after...I guess that means I've never lasted a full year, huh? Well, I did with one, but he was spending New Years with his OTHER girlfriend...you'd have thought I'd have caught on when he was always busy for New Years and I wasn't asked to join him. That's what I get for letting him do his own thing without questioning it.
  • #87
JasonRox said:
By the way, anyone know any good Linear Algebra texts? I'm reading an online text and its doing fine. It happens to be much better than the one at school. I was also wondering how far in Linear Algebra should I go before do Abstract Algebra? The text goes all the way to Linear Transformations, Eigenvalues, and Complex Inner Product Spaces.

I figured I'd just ask.

I wouldn't mind something to play with on New Year's. :)

And I thought you were talking about Linear Algebra
  • #88
Moonbear said:
Don't feel too bad about it. Somehow I've managed to NEVER have a date on New Year's and I've survived. I don't really know why that is, just always seem to either break up with guys before New Years or don't start dating them until after...I guess that means I've never lasted a full year, huh? Well, I did with one, but he was spending New Years with his OTHER girlfriend...you'd have thought I'd have caught on when he was always busy for New Years and I wasn't asked to join him. That's what I get for letting him do his own thing without questioning it.
I don't stress too much about New Year's but there's that one awful day in the middle of February that, as a single gal, fills me with absolute dread.
Maybe I'll go to Vegas this year when that day rolls around. It's really hard to not have a good time in Vegas. Wanna come with, Moonbear? We'll find some trouble to get into. :devil: :biggrin: It'll be a hoot!
  • #89
Math Is Hard said:
I don't stress too much about New Year's but there's that one awful day in the middle of February that, as a single gal, fills me with absolute dread.
Maybe I'll go to Vegas this year when that day rolls around. It's really hard to not have a good time in Vegas. Wanna come with, Moonbear? We'll find some trouble to get into. :devil: :biggrin: It'll be a hoot!

Woo hoo! Valentine's trip to Vegas! I guess I'm not good at having dates for V-day either. Once, back in high school I did...that's about it. But that's usually my fault. One of the conferences I attend always has an abstract deadline on Feb 15, so guess what I'm doing all night on Feb 14? I actually commented about this once to one of the society officers and who knew that somehow nobody had ever thought to just change it? Now the deadline is a day or two different. :biggrin:

Though, V-day has never been such a big deal to me. Do you really need a special day to tell someone you love them?
  • #90
Moonbear said:
Woo hoo! Valentine's trip to Vegas! I guess I'm not good at having dates for V-day either. Once, back in high school I did...that's about it. But that's usually my fault. One of the conferences I attend always has an abstract deadline on Feb 15, so guess what I'm doing all night on Feb 14? I actually commented about this once to one of the society officers and who knew that somehow nobody had ever thought to just change it? Now the deadline is a day or two different. :biggrin:

Though, V-day has never been such a big deal to me. Do you really need a special day to tell someone you love them?

No, but people seem to need a specialday to tell me so.
  • #91
I'm 21 and I know what you mean by surviving so far. It really doesn't bother me at all.

Yes, I did mean do math...

ADD the bed...SUBSTRACT the clothes...DIVIDE the legs, now let's MULTIPLY.
  • #92
Moonbear said:
Though, V-day has never been such a big deal to me. Do you really need a special day to tell someone you love them?

I'm going to start using that day to be extra nice to the ladies I know (as if I wasn't nice enough). I figured I may just buy some Valentine's candy and just hand it out to them on that day or the day before.
  • #93
Yo JasonRex, do not forget to getthe square root, it's REALLY important :smile:
  • #94
Chrono said:
I'm going to start using that day to be extra nice to the ladies I know (as if I wasn't nice enough). I figured I may just buy some Valentine's candy and just hand it out to them on that day or the day before.
You are such a sweet and thoughtful person. I remember one valentine's day, one of my math teachers brought in little tiny gift bags of candy for the gals in our class. I thought that was so nice. :smile:
  • #95
Math Is Hard said:
You are such a sweet and thoughtful person. I remember one valentine's day, one of my math teachers brought in little tiny gift bags of candy for the gals in our class. I thought that was so nice. :smile:

:mad: Totally not fair. :mad:
  • #96
Math Is Hard said:
You are such a sweet and thoughtful person. I remember one valentine's day, one of my math teachers brought in little tiny gift bags of candy for the gals in our class. I thought that was so nice. :smile:

I figured they would like it. I'd do something more creative but I don't seem to think that way very much.
  • #97
JasonRox said:
:mad: Totally not fair. :mad:

and then he gave all the boys a really hard pop quiz. so they got something, too! :smile:
  • #98
Will my first date was in Val-day this year, after that i did need any more dates, just "go out".

Actually, after some earthquakes happened [being a mountian, thus not a big effect] i guess it will be my last date...EVER.

I am dating my math book, and cheating in his back with my physics book :smile: they both think it is ok, unsless i am not honest with them
  • #99
Math Is Hard said:
and then he gave all the boys a really hard pop quiz. so they got something, too! :smile:

He is actually teaching art in this way, this picture is a metaphore of:

Girls have sweet life, and we guys got the hard tests in dating and the surprise relplies :cry:
  • #100
Moses said:
He is actually teaching art in this way, this picture is a metaphore of:

Girls have sweet life, and we guys got the hard tests in dating and the surprise relplies :cry:
A+ for you, Moses. You catch on fast! :biggrin:
  • #101
When I was in grad school, a couple of us single gals got together one year and headed to the chocolate shop on Valentine's day. We bought each other a piece of chocolate, and then we could all say someone bought us candy on Valentine's day that year. :approve:

Valentine's day is also sort of depressing for me because that's the day my father was buried when I was only 14. He used to always buy a little present and box of chocolates for my sister and me for Valentine's day. He had gotten the chocolates for us before he died, so after the funeral, my mom gave my sister and me the boxes of chocolate he had gotten for us. Little red, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate remind me of that. (But those gold boxes of Godiva chocolates are just fine :biggrin:).
  • #102
aw, Moonbear, that's so sad - about your Dad. I'm sorry. (I am getting all teary now).
*sniff* That is a very touching story about the chocolates.
we must have a good v-day this year. See if you can get them to hold that conference in Vegas. I'll help you with your circadium rhythms research, ok? - I won't sleep the whole time we're in Vegas, I promise. Then you can measure what effect lack of sleep has on my luck at blackjack. What a great idea for a study, huh? I bet there's big grant money in that!

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